HSK words: Level 6 (new)

These are the HSK words in level 6. The list includes only new words, i.e. it does not include the words which are in levels 1 to 5.

Level (all words)123456    Level (new words)123456

1áilean to, in order, in sequence, next to, suffer (hunger), endure, drag out, delay, stall, play for time6
2爱不释手àibúshìshǒulove sth too much to part with it6
3爱戴àidàilove and esteem6
4暧昧àimèivague, shady, illicit6
7案件ànjiànlaw case6
8案例ànlìcase, case study6
10安宁ānníngpeaceful, calm6
11暗示ànshìto hint, to suggest, suggestion, a hint6
12安详ānxiángserene, sedate6
13安置ānzhìto find a place for, help settle down, put, arrange for6
14áoboil for a long time (when cooking), endure, suffer6
15奥秘àomìmystery, enigma6
16凹凸āotūwarp, warped, concave and convex6
18climb, pull (out), to strip, hold on to, cling to, dig up, rake, push aside, climb, crawl, snatch6
19巴不得bābudeanxious, look forward to6
20霸道bàdàooverbearing, tyranny6
21罢工bàgōngstrike, to go on strike6
22把关bǎguānto guard a pass, to check on sth6
23bāibreak off with fingers and thumb6
24拜访bàifǎngpay a visit, call on6
25败坏bàihuàito undermine, ruin, corrupt6
26拜年bàiniánpay a New Year call, wish sb a Happy New Year6
27拜托bàituōto request (sb to do sth)6
28摆脱bǎituōfree oneself from, get rid of6
29巴结bājieto fawn on, to curry favour with, to suck up to6
31bānspeckle, spot, stripe6
32版本bǎnběnedition, version6
33颁布bānbùto issue, to proclaim, to enact (laws, decrees etc)6
34颁发bānfāto award, issue6
35bàngpound (unit of measurement), scale, weigh, measure word6
36绑架bǎngjiàto kidnap, abduct, hijack6
37榜样bǎngyàngexample, model6
38伴侣bànlǚcompanion, mate, partner6
39伴随bànsuíto go with, accompany6
40半途而废bàntúérfèigive up halfway, leave sth unfinished6
41扮演bànyǎnact, represent6
42包庇bāobìshield, protect from6
43报酬bàochoureward, remuneration6
44报仇bàochóuto revenge (oneself), to avenge6
45报答bàodáto reciprocate, pay back, repay6
46爆发bàofāto erupt, burst out, break out6
47报复bàofùto retaliate, revenge, retaliation, reprisal6
49包袱bāofuload, burden, a bundle wrapped in cloth6
50保管bǎoguǎnto assure, to guarantee, to take care of, to safeguard, certainly, surely6
51曝光bàoguāngexposure (e.g. of photosensitive material), to expose (a scandal to the public)6
52饱和bǎohésaturated, saturation6
53报警bàojǐngreport (to the police)6
54饱经沧桑bǎojīngcāngsānghaving lived through many changes6
55暴力bàolìviolence, violent6
56暴露bàolùto expose, lay bare, divulge6
57保密bǎomìto keep secret, maintain secrecy6
58保姆bǎomǔnanny, housekeeper6
59保守bǎoshǒuto guard, keep, conservative6
60保卫bǎowèito defend, safeguard6
61包围bāowéisurround, encircle6
62报销bàoxiāosubmit an expense account, apply for reimbursement6
63保养bǎoyǎngto take good care of one's health, to keep in good repair, to maintain, maintenance6
64爆炸bàozhàexplode, blow up6
65保障bǎozhàngto ensure, guarantee, protection6
66保重bǎozhòngtake care of oneself6
67包装bāozhuāngpack, package6
68把手bǎshouhandle, knob6
69悲哀bēi'āisad, sorrowful, grieved6
70卑鄙bēibǐbase, despicable, vulgar6
75北极běijíNorth pole6
76贝壳bèikéshell, conch6
77背叛bèipànto betray6
78背诵bèisòngto recite, repeat from memory6
79备忘录bèiwànglùnote, memo6
80奔波bēnbōrush about, be busy doing6
81奔驰bēnchírun quickly6
82béngdon't, needn't6
83bèngjump, bounce, hop6
84迸发bèngfāto burst out, to gush, to spurt6
85崩溃bēngkuìcollapse, break down, fall apart6
88本人běnrénI, me, myself, oneself6
89本身běnshēnitself, in itself6
90本事běnshiskill, ability, capability6
94遍布biànbùfound everywhere, ubiquitous, spread all over6
95鞭策biāncèto urge on, encourage sb (to make progress)6
96贬低biǎndīto belittle, demean, degrade, devalue6
97变故biàngùmisfortune, accident6
98辩护biànhùto plead, speak in defence of6
99边疆biānjiāngborder area, borderland, frontier6
100辩解biànjiěto explain, to justify, to defend (a point of view etc), to provide an explanation, to try to defend oneself6
101边界biānjièboundary, border6
102边境biānjìngborder, frontier6
103便利biànlìconvenient, easy, facilitate6
104变迁biànqiānvicissitude, change6
105辨认biànrènto recognize, to identify6
106便条biàntiáoinformal note6
107贬义biǎnyìderogatory sense6
108便于biànyúeasy to, convenient for6
109边缘biānyuánedge, fringe, brink6
111变质biànzhìto deteriorate6
112编织biānzhīknit, weave6
113辫子biànziplait, braid, pigtail, a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent, handle6
114标本biāoběnspecimen, demo6
115标记biāojìmark, sign, symbol6
116表决biǎojuéto vote6
117表态biǎotàideclare one's position6
118标题biāotítitle, heading, headline, caption, subject6
119表彰biǎozhāngcommend, cite6
121弊端bìduānmalpractice, abuse6
122biēhold back, choke, restrain, hold in (urine)6
123别扭bièniuunnatural, awkward6
124别墅biéshùvilla, chateau6
125别致biézhìunusual, unique6
126比方bǐfanginstance, analogy6
127bǐngthe third of the ten Heavenly Stems, third6
128冰雹bīngbáohail, hailstone6
129并非bìngfēireally isn't6
130并列bìnglièto stand side by side, to be juxtaposed6
131濒临bīnlínon the verge of6
132逼迫bīpòforce, compel6
133闭塞bìsèstop up, unenlightened, hard to get to6
134鄙视bǐshìdespise, disdain, look down on6
135鼻涕bítìnasal mucus, snot6
136比喻bǐyùmetaphor, analogy, figure of speech, figuratively6
137比重bǐzhòngspecific gravity, proportion6
138move sth with hand/foot/stick, turn, dial, assign6
139博大精深bódàjīngshēnof extensive knowledge and deep scholarship6
140搏斗bódòuto struggle, fight6
141波浪bōlàngwave (of water)6
143伯母bómǔaunt, wife of father's elder brother6
144薄弱bóruòweak, frail6
146剥削bōxuēexploit, exploitation6
147播种bōzhòngto sow seeds, sowing, seed6
148补偿bǔchángcompensate, make up for6
149不得已bùdéyǐhave no alternative but to6
150步伐bùfámarch, pace, step6
151不妨bùfángmight as well, no harm in6
152不敢当bùgǎndāngyou flatter me6
153布告bùgàoposting on a bulletin board, notice, bulletin, to announce6
154不顾búgùhave no consideration for, have no regard for, regardless of, in spite of6
155不禁bùjīncannot help, cannot refrain from6
156补救bǔjiùrepair, remedy6
157布局bùjúdistribution, layout6
158不堪bùkāncan't bear, can't stand6
159不可思议bùkěsīyìincredible, inconceivable6
160不愧búkuìbe worthy of, deserve to be called, prove oneself to be, creditably6
161不料búliàounexpectedly, to one's surprise6
162不免bùmiǎninevitably, would naturally6
163哺乳bǔrǔbreast feed6
164不时bùshíoften, frequently, at any time, now and again6
165部署bùshǔdispose, deploy, deployment, plan6
166补贴bǔtiēto subsidise, subsidy, allowance6
167部位bùwèiposition, place6
168不惜bùxīnot spare, not hesitate6
169不像话búxiànghuàoutrageous, shocking6
170不相上下bùxiāngshàngxiàabout the same, equally matched6
171不屑一顾búxièyígùbe beneath sb6
172不言而喻bùyánéryùit is self-evident6
173不由得bùyóudecan't help, cannot but6
174不择手段bùzéshǒuduànby hook or by crook6
175布置bùzhìto fix up, arrange, decorate6
176不止bùzhǐbe not limited to, be more than, not stop6
177捕捉bǔzhuōcatch, seize, capture6
178裁缝cáifengtailor, dressmaker6
179财富cáifùriches, wealth6
180才干cáigànability, competence6
181采购cǎigòuto purchase6
182采集cǎijíto gather, to collect, to harvest6
183采纳cǎinàto accept6
184裁判cáipànjudge, umpire, act as referee, referee6
185彩票cǎipiàolottery ticket6
186财务cáiwùfinancial affairs6
187裁员cáiyuánto cut staff, layoff, downsize6
188财政cáizhènggovernment finance, public economy6
189cāngcabin, hold (of a ship or aeroplane)6
190苍白cāngbáipale, wan, pallid6
192仓库cāngkùstorehouse, warehouse, depot6
193残疾cánjídeformity, physical disability6
194残酷cánkùcruel, brutal6
195灿烂cànlànbright, splendid, brilliant, magnificent6
196残留cánliúresidual, left over, remnant6
197参谋cānmóugive advice, staff officer6
198残忍cánrěnbrutal, cruel6
199参照cānzhàoto refer to (another document)6
200草案cǎo'ànprotocol, draft (of a plan, decree, regulation etc.)6
201操劳cāoláowork hard6
202操练cāoliàndrill, practice6
203草率cǎoshuàicareless, slapdash, cursory6
204嘈杂cáozátumult, hubbub, noisy6
205操纵cāozònghandle, control, operate, manipulate, rig6
206操作cāozuòoperate, manipulate6
207策划cèhuàto plan, hatch, plot, scheme6
208测量cèliángsurvey, to measure, to gauge, to determine6
209策略cèlüètactic, policy6
210侧面cèmiànside, flank6
211层出不穷céngchūbùqióngemerge in an endless stream6
212层次céngcìarrangement of ideas, administrative level, level, stage, phase6
213chàturn off, fork (in a road, river etc.)6
214差别chābiédifference, disparity, distinction6
215查获cháhuòhunt down and seize, ferret out6
216柴油cháiyóudiesel oil6
218chānmix, support, assist by the arm6
219刹那chànàin a instant6
220颤抖chàndǒutremble, shiver, shake6
221倡导chàngdǎoto advocate, be a proponent of6
222场合chǎnghéoccasion, situation6
223偿还chánghuánto repay, compensate6
224敞开chǎngkāiwide open, to open up6
225场面chǎngmiànscene, spectacle, occasion, appearance6
227尝试chángshìattempt, try6
228场所chǎngsuǒlocation, place6
229畅通chàngtōngunimpeded, unblocked6
230畅销chàngxiāosell well6
231倡议chàngyìto suggest, to initiate, proposal, initiative6
232缠绕chánràoto twist, twine, wind, pester, bother6
233阐述chǎnshùto expound, elaborate (on a topic)6
234产业chǎnyèindustry, estate, property, industrial6
236潮流cháoliútide, tidal current, trend6
237钞票chāopiàobill, note, paper currency6
238嘲笑cháoxiàoto jeer, scoff, sneer, make fun of, laugh at6
239巢穴cháoxuélair, hangout, robber's den6
240超越chāoyuèexceed, surpass6
242插座chāzuòsocket, power outlet6
243沉淀chéndiànto settle, precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)6
244chéngto hold, contain, to ladle, pick up with a utensil, surname6
245chéngto ride, make use of, multiply (mathematics)6
246chéngorange tree, the colour orange, orange6
248承办chéngbànto undertake, to accept a contract6
249城堡chéngbǎocastle, rook (chess piece)6
250承包chéngbāocontract (with), assume full responsibility6
251成本chéngběncost (manufacturing, production)6
252惩罚chéngfáto punish, punishment, penalty6
253称号chēnghàotitle, term of address6
254成交chéngjiāoto complete a contract, reach a deal6
255承诺chéngnuòpromise, commitment6
256澄清chéngqīngclear (of liquid), limpid, to clarify, to make sth clear, to be clear (about the facts)6
257成天chéngtiānall day long, all the time6
258呈现chéngxiànshow, appear, take on, present6
259成效chéngxiàoeffect, result6
260成心chéngxīnintentional, deliberate, on purpose6
262诚挚chéngzhìsincere, cordial, earnest6
264陈列chénlièto display, exhibit, show6
265沉闷chénmènoppressive, withdrawn6
266陈述chénshùto declare, state, mention6
267沉思chénsīto muse, ponder, meditate, contemplate6
268衬托chèntuōto set off, relieve6
269称心如意chènxīnrúyìeverything one could wish for6
270沉重chénzhòngheavy, hard, serious, critical6
271沉着chénzhuócomposed, cool headed6
272撤退chètuìto withdraw, retreat6
273撤销chèxiāorepeal, retract6
275迟钝chídùnslow (witted)6
276迟缓chíhuǎnsluggish, slow6
277持久chíjiǔenduring, lasting, persistent6
278吃苦chīkǔbear hardships, suffer6
279吃力chīlìstrenuous, painstaking, tiring, wearing6
281赤字chìzìdeficit, red ink6
282崇拜chóngbàiworship, adore, adoration6
283充当chōngdāngact as, serve as6
285冲动chōngdòngimpulse, impulsive6
286崇高chónggāolofty, high, sublime6
287冲击chōngjīimpact, shock, pound, attack6
288崇敬chóngjìngrespect, revere6
289充沛chōngpèiabundant, plentiful6
290充实chōngshísubstantial, rich, to substantiate, enrich, fill6
291冲突chōngtūcollide, conflict, clash, collision6
292充足chōngzúadequate, abundant6
293筹备chóubèito make preparations, get ready for sth6
294丑恶chǒu'èugly, repulsive6
295稠密chóumìthick, dense6
296chúremove, do away with, wipe out, divide, except6
297chuànstring together, mix up, bunch, cluster, measure word (for rows or strings)6
298船舶chuánbóshipping, boats6
299传达chuándáto convey, transmit, communicate6
300传单chuándānleaflet, flier, pamphlet6
301床单chuángdānbed sheet6
302创立chuànglìfound, establish, initiate6
303创新chuàngxīninnovate, innovation, creativity, fresh idea6
304创业chuàngyèto begin an undertaking, to start a major task, to initiate, to venture, venture6
305创作chuàngzuòcreate, write, creative work6
306川流不息chuānliúbùxīa constant flow (of traffic, people etc.)6
307喘气chuǎnqìto breathe deeply, to pant6
308传授chuánshòuto impart, to pass on, to teach6
309穿越chuānyuèpass through, cross, overcome6
310储备chǔbèireserves, to store up6
311初步chūbùinitial, preliminary6
312储存chǔcúnstockpile, to store, to stockpile, storage6
313触犯chùfànto offend, violate6
314处分chǔfènpunishment, punish6
316吹牛chuīniúbrag, boast6
317吹捧chuīpěngflatter, adulation6
318炊烟chuīyānsmoke (from chimneys)6
319垂直chuízhíperpendicular, vertical6
320处境chǔjìngplight, unfavourable situation6
321出路chūlùway out, outlet6
322出卖chūmàibetray, sell out, sell6
323纯粹chúncuìpure, purely, purity6
324纯洁chúnjiépure, unadulterated, purify, cleanse6
326出身chūshēnbe born into, origin, family background6
327出息chūxiprospect, aspiration, promise6
328储蓄chǔxùto save up, deposit money6
329处置chǔzhìto handle, to take care of, to punish6
330thorn, sting, prick, pierce, stab, thrust6
331磁带cídàimagnetic tape6
332伺候cìhouto wait upon, serve6
333次品cìpǐndefective goods6
334慈善císhàncharity, philanthropy6
335慈祥cíxiángkind, kindly, mercy6
336雌雄cíxióngmale and female6
337次序cìxùorder, sequence6
338cóngclump, tussock, thicket, grove, crowd, collection6
339从容cóngróngleisurely, calm, plentiful, sufficient, enough6
340凑合còuheto bring together, to make do in a bad situation, to improvise6
341cuànflee, scurry, change (wording)6
342摧残cuīcándevastate, wreck6
343脆弱cuìruòflimsy, frail6
344粗鲁cūlǔrude, crude6
345cuōtwist, twine, rub, scrub6
346磋商cuōshāngto consult, to discuss seriously, to negotiate, to confer, negotiations, consultations6
347挫折cuòzhésetback, reverse, defeat, frustration6
348put up, build6
349打包dǎbāoto pack, wrap, ask for a doggy bag (at restaurant)6
350答辩dábiànto reply (to an accusation)6
351大不了dàbuliǎoat worst, if worst comes to worst6
353达成dáchéngreach (agreement), conclude (negotiation)6
354搭档dādàngto cooperate, partner6
355答复dáfùto reply, answer6
356打官司dǎguānsito sue, file a lawsuit6
358逮捕dàibǔarrest, apprehend6
359代价dàijiàcost, price, expense6
360代理dàilǐto act as an agent, deputise6
361带领dàilǐngto lead, guide, direct6
362怠慢dàimànto neglect, treat sb in a cold manner6
363歹徒dǎitúgangster, mobster6
364打击dǎjīto hit, to strike, to attack6
365打架dǎjiàto fight, to scuffle, to come to blows6
366打量dǎliangto size sb up, to take measure of, to suppose, to reckon6
367打猎dǎlièto go hunting6
369担保dānbǎoto guarantee, to vouch for6
371dǎngparty, association, club, society, surname6
372档案dàng'ànfiles, archives, records, dossiers6
373当场dāngchǎngon the spot6
374当初dāngchūin the beginning, at that time, originally6
375档次dàngcìgrade, class, quality, level6
376当代dāngdàipresent time, contemporary age, nowadays6
377当面dāngmiànface to face, in sb's presence6
378当前dāngqiánpresent, current6
379当事人dāngshìrénclient, persons involved or implicated6
380当务之急dāngwùzhījíurgent matter6
381当选dāngxuǎnbe elected6
382淡季dànjìlow season6
383胆怯dǎnqiètimid, cowardly6
384诞生dànshēngbe born, come into being, be founded6
385淡水dànshuǐfresh water6
386倒闭dǎobìto go bankrupt, close down6
387导弹dǎodànguided missile6
388稻谷dàogǔpaddy, unhulled rice6
389导航dǎohángto navigate, navigation6
390捣乱dǎoluànto disturb, look for trouble6
391盗窃dàoqièsteal, pilfer6
392导向dǎoxiàngto be oriented towards, orientation6
393搭配dāpèito pair, match, arrange (in pairs)6
394大肆dàsìwithout restraint, wantonly6
395大体dàtǐin general6
396大意dàyimain idea, general idea, gist, main points6
397打仗dǎzhàngto go to war, make war, fight6
398大致dàzhìgeneral, rough, overall6
399得不偿失débùchángshīthe gains do not make up for the losses6
400得力délìable, capable, competent, efficient6
401dèngstare, glare with displeasure6
402dēngpedal, step on, press with the foot6
403等候děnghòuwait, await, expect6
404等级děngjígrade, rank, degree, rate6
406登陆dēnglùdisembark, land, make landfall (of typhoon etc.)6
407登录dēnglùto register, login6
408得天独厚détiāndúhòurich in resources (of an area of land), gifted (of a person)6
409得罪dézuìto commit an offense, to violate the law6
410diànmat, pad, cushion6
411颠簸diānbǒto bump, jolt, shake6
412颠倒diāndǎoto reverse, turn upside-down6
413奠定diàndìngto establish, found, build up (a foundation)6
414惦记diànjìremember with concern, worry about6
415典礼diǎnlǐceremony, celebration, ritual, rite6
416典型diǎnxíngtypical case, model, typical, representative6
417电源diànyuánpower supply6
418点缀diǎnzhuìto enhance, beautify, intersperse6
419diàoto hang, suspend, hang a person6
420diāoto hold in the mouth6
421调动diàodòngto transfer, to manoeuvre (troops etc.)6
422雕刻diāokèto carve, engrave, sculpt, carving6
423雕塑diāosùsculpture, statue, sculpt, carve6
425地步dìbùcondition, plight, extent, degree6
426抵达dǐdáarrive, reach (a destination)6
427diēfall down6
428抵抗dǐkàngto resist, withstand, resistance6
429dīngfourth Heavenly Stem, fourth, surname6
430dīnggaze at, stare at, fix one's eyes on6
431定期dìngqīregular schedule, at regular intervals, periodical6
433叮嘱dīngzhǔurge again and again, exhort, warn6
434敌视díshìbe hostile to, antagonise6
435地势dìshìterrain, topography in terms of strategic significance6
436丢人diūrénlose face6
437丢三落四diūsānlàsìforgetful, scatterbrained6
438递增dìzēngincrease by degrees6
440抵制dǐzhìto resist, to boycott, to refuse (to cooperate), resistance, refusal6
441dòngmeasure word (for buildings)6
442动荡dòngdàngunrest (social or political), turmoil, upheaval, commotion6
444动机dòngjīmotive, intention, motivation, inner drive6
445冻结dòngjiéto freeze (loan, wage, price etc)6
446动静dòngjingsound and movement, activity, happening6
447动力dònglìpower, motion, propulsion, force6
449动身dòngshēnto leave, go on a journey6
450董事长dǒngshìzhǎngchairman (of the board)6
451动手dòngshǒuto hit with hands or fists, to start work, to touch6
452动态dòngtàidevelopment, trend, dynamic state, movement, moving6
453动员dòngyuánto arouse, mobilise6
454东张西望dōngzhāngxīwàngto glance around, look in all directions6
455dōupocket, wrap up6
456陡峭dǒuqiàosteep, precipitous6
457斗争dòuzhēngfight, struggle, combat6
458duānend, extremity, item, port, to hold sth level with both hands, to carry, regular6
459短促duǎncùvery brief6
460断定duàndìngto conclude, determine, come to a judgment6
461断绝duànjuébreak off, sever6
462端午节duānwǔjiéDragon Boat Festival6
463端正duānzhèngupright, regular, proper, correct6
465独裁dúcáidictatorship, autocracy6
466督促dūcùto urge sb to complete a task6
468对称duìchènsymmetrical, symmetry6
469对付duìfudeal with6
470堆积duījīpile up, heap up, accumulate6
471对抗duìkàngto withstand, resist, antagonise, antagonism6
472对立duìlìoppose, counter, go against6
473对联duìliánrhyming couplet, pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway6
474队伍duìwutroops, ranks6
475兑现duìxiànto cash (a cheque etc.), honour a commitment6
476对应duìyìngto correspond, correspondence, matching6
477对照duìzhàoto contrast, compare, place side by side (for comparison)6
478杜绝dùjuéput an end to6
479顿时dùnshíimmediately, at once, suddenly6
480堕落duòluòdegenerate, corrupt6
481哆嗦duōsuoshiver, tremble, quiver6
482多元化duōyuánhuàdiversify, diversification6
483毒品dúpǐndrugs, narcotics, poison6
484堵塞dǔsèto block, stop, blockage6
485恶化èhuàworsen, deteriorate, exacerbate6
486恩怨ēnyuànfeeling of resentment, grudge6
487二氧化碳èryǎnghuàtàncarbon dioxide6
488而已éryǐnothing more6
489额外éwàiextra, additional6
490恶心ěxinfeel like vomiting, feel sick, be disgusted6
491遏制èzhìto restrain, hold back6
492发布fābùto issue, put out, announce6
493发财fācáito get rich6
494发呆fādāilost in thought, to stare blankly6
495发动fādòngto start, launch, arouse6
496发觉fājuéto become aware, sense, realise, discover, detect6
497fāntime, kind, sort, measure word (for acts)6
498反驳fǎnbóto retort, contradict, refute6
501反感fǎngǎnto be disgusted with, to dislike, bad reaction, antipathy6
502放大fàngdàenlarge, amplify6
503放射fàngshèto radiate, radioactive6
504防守fángshǒudefend, guard (against)6
505方位fāngwèiorientation, bearing6
506访问fǎngwènto visit, call on6
508防御fángyùdefend and resist, guard, defence6
510方针fāngzhēnpolicy, principle6
511防治fángzhìprevent and treat (diseases)6
512防止fángzhǐto prevent, avoid, guard against6
513纺织fǎngzhīspinning and weaving, textile6
514繁华fánhuáflourishing, bustling6
515反抗fǎnkàngto resist, to rebel6
516反馈fǎnkuìto send back information, feedback6
517泛滥fànlànflood, overflow, spread unchecked6
518贩卖fànmàito sell, peddle, traffic, deal in6
519繁忙fánmángbusy, bustling6
520反面fǎnmiànreverse side of sth, opposite side of some topic6
521反射fǎnshèto reflect, reflection (from a mirror etc), reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)6
522凡是fánshìevery, any, all, without exception6
523反思fǎnsīto think back over sth, to review, to revisit, to rethink, reflection, reassessment6
524繁体字fántǐzìtraditional Chinese character6
525反问fǎnwènto ask (a question) in reply, to answer a question with a question, rhetorical question6
526繁殖fánzhípropagate, breed, reproduce6
527反之fǎnzhīon the other hand, conversely6
528法人fǎrénlegal person6
529发射fāshèto shoot (a projectile), to fire (a rocket), to launch, to emit (a particle), to discharge, emanation, emission6
530发誓fāshìto vow, to pledge, to swear6
531发行fāxíngto publish, to issue (stocks, currency etc.), to release, to distribute (a film)6
532发炎fāyáninflamed from infection or injury, inflammation6
533发扬fāyángto develop, make full use of6
534发育fāyùto develop, growth, development6
536诽谤fěibàngslander, defame6
537废除fèichúabolish, annul, abrogate, repeal6
539废寝忘食fèiqǐnwàngshíbe so absorbed as to forget to eat and sleep6
540飞禽走兽fēiqínzǒushòuthe birds and the beasts6
541沸腾fèiténgboil, seethe with excitement6
544废墟fèixūruins, remains of a place destroyed6
545飞跃fēiyuèto leap6
546分辨fēnbiàndefend oneself against a charge6
547分寸fēncunproper limits for speech or action6
548吩咐fēnfùto instruct, command6
549féngmeet, come upon6
551封闭fēngbìto seal, close, confine, seal off, confined, closed6
552风度fēngdùelegance (for men), elegant demeanour, grace, poise6
553风光fēngguāngscene, sight, landscape6
554封建fēngjiànfeudal, feudalism6
555锋利fēnglìsharp (e.g. knife blade), incisive, to the point6
557风气fēngqìgeneral mood, atmosphere, common practice6
558风趣fēngqùhumour, wit, humorous, witty6
560丰收fēngshōubumper harvest6
561封锁fēngsuǒblockade, seal off, cut off from the outside world6
562风土人情fēngtǔrénqínglocal customs6
563风味fēngwèilocal flavour, local style6
564奉献fèngxiàndedicate, devote6
565分红fēnhónga bonus, to award a bonus6
566分解fēnjiěto decompose, resolve, break down, recount6
567分量fènliàngweight, measure6
568分裂fēnlièto split, break up, divide, separate6
569分泌fēnmìto secrete6
570分明fēnmíngclear, distinct, obvious, plain6
571粉末fěnmòdust, powder6
573愤怒fènnùangry, indignant6
574分歧fēnqídifference (of opinion, position), bifurcation6
575分散fēnsàndistract, divert, decentralise, disperse, distribute6
576粉色fěnsèlight pink, erotic6
577粉碎fěnsuìbreak into pieces, grind, smash, shatter, crush6
578否决fǒujuéveto, reject, overrule6
579secondary, auxiliary, deputy, assistant, vice-, measure word (for pairs)6
580腐败fǔbàicorrupt, corruption6
581服从fúcóngto obey (an order), comply, defer6
582负担fùdānburden, to bear a burden6
583幅度fúdùwidth, extent, range, scope6
584夫妇fūfùhusband and wife, married couple6
585覆盖fùgàioverlay, cover with6
586符号fúhàosymbol, mark6
587附和fùhèparrot, copy sb's action or words6
588复活fùhuóto bring back to life, to revive, resurrection6
589附件fùjiànenclosure, attachment (email)6
590腐烂fǔlànrot, perish6
591福利fúlìwelfare, well-being6
593抚摸fǔmōto stroke, rub, caress6
594福气fúqigood fortune, to enjoy good fortune6
595服气fúqìbe convinced6
596夫人fūrénlady, madam, Mrs6
598腐蚀fǔshíerode, corrode, corrupt, pervert6
599俯视fǔshìoverlook, dominance6
600附属fùshǔsubordinate, pertain to6
602复兴fùxīngto revive, renew6
603腐朽fǔxiǔrotten, decayed, mouldering, degenerate, decadent6
604敷衍fūyǎnplay at, perfunctory6
605抚养fǔyǎngto foster, bring up, raise6
606富裕fùyùprosperous, wealthy, well-to-do, well-off, rich6
607赋予fùyǔto give, bestow, entrust (a task)6
608辅助fǔzhùto assist, aid6
610改良gǎiliángto improve, better, reform, amend6
611盖章gàizhāngto affix a seal6
612尴尬gāngàawkward, embarrassed6
613杠杆gànggǎnlever, pry, bar6
614港口gǎngkǒuport, harbour6
615纲领gānglǐngguiding principle, program, platform6
616港湾gǎngwānharbour, bay6
617岗位gǎngwèipost, station6
618干旱gānhàndrought, arid, dry6
619干劲gànjìnvigour, drive, enthusiasm, energy6
620感慨gǎnkǎilament, with a tinge of emotion or regret6
621感染gǎnrǎninfection, to infect, to influence6
622干扰gānrǎoto interfere, disturb, obstruct, interference, disturbance6
623干涉gānshèto interfere, intervene, interference6
624干预gānyùto meddle, to intervene, intervention6
625高潮gāocháohigh tide, upsurge, climax, orgasm6
626高超gāochāooutstanding, superb, excellent6
627告辞gàocíto say goodbye, bid farewell, take leave6
628高峰gāofēngpeak, pinnacle, acme, apex, zenith6
629稿件gǎojiànrough draft, material contributing to a final document6
630告诫gàojièto warn, caution6
632高尚gāoshàngnoble, lofty, sublime6
633高涨gāozhǎngupsurge, run high (of tensions etc.)6
634to cut6
635lay, put aside6
636疙瘩gēdalump, pimple6
637隔阂géhéestrangement, misunderstanding, gulf, barrier6
638格局géjústructure, pattern, layout6
639隔离gélíto insulate, separate6
640革命gémìngrevolution, revolutionary (politics)6
641耕地gēngdìarable land, cultivated land6
642更新gēngxīnto renovate, renew6
643更正gēngzhèngto correct, to make a correction6
644跟前gēnqiánin front of, near, close to6
645根深蒂固gēnshēndìgùdeep rooted (problem etc)6
646跟随gēnsuíto follow6
647根源gēnyuánorigin, root, source6
648跟踪gēnzōngrun after, tail6
649格式géshiform, specification, format6
650各抒己见gèshūjǐjiànto air views6
651歌颂gēsòngsing the praises of, extol, eulogise6
653鸽子gēzipigeon, dove6
654公安局gōng'ānjúpolice station, PSB (Public Security Bureau)6
655供不应求gōngbúyìngqiúsupply falls short of demand6
656公道gōngdaofair, just6
657宫殿gōngdiànimperial palace6
659巩固gǒnggùstrong, solidify, consolidate, strengthen6
660公关gōngguānpublic relations6
662共计gòngjìto count up to, sum up to6
663供给gōngjǐto provide, furnish6
664攻击gōngjīto attack, to accuse, to charge, an attack (terrorist or military)6
665恭敬gōngjìngdutiful, respectful6
666攻克gōngkèto capture, take, seize6
667功劳gōngláocredit, contribution, outstanding service6
669共鸣gòngmíngphysical resonance, sympathetic response to sth6
670公然gōngránopenly, publicly, undisguised6
671公认gōngrènpublicly known (to be), accepted (as)6
672公式gōngshìformula, any established or conventional method6
673公务gōngwùofficial business6
676公正gōngzhèngjust, fair, equitable6
678勾结gōujiéto collude with, to collaborate with, to gang up with6
679构思gòusīto outline a story, to make a preliminary sketch, conceive, design6
680钩子gōuzihook, hook-like object, tick, check mark6
681拐杖guǎizhàngcrutch, walking stick6
682guànpot, jar, pitcher, jug6
683贯彻guànchècarry out, implement6
684官方guānfāngby the government official6
686光彩guāngcǎilustre, splendour, brilliance, gloss, honourable, glorious6
687光辉guānghuīradiance, brilliance, brilliant, glorious, glory6
688广阔guǎngkuòvast, wide6
689光芒guāngmángrays of light6
690光荣guāngróngglory, honour6
691观光guānguāngto tour, sightseeing, tourism6
692关怀guānhuáicare for, show solicitude for, be concerned about6
693惯例guànlìtradition, routine6
694管辖guǎnxiáto administer, to have jurisdiction (over)6
695关照guānzhàolook after, keep an eye on6
696鼓动gǔdòngto agitate, arouse, instigate, incite6
700股份gǔfènshare (in a company), stock6
701辜负gūfùlet down, fail to live up to, be unworthy of, disappoint6
702骨干gǔgàndiaphysis (long segment of a bone), backbone (figurative)6
703古怪gǔguàieccentric, grotesque6
705轨道guǐdàotrack, rail, orbit, trajectory6
706规范guīfànnorm, standard6
707规格guīgéstandard, norm, specification6
708归根到底guīgēndàodǐto sum up, in the final analysis6
709规划guīhuàplan, program, layout, project, blueprint6
710归还guīhuánto return sth, to revert6
711规章guīzhāngrule, regulation6
713孤立gūlìisolated, isolate6
716过度guòdùexcessive, excess, over-6
717过渡guòdùtransition, interim, caretaker (administration)6
718果断guǒduànfirm, decisive6
719国防guófángnational defence6
720过奖guòjiǎngto over praise, flatter6
721过滤guòlǜto filter, filter6
722过失guòshīdefect, fault6
723过问guòwènto show an interest in, to get involved with6
724国务院guówùyuànState Council (in China), State Department (in the US)6
725过瘾guòyǐnsatisfying, fulfilling6
726过于guòyútoo, excessively6
727姑且gūqiětemporarily, the time being, for the moment, provisional, tentatively6
728固然gùránit is true, admittedly, no doubt, indeed, certainly6
729固体gùtǐsolid, solid body6
730顾问gùwènconsultant, adviser6
732雇佣gùyōngemploy, hire6
733固有gùyǒuintrinsic to sth, inherent6
734故障gùzhàngmalfunction, fault, hitch, bug (in software)6
736hāioh alas6
737海拔hǎibáelevation, altitude, height above sea level6
740行列hánglièprocession, rows and columns, ranks and files6
741航天hángtiānspace flight6
742航行hángxíngto sail, fly, travel (by boat, navigate, plane, spacecraft)6
743含糊hánhuambiguous, vague, unsure, careless, perfunctory6
744罕见hǎnjiànrare, rarely seen6
745捍卫hànwèidefend, guard6
746寒暄hánxuānexchange of conventional greetings6
747含义hányìsignification, meaning6
748耗费hàofèito waste, spend, consume6
749豪迈háomàiheroic, bold6
751毫无háowúnot in the least, none whatsoever, completely without6
752号召hàozhàosummon, call up, appeal, call6
753oh, ah (to express surprise)6
754和蔼hé'ǎikind, good-tempered6
755合并hébìngto merge, to annex6
756合成héchéngsynthesise, compound, join to form6
757合伙héhuǒto act jointly, to form a partnership6
759和解héjiěsettle, compromise6
760和睦hémùconcord, harmony6
761恨不得hènbudehate that one cannot, really want to6
762hénghorizontal, across, horizontal character stroke6
763hēnghum, croon, groan, huh6
764痕迹hénjìtrail, mark, trace, vestige6
765狠心hěnxīncallous, heartless6
767合算hésuànworthwhile, be worth the cost, pay6
769hōngresound with laughter, deceive, coax, have a hilarious time, riot6
770hōngdry or warm by the fire6
771轰动hōngdòngto make a sensation, make a stir6
772宏观hóngguānmacroscopic, macro-6
773洪水hóngshuǐflood, floodwater6
774宏伟hóngwěigrand, imposing, magnificent6
775hǒuroar, howl, shout, yell, generate loud sound6
776后代hòudàioffspring, descendant, posterity, later generation6
777后顾之忧hòugùzhīyōuworries (family, future etc.)6
778喉咙hóulóngthroat, pharynx and larynx6
779后勤hòuqínrear service, logistics6
782化肥huàféichemical fertiliser6
783划分huàfēndivide up6
784花蕾huālěiflower bud6
785华丽huálìmagnificent, gorgeous6
786huàngdazzle, sway, to shade6
789黄昏huánghūntwilight, dusk, sundown, sunset6
791荒谬huāngmiùridiculous, nonsensical, absurd6
792恍然大悟huǎngrándàwùsuddenly see the light6
794缓和huǎnhéassuage, ease up, mitigated, relaxed6
795环节huánjiélink, segment (of annelid worms)6
796欢乐huānlèhappy, joyous, gay, delighted, cheerful6
797还原huányuánto restore to the original state, reduction (chemistry)6
798患者huànzhěpatient (in a hospital), sick person6
799华侨huáqiáooverseas Chinese6
800画蛇添足huàshétiānzúruin by adding sth superfluous (lit. draw legs on a snake)6
803化验huàyànchemically examine, conduct a lab test, assay6
804化妆huàzhuāngto put on make-up6
805呼唤hūhuànshout, call out6
806回报huíbàoreciprocation, payback, in return6
807汇报huìbàoto report, to give an account of, to collect information and report back6
808回避huíbìto evade, to shun, to avoid6
809回顾huígùto review, look back6
810悔恨huǐhènregret, lament6
811辉煌huīhuángsplendid, brilliant, glorious6
812挥霍huīhuòto squander (money), extravagant6
814毁灭huǐmièdestroy, ruin, exterminate6
815回收huíshōuto reclaim, call back6
816会晤huìwùto meet, meeting, conference6
817胡乱húluànaimlessly, casually6
818忽略hūlüèignore, overlook6
819hūnmeat dish6
820混合hùnhéto mix, blend, mingle6
821混乱hùnluàndisorderly, chaos6
822昏迷hūnmíto lose consciousness, be in a coma, unconsciousness6
823浑身húnshēnfrom head to toe, everywhere in one's body6
824混淆hùnxiáoconfound, confuse, mix up6
825混浊hùnzhuóturbid, muddy6
826货币huòbìmoney, currency6
827活该huógāiserve sb right6
829活力huólìenergy, vitality, vigour, vital force6
830火焰huǒyànflame, blaze6
833呼啸hūxiàoto whistle, scream, howl6
835呼吁hūyùto call on (sb to do sth), to appeal (to)6
836家常jiāchángthe daily life of a family6
837加工jiāgōngprocess, machining, working6
838家伙jiāhuoguy, fellow, animal, thing, tool, weapon, utensil6
839加剧jiājùto intensify, sharpen, accelerate, aggravate, exacerbate6
841jiànspatter, splash6
842jiǎnchoose, pick up, cull6
843jiānfry in shallow oil without stirring6
844鉴别jiànbiéto differentiate6
845剪彩jiǎncǎicut the ribbon (at an opening ceremony)6
847鉴定jiàndìngto authenticate, appraise, identify, determine6
848坚定jiāndìngfirm, steadfast, staunch6
849监督jiāndūsupervise, superintend6
850尖端jiānduānmost advanced and sophisticated, highest peak, the best6
851见多识广jiànduōshíguǎnginformed, knowledgeable and experienced6
853间隔jiàngéinterval, gap, space6
854将近jiāngjìnalmost, nearly, close to6
855将就jiāngjiùreluctantly accept, put up with6
856将军jiāngjūngeneral (in the army)6
857奖励jiǎnglìreward (as encouragement)6
858降临jiànglínto befall, become of6
859奖赏jiǎngshǎngreward, prize6
860坚固jiāngùsolid, firm, sturdy, strong, impregnable6
861僵硬jiāngyìngstark, stiff6
863见解jiànjiěview, opinion, understanding6
865简陋jiǎnlòusimple and crude (of a room or building)6
866艰难jiānnánhard, difficult, arduous6
867健全jiànquánhealthy and complete, sound, perfect6
868坚韧jiānrèntough, tenacious6
869尖锐jiānruìsharp, keen, intense, acute (illness)6
870坚实jiānshífirm and substantial, solid6
871监视jiānshìkeep watch on, keep a lookout over, oversee6
872践踏jiàntàto trample6
873检讨jiǎntǎomake a self-criticism, self-criticism6
875简体字jiǎntǐzìsimplified character6
876见闻jiànwénknowledge, what one sees and hears6
877检验jiǎnyàncheck, test, examine, inspect6
878简要jiǎnyàoconcise, brief6
879坚硬jiānyìnghard, stony, solid6
880见义勇为jiànyìyǒngwéinever hesitate to do what is right (idiom from the Analects)6
881鉴于jiànyúin view of6
882监狱jiānyùprison, jail6
883搅拌jiǎobànstir, agitate6
884交叉jiāochāto intersect, cross6
885交代jiāodàito hand over, explain, make clear, account for, justify oneself6
886焦点jiāodiǎnfocus, focal point6
887焦急jiāojíanxious, worried, agitated, impatient6
888较量jiàoliàngto have a contest with sb, to measure up against, to compete with6
889角落jiǎoluòcorner, nook, remote place6
890缴纳jiǎonàto contribute, pay (taxes etc.)6
891娇气jiāoqìdelicate, squeamish, finicky6
892交涉jiāoshèto negotiate6
893侥幸jiǎoxìngluck, luckily6
894教养jiàoyǎngto train, to educate, to bring up, upbringing, early conditioning6
895交易jiāoyìtransaction, business deal6
896家属jiāshǔfamily member, family dependent6
897佳肴jiāyáofine food6
898家喻户晓jiāyùhùxiǎowidely known, a household name6
899夹杂jiāzáto mix together, mingle6
900即便jíbiàneven if, even though6
901级别jíbiérank, level, grade, class6
902疾病jíbìngillness, sickness, disease6
903继承jìchénginherit, succeed, carry on, carry forward6
904基地jīdìbase (military or industrial)6
905机动jīdòngpower-driven, motorised6
906嫉妒jídùenvy, be jealous6
907季度jìdùquarter (finance, publishing, schools etc.), season (sports), period of three months6
908极端jíduānutter, extreme, extremity6
909jiēall, each and every6
910饥饿jī'èhungry, hunger, starving, starvation6
911戒备jièbèito guard against, watch out for6
912阶层jiēcéngsocial stratum6
914解除jiěchúto remove, get rid of, relieve (sb of their duties), to free, to lift (an embargo), to rescind (an agreement)6
915解放jiěfàngliberate, liberation, liberation of China (refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949)6
916解雇jiěgùto sack, fire, dismiss6
917借鉴jièjiànto use other people's experience, to use as a reference6
919竭尽全力jiéjìnquánlìto spare no effort, do one's utmost6
920结局jiéjúconclusion, ending6
921接连jiēliánone after another, in succession, in a row6
922揭露jiēlùto uncover, disclose, unmask, expose, unveil, lay bare6
923解剖jiěpōuto dissect (an animal), analyse, criticise6
924解散jiěsàndismiss, disband6
925结算jiésuànto settle a bill, to close an account6
926解体jiětǐto disassemble, knock down6
927界限jièxiànboundary, limit, marginal6
928节制jiézhìtemperance, moderation6
929截至jiézhìup to (a time), by (a time)6
930截止jiézhǐend, cut-off6
931借助jièzhùwith the help of6
932节奏jiézòurhythm, tempo, beat6
933激发jīfāto arouse, to excite6
934急功近利jígōngjìnlìlooking for fast return6
935机构jīgòumechanism, structure, organization, agency, institution6
936籍贯jíguànnative place6
938即将jíjiāngto be about to, to be on the verge of, on the eve of6
939计较jìjiàoto haggle, to bicker, to argue, to care for6
941寂静jìjìngsilence, quiet (place)6
942急剧jíjùrapid, sudden6
943季军jìjūnthird place, bronze medallist6
944激励jīlìto encourage, urge, motivation, incentive6
945机灵jīlingwise, clever6
946机密jīmìsecret, classified (information)6
947进而jìn'érand then6
948jǐngwell, warn, surname6
949jīngstalk, stem6
950精打细算jīngdǎxìsuàncalculate carefully and budget strictly6
951惊动jīngdòngto alarm, alert, disturb, interrupt6
952经费jīngfèimoney for regular expenses, funds, expenses, outlay6
953警告jǐnggàoto warn, admonish, caution, warning6
954精华jīnghuábest feature, most important part of an object, quintessence, essence, soul6
955精简jīngjiǎnto simplify, condense6
956境界jìngjièboundary, state, realm6
957兢兢业业jīngjīngyèyècautious and conscientious6
959精密jīngmìexact, precise6
960进攻jìngōngto attack, assault, go on the offensive, offence (sports)6
961惊奇jīngqíamazed, astonished, surprised, shocking strange6
962精确jīngquèaccurate, exact6
963竞赛jìngsàicontest, competition, race6
964警惕jǐngtìbe alert, be vigilant, be on guard against, watch out for6
967经纬jīngwěilongitude and latitude6
968精心jīngxīnwith utmost care, fine, meticulous, detailed6
969竞选jìngxuǎntake part in an election, run for office6
970惊讶jīngyàsurprised, astonished, astounded, amazed6
971敬业jìngyèdedicate oneself to one's job6
972精益求精jīngyìqiújīngto perfect sth that is already outstanding, constantly improving6
973精致jīngzhìfine, exquisite, delicate, refined6
974颈椎jǐngzhuīcervical vertebra6
975进化jìnhuàto evolve, evolution6
976津津有味jīnjīnyǒuwèiwith relish, with gusto, with pleasure6
977近来jìnláirecently, lately6
978浸泡jìnpàoto soak, to steep6
980金融jīnróngbanking, finance, financial6
981锦上添花jǐnshàngtiānhuāgild the lily, make something perfect even more perfect6
983进展jìnzhǎnto make headway, make progress6
984技巧jìqiǎoskill, technique6
985急切jíqièeager, impatient6
986激情jīqíngpassion, fervour, enthusiasm, strong emotion6
987集团jítuángroup, bloc6
988寄托jìtuōto have sb look after sb, to place (hope etc.) on6
989纠纷jiūfēndispute, entanglement (law)6
990救济jiùjìemergency relief, to help disaster victims6
993就业jiùyètake up an occupation6
994纠正jiūzhèngto correct, to make right6
995就职jiùzhítake office6
996极限jíxiànlimit, utmost6
997吉祥jíxiánglucky, auspicious6
998迹象jìxiàngmark, indication, sign, indicator6
999讥笑jīxiàoto sneer at6
1000机械jīxièmachinery, machine6
1002纪要jìyàominutes, written summary of a meeting6
1003基因jīyīngene (load word)6
1004给予jǐyǔto give, render, offer, present6
1006急于求成jíyúqiúchéngbe impatient for success6
1007记载jìzǎirecord, put down in writing, chronicle6
1008急躁jízàoimpatient, impetuous, irritable, irascible6
1009及早jízǎoas soon as possible6
1010机智jīzhìtactful, resourceful6
1011juǎnto roll (up), to sweep up, to carry on, coil, to roll, chapter, examination paper6
1012剧本jùběnscript (for play, opera, movie etc.), screenplay6
1013局部júbùpart, local6
1014举动jǔdòngact, action, activity, move, movement6
1015决策juécèstrategic decision, decision-making, policy decision, to determine policy6
1016倔强juéqiángstubborn, unbending6
1017绝望juéwàngto despair, desperation, forlorn, hopeless6
1018觉悟juéwùconsciousness, awareness6
1019觉醒juéxǐngto awaken, to come to realize, awakened to the truth6
1020鞠躬jūgōngto bow6
1021聚精会神jùjīnghuìshénwith complete concentration, with rapt attention6
1022咀嚼jǔjuéto chew6
1023剧烈jùlièacute, violent, severe6
1024拘留jūliúto detain (a prisoner), keep sb in custody6
1026居民jūmínresident, inhabitant6
1027军队jūnduìarmy troops6
1028君子jūnzǐman of honour6
1029沮丧jǔsàngdepression, dispirited, dejected6
1031举世瞩目jǔshìzhǔmùattract worldwide attention6
1032拘束jūshùconstrain, restrict, ill at ease6
1033据悉jùxīaccording to reports, it is reported that6
1034局限júxiànlimit, confine6
1035居住jūzhùto live, reside, dwell6
1036举足轻重jǔzúqīngzhòngto hold the balance of power6
1037开采kāicǎito extract (ore or other resource from a mine), to exploit, to mine6
1038开除kāichúto dismiss, discharge, expel6
1039开阔kāikuòwide, open (spaces), to open up6
1040开朗kāilǎngoptimistic, cheerful, carefree6
1042开辟kāipìto open up, set up, start6
1043开拓kāituòto break new ground (for agriculture), to open up (a new seam), to develop (border regions), fig. to open up (new horizons)6
1044开展kāizhǎnto carry out, develop, launch6
1045开支kāizhīexpenditures, pay, expenses6
1046看待kàndàito look upon, to regard6
1047刊登kāndēngto publish (in a newspaper or magazine)6
1048砍伐kǎnfáhew, cut, lumber6
1049kángcarry on the shoulder, lift overhead with both hands6
1050慷慨kāngkǎigenerous, fervent6
1051抗议kàngyìto protest6
1052侃侃而谈kǎnkǎnértántalk with ease and confidence6
1053勘探kāntànprospect for, exploration6
1055考察kǎocháinspect, investigate, observe and study, research6
1057考核kǎohéexamine, assess6
1058靠拢kàolǒngto bring to a close6
1059考验kǎoyàntest and prove, test, try, trial6
1060卡通kǎtōngcartoon (loan word)6
1062刻不容缓kèbùrónghuǎninstant, immediate, or great urgency6
1064客户kèhùclient, customer6
1067kěngnaw, nibble, bite6
1068kēngpit, hole, hollow, entrap, cheat, bury alive6
1069恳切kěnqièearnest, sincere6
1070课题kètítask, problem, issue6
1071渴望kěwànglong for, yearn for, thirst for6
1072可恶kěwùloathsome, hateful6
1073可行kěxíngbe practicable, be feasible, be viable6
1074克制kèzhìrestraint, self-control6
1075kǒnghole, aperture, opening6
1076空白kòngbáiblank space6
1077恐怖kǒngbùfearful, horrifying, horrible, terrifying, terrible, terror6
1078空洞kōngdòngempty, hollow, shallow, vacuous, cavity6
1079恐吓kǒnghèto threaten, menace6
1080恐惧kǒngjùdread, fear6
1081空前绝后kōngqiánjuéhòuunprecedented and never to be matched6
1082空隙kòngxìcrack, gap between two objects, gap in time between two events6
1083空想kōngxiǎngdaydream, fantasy, to fantasize6
1084空虚kōngxūhollow, emptiness6
1085kòuupside down, buckle, button6
1086口气kǒuqìmanner of speaking, tone, connotation, implication6
1087口腔kǒuqiāngmouth, oral cavity6
1088口头kǒutóuoral, spoken, verbal6
1089口音kǒuyīnaccent (when speaking)6
1090kuàto stride, step across, span6
1091kuàcarry on the arm6
1092快活kuàihuocheerful, happy, merry6
1093宽敞kuānchangspacious, roominess6
1094款待kuǎndàientertain cordially, treat cordially6
1096矿产kuàngchǎnminerals, mineral products6
1097框架kuàngjiàframe, framework, outline6
1098旷课kuàngkèto play truant, cut classes6
1099况且kuàngqiěin addition, moreover, besides6
1100宽容kuānrónglenient, tolerant6
1101款式kuǎnshìstyle, pattern, design6
1102亏待kuīdàitreat unfairly6
1103亏损kuīsǔndeficit, financial loss6
1104苦尽甘来kǔjìngānláithe hard time are over and the good times are beginning6
1105捆绑kǔnbǎngto bind6
1106扩充kuòchōngextend, enlarge6
1107扩散kuòsànto diffuse, spread, diffusion6
1108扩张kuòzhāngexpansion, dilation, to expand (e.g. one's power or influence), to broaden6
1109哭泣kūqìcry, weep6
1110苦涩kǔsèpained, anguished6
1111枯萎kūwēishrivel, wilt, wither6
1112枯燥kūzàodry and dull, uninteresting6
1113laparticle ending a sentence6
1114喇叭lǎbahorn (e.g. of a car), trumpet, loudspeaker6
1115来历láilìhistory, origin6
1116来源láiyuánsource, origin6
1118狼狈lángbèiin a difficult position, in a tight corner6
1119狼吞虎咽lángtūnhǔyànto wolf down one's food6
1120栏目lánmùa column (in a newspaper)6
1121lāodredge for, fish up6
1122唠叨láodaoto chatter, nag, talkative, garrulous6
1123牢固láogùsolid, strong, firm, secure6
1124牢骚láosāowhine, complaint, grumble, grievance6
1126雷达léidáradar (loan word)6
1127类似lèisìsimilar, analogous6
1128lèngto look distracted, to stare blankly, distracted, stupefied, blank6
1129冷酷lěngkùunfeeling, callous6
1130冷落lěngluòto spurn, snub6
1131冷却lěngquècool, make cool, lower temperature6
1132乐趣lèqùjoy, fun6
1133乐意lèyìto be willing to do sth, to be ready to do sth, to be happy to do sth, content, satisfied6
1134grain, measure word (for small round things, e.g. peas, bullets, peanuts, grains)6
1135liàngto air, to dry in the sun6
1136谅解liàngjiěunderstanding, reach an understanding6
1138联欢liánhuānhave a get-together6
1139廉洁liánjiéhonest, uncorrupted6
1140联络liánluòcommunication, to get in touch with, to contact6
1141联盟liánméngalliance, coalition, league, union6
1142连年liánniánsuccessive years, over many years6
1144连同liántóngtogether with, along with6
1145联想liánxiǎngto associate with something in thinking6
1146辽阔liáokuòvast, extensive6
1147理睬lǐcǎito heed, pay attention to6
1148立场lìchǎngposition, stand, standpoint6
1149里程碑lǐchéngbēimilestone, landmark6
1150历代lìdàisuccessive generations, successive dynasties, past dynasties6
1151列举lièjǔto list, enumerate6
1153利害lìhàiadvantages and disadvantages6
1155礼节lǐjiéproprieties, etiquette6
1157黎明límíngdawn, daybreak6
1158línto drain, drip, diseases of the bladder6
1160凌晨língchénbefore dawn6
1161灵感línggǎninspiration, insight, a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavour6
1162领会lǐnghuìunderstand, comprehend, grasp6
1163灵魂línghúnsoul, spirit, conscience6
1164伶俐línglìclever, smart, quick-witted6
1165灵敏língmǐnsmart, clever, sensitive, sharp6
1168领悟lǐngwùrealisation, comprehension6
1169领先lǐngxiānto lead, to be in front6
1170零星língxīngscattered, fragmentary6
1172吝啬lìnsèmiser, miserliness6
1173力求lìqíumake every effort to, strive to, try one's best to6
1174礼尚往来lǐshàngwǎngláireciprocity, to pay back in kind, one good turn deserves another6
1175理所当然lǐsuǒdāngrángo without saying, of course6
1176力所能及lìsuǒnéngjías far as one's capabilities extend (idiom), to the best of one's ability, within one's powers6
1177立体lìtǐsolid, 3D object6
1178liūslide, glide, slip away, sneak off6
1179流浪liúlàngto drift about, to wander, to roam, nomadic, homeless, unsettled (e.g. population), vagrant6
1180留恋liúliànbe reluctant to leave6
1181流露liúlùto express, to reveal (one's thoughts or feelings)6
1182流氓liúmánghooligan, hoodlum, ruffian, gangster, thug6
1183留念liúniànaccept or keep as souvenir6
1184留神liúshénto take care, to be careful6
1185流通liútōngto circulate6
1186例外lìwàimake an exception6
1187力争lìzhēngdo one's best to, strive for, contend vigorously6
1188理智lǐzhìintellect, reason6
1189理直气壮lǐzhíqìzhuàngbold and confident with justice on one's side, to have the courage of one's convictions6
1190立足lìzúto base oneself on, find a foothold6
1193笼罩lǒngzhàoenvelop, shroud6
1194隆重lóngzhònggrand, prosperous, ceremonious, solemn6
1195lǒuhug, embrace, hold in one's arms6
1196屡次lǚcìrepeatedly, time and again6
1197掠夺lüèduó plunder, rob, pillage6
1198轮船lúnchuánsteamship, ship6
1199轮廓lúnkuòoutline, contour, profile, silhouette, general situation6
1202论证lùnzhèngto prove a point, demonstrate or prove (through argument), proof6
1203落成luòchéngto complete (a construction project)6
1204落实luòshípractical, workable, to implement, carry out6
1205络绎不绝luòyìbùjuéin an endless stream6
1206履行lǚxíngto fulfil (one's obligations), carry out (a task), implement (an agreement), perform6
1207炉灶lúzàostove, cooker6
1208mamodal particle (to express urging)6
1209麻痹mábìparalysis, numbness6
1210màistep, stride6
1211脉搏màibópulse (medical and figurative)6
1212埋伏máifúambush, waylay6
1214埋葬máizàngbury, burial6
1216漫长mànchángvery long, endless6
1217忙碌mánglùbusy, bustling6
1218茫茫mángmángvast, boundless6
1219盲目mángmùblind, aimless6
1220茫然mángránignorant, to have no knowledge of sth6
1221漫画mànhuàcartoon, animation6
1222慢性mànxìngchronic (disease), slow to take effect (e.g. poison)6
1223蔓延mànyánextend, spread6
1225冒充màochōngimitate, imitation6
1226冒犯màofànoffend, offence6
1227茂盛màoshèngexuberant, luxuriant6
1228码头mǎtóudock, wharf6
1231méimeasure word (for coins, rings, badges, sporting medals, rockets, satellites)6
1232美观měiguānpleasing to the eye, artistic, beautiful (of things)6
1233媒介méijièagent, medium, intermediary6
1234美满měimǎnhappy, blissful6
1235美妙měimiàobeautiful (e.g. work of art), wonderful, splendid6
1236猛烈měnglièfierce, violent, vigorous6
1237萌芽méngyábud, sprout6
1238narrow (one's eyes)6
1239免得miǎndeso as not to, so as to avoid6
1242面貌miànmàoface, appearance, visage6
1243勉强miǎnqiǎngbarely enough, reluctant, force sb. to do sth6
1244免疫miǎnyìimmunity, immunisation6
1245面子miànziouter surface, outside, honour, reputation, face (as in lose face), self-respect, feelings6
1246描绘miáohuìdescribe, portray6
1247藐视miǎoshìscorn, pooh-pooh6
1248渺小miǎoxiǎominute, tiny, negligible, insignificant6
1249瞄准miáozhǔntake aim at6
1250弥补míbǔcomplement, make up for (a deficiency)6
1251密度mìdùdensity, thickness6
1252蔑视mièshìto loathe, despise6
1253灭亡mièwángbe destroyed, perish, become extinct, die out6
1255迷惑míhuòto puzzle, confuse, baffle6
1256弥漫mímànpermeate, fill the air6
1257名次míngcìposition (in a ranking of names or competition)6
1258名额míng'équota of people6
1259名副其实míngfùqíshínot just in name only but also in reality6
1260明明míngmíngobviously, plainly, undoubtedly6
1261命名mìngmíngto give a name to, christen, naming6
1262名誉míngyùfame, reputation, honorary6
1263明智míngzhìsensible, reasonable6
1264民间mínjiānamong the people, popular, folk, non-governmental, involving people rather than governments6
1265敏捷mǐnjiéquick, nimble, agile6
1266敏锐mǐnruìkeen, subtitle, acute, brisk6
1267民主mínzhǔdemocracy, democratic6
1268迷人míréncharm, charming, tempting6
1269迷信míxìnsuperstition, be superstitious6
1270谜语míyǔconundrum, riddle6
1271membrane, film6
1272摩擦mócārub, scrape, friction6
1273模范mófànmodel, fine example6
1274魔鬼móguǐdevil, demon6
1275磨合móhéto break in, to wear in6
1276莫名其妙mòmíngqímiàounfathomable mystery, unable to make head or tail of it6
1278抹杀mǒshāto erase, obliterate evidence6
1279模式móshìmode, style6
1282摸索mōsuǒto feel about, grope, fumble, do things slowly6
1283谋求móuqiúto seek, to strive for6
1284模型móxíngmodel, mould, matrix, pattern, die6
1285目睹mùdǔto witness, to see at first hand, to see with one's own eyes6
1286目光mùguāngsight, view, vision, gaze, look6
1287模样múyàngappearance, look6
1289母语mǔyǔmother tongue, native language6
1291纳闷儿nàmènrfeel puzzled6
1292难得nándédifficult to get, hard to come by, rare, seldom6
1293难堪nánkānhard to endure, embarrassed6
1294难能可贵nánnéngkěguìcommendable (achievement etc.)6
1295南辕北辙nányuánběichèdiametrically opposite, complete opposites6
1296恼火nǎohuǒto get angry, annoy, aggravate, annoying6
1297拿手náshǒuexpert in, good at6
1298内涵nèihánconnotation, meaning6
1299内幕nèimùinside story, low-down6
1300内在nèizàiintrinsic, inherent6
1301能量néngliàngenergy, ability, capacity, capability6
1302年度niándùyear (e.g. school year, fiscal year)6
1303拟定nǐdìngto draw up, draft, formulate6
1304niēhold using a thumb and other fingers, knead, mould6
1305níngtwist, wring6
1306凝固nínggùto congeal, solidify, with rapt attention (figurative)6
1307凝聚níngjùcohesion, coherence6
1308宁肯nìngkěnwould rather, it would be better6
1309凝视níngshìto gaze, stare6
1310宁愿nìngyuànwould rather6
1312扭转niǔzhuǎnto turn round, turn back, reverse, remedy, rectify6
1313逆行nìxíngregress, regression, retrograde6
1314浓厚nónghòudense, thick (fog, clouds etc.), to have a strong interest in, saturated (colour)6
1315农历nónglìtraditional lunar calendar6
1316虐待nüèdài to abuse, mistreat6
1318nuómove, shift6
1319òoh (that's why, now I understand)6
1320殴打ōudǎto beat up, to come to blows, battery (law)6
1321呕吐ǒutùto vomit, throw up6
1322偶像ǒuxiàngidol, icon, effigy6
1323lie on one's stomach, grovel, bend over, lean on6
1324派别pàibiéfaction, group6
1325排斥páichìto reject, exclude, eliminate, repel6
1326排除páichúeliminate, remove6
1327排放páifàngemission, exhaust (gas etc.)6
1329排练páiliànrehearsal, dry run6
1330派遣pàiqiǎnsend, dispatch6
1331pànside, border of a river, lake, road, field, etc.6
1332攀登pāndēngto climb, clamber, scale6
1334判决pànjuéjudgment (by a court of law)6
1335盘旋pánxuánto spiral, circle, orbit, hover6
1336泡沫pàomòfoam, froth, bubble (soap), bubble (economic)6
1337抛弃pāoqìdiscard, dump, abandon6
1338配备pèibèito allocate, to provide, to outfit with6
1339配偶pèi'ǒuconsort, mate6
1340配套pèitàoform a complete set6
1341培育péiyùto cultivate, nurture, breed6
1342盆地péndìbasin (of land)6
1343pěnghold or carry in both hands6
1345split, chop, cleave6
1346偏差piānchāerror, deviation6
1347片断piànduànin dribs and drabs6
1349片刻piànkèa while, a moment6
1350偏僻piānpìout of the way, remote6
1351偏偏piānpiānagainst sb's wish, contrary to expectations6
1352漂浮piāofúto float, hover, drift6
1353飘扬piāoyángwave, flutter, fly6
1354疲惫píbèitired out, exhausted6
1355piēneglect, cast aside6
1356批发pīfāwholesale, bulk trade, distribution6
1358屁股pìgubuttocks, bottom, butt6
1359疲倦píjuàntired and sleepy, weary, fatigued6
1360拼搏pīnbógo all out in work6
1361品尝pǐnchángto taste a small amount, to sample6
1362品德pǐndémoral character6
1363贫乏pínfálack, lacking, incomplete6
1364频繁pínfánoften, frequently6
1365平凡píngfáncommon, commonplace, ordinary, trivial6
1366评估pínggūto evaluate, assess6
1367评论pínglùnto comment on, to discuss, comment, commentary6
1368平面píngmiànplane (flat surface)6
1369屏幕píngmùviewing screen6
1370平坦píngtǎnlevel, even, smooth, flat6
1371平行píngxíngparallel, simultaneous, concurrent, at the same level6
1373平原píngyuánfield, plain6
1374屏障píngzhàngprotective screen, barrier6
1375贫困pínkùnpoor, poverty, impoverished6
1377拼命pīnmìngto be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work, etc.), bend over backwards, do one's utmost6
1378品质pǐnzhìcharacter, quality (of a person, product etc.)6
1379品种pǐnzhǒngbreed, variety6
1381譬如pìrúfor example, for instance, such as6
1383very, considerably, quite6
1384splash, spill, sprinkle6
1385迫不及待pòbùjídàican't wait (for), be really excited about6
1386迫害pòhàipersecute, treat sb. with cruelty, oppress cruelly6
1387魄力pòlìcourage, daring, boldness, resolution, drive6
1388破例pòlìto make an exception6
1389throw oneself on, pounce on6
1392普及pǔjíto popularise, make sth. a commonplace, prevalent6
1393朴实pǔshíplain, simple, guileless, down-to-earth6
1394朴素pǔsùsimple, plain6
1395qiāto pick (flowers), pinch6
1396恰当qiàdàngsuitable, proper, appropriate6
1397恰到好处qiàdàohǎochùjust right6
1398qiānto lead, to pull (an animal on a tether)6
1399牵扯qiānchěimplicate, involve6
1400千方百计qiānfāngbǎijìby every possible means, by hook or crook6
1401抢劫qiǎngjiéto rob6
1402抢救qiǎngjiùrescue, save6
1403强迫qiǎngpòto force, compel, coerce6
1404强制qiángzhìto enforce, enforcement, forcibly, compulsory6
1405前景qiánjǐngprospects, foreground, perspective6
1406迁就qiānjiùyield, adapt to6
1407潜力qiánlìpotential, capacity6
1408签署qiānshǔto sign (an agreement)6
1409潜水qiánshuǐto dive, go under water6
1410前提qiántípremise, precondition, prerequisite6
1411迁徙qiānxǐto migrate6
1412谦逊qiānxùnmodest, humble, humility6
1413潜移默化qiányímòhuàimperceptible influence, to influence secretly6
1414谴责qiǎnzécondemn, accuse, censure6
1415牵制qiānzhìto control, to curb, to restrict, to pin down (enemy troops)6
1416qiàoraise, hold up, curl up6
1418窍门qiàoménknow-how, knack6
1419恰巧qiàqiǎohappen to, by chance6
1420洽谈qiàtánto discuss6
1421器材qìcáiequipment, material6
1422起草qǐcǎodraft (a bill), draw up (plans)6
1423启程qǐchéngto set out on a journey6
1424起初qǐchūat first, in the beginning, originally6
1425锲而不舍qiè'érbùshěwork with perseverance6
1426切实qièshírealistic, practical, based on reality, in real, earnest6
1427起伏qǐfúto move up and down, undulate, ups and downs6
1428欺负qīfuto bully6
1429气概qìgàimettle, heroic spirit, lofty quality6
1431气功qìgōngqigong (a system of deep breathing exercises)6
1432器官qìguānorgan (part of body tissue), apparatus6
1433起哄qǐhòngto heckle, rowdy jeering, to create a disturbance6
1434迄今为止qìjīnwéizhǐso far, up to now6
1435凄凉qīliángdesolate, dreary, lonely6
1436起码qǐmǎat the minimum, at the very least6
1437启蒙qǐméngintroduction, initiation, enlightenment6
1439侵犯qīnfànto intrude on, encroach on, violate6
1440情报qíngbàointelligence, information, tip-off6
1441清澈qīngchèfair, lucid6
1442清晨qīngchénearly morning6
1443清除qīngchúto eliminate, get rid of6
1444请柬qǐngjiǎninvitation card6
1445请教qǐngjiàoconsult, ask for advice, seek advice6
1446情节qíngjiéplot, story6
1447清洁qīngjiéclean, unpolluted6
1448晴朗qínglǎngsunny and cloudless6
1449情理qínglǐsense, reason6
1450清理qīnglǐto clean up, put in order6
1451请示qǐngshìask for instructions6
1452请帖qǐngtiěinvitation card6
1453倾听qīngtīngto listen attentively6
1454清晰qīngxīclear, distinct6
1455倾向qīngxiàngtrend, tendency, orientation6
1456倾斜qīngxiéto incline, lean, slant, slope6
1457情形qíngxīngcircumstance, condition, situation6
1458清醒qīngxǐngclear-headed, sober, regain consciousness, come to6
1459清真qīngzhēnIslamic, Muslim6
1460勤俭qínjiǎnhardworking and thrifty6
1461勤劳qínláohardworking, diligent, industrious, assiduous6
1463亲密qīnmìintimate, close6
1464钦佩qīnpèiadmire, look up to6
1465亲热qīnrèintimate, warm, affectionate, loving6
1466旗袍qípáoclose-fitting lady's dress originating from the Manchu6
1467欺骗qīpiàndeceive, cheat, dupe6
1468气魄qìpòspirit, boldness, positive outlook, imposing attitude6
1469齐全qíquáncomplete, all ready6
1470气色qìsècomplexion, colour6
1471歧视qíshìto discriminate against, discrimination6
1472气势qìshìvigour, look of great force or imposing manner6
1473启事qǐshìannouncement, notice6
1474启示qǐshìenlightenment, revelation, apocalypse6
1475企图qǐtútry, attempt6
1476丘陵qiūlínghills, undulating topography6
1477期望qīwànghope, expectation6
1478气味qìwèismell, odour, favour, taste6
1479期限qīxiàntime limit, deadline, allotted time6
1481齐心协力qíxīnxiélìto work with a common purpose, to make concerted efforts, to pull together, to work as one6
1482气压qìyāair pressure, atmospheric pressure6
1483岂有此理qǐyǒucǐlǐoutrageous, preposterous6
1484起源qǐyuánorigin, genesis, to originate, stem, start6
1485旗帜qízhìflag, banner, streamer, role model, leading idea6
1486气质qìzhìtemperament, disposition6
1488权衡quánhéngto weigh, balance, weigh up6
1489全局quánjúoverall situation6
1490全力以赴quánlìyǐfùdo one's level best, go all out6
1491圈套quāntàotrap, snare6
1494渠道qúdàoditch, trench, channel, way, means6
1495取缔qǔdìto ban, to prohibit (publications, customs etc), to outlaw, to suppress (violators)6
1497确保quèbǎoto ensure, to guarantee6
1498缺口quēkǒubreach, gap6
1499确立quèlìto establish6
1500确切quèqièexact, definite6
1501缺席quēxíabsence, absent6
1502缺陷quēxiàndefect, flaw6
1503确信quèxìnbe certain of, be convinced6
1504区分qūfēnto differentiate, to find differing aspects6
1505屈服qūfúto surrender, to yield6
1506群众qúnzhòngmultitude, the masses6
1507趣味qùwèiinterest, delight, fun, taste, liking, preference6
1508区域qūyùregion, area, district6
1509曲折qūzhézigzag, winding, tortuous, meandering, complicated6
1510驱逐qūzhúdrive out, banish6
1511曲子qǔzimelody, tune6
1512rǎndye, to catch (a disease)6
1513rǎngblurt out, shout out6
1514让步ràngbùto concede, to give in, to yield, a concession6
1515扰乱rǎoluànto disturb6
1516饶恕ráoshùpardon, let sb off6
1517惹祸rěhuòask for trouble6
1518热泪盈眶rèlèiyíngkuàngeye's brimming with tears, extremely moved6
1519热门rèménpopular, hot, in vogue6
1520仁慈réncíbenevolent, kind, merciful6
1522认定rèndìngfirmly believe6
1524仍旧réngjiùstill, yet6
1525人工réngōngmanmade, artificial6
1526人家rénjiāother people6
1527人间rénjiānhuman world, this world6
1528认可rènkěto approve, approval6
1529任命rènmìngappoint, instate6
1530忍耐rěnnàirestrain oneself, repress (anger etc.), exercise patience6
1531人士rénshìpersonage, person with certain social influence6
1532忍受rěnshòuto bear, endure, tolerate, put up with (pain, hardship etc.)6
1533人为rénwéiartificial, manmade6
1534人性rénxìnghuman nature6
1535任性rènxìngself-willed, self-indulgent, headstrong6
1536任意rènyìarbitrarily, wilfully, at will6
1538任重道远rènzhòngdàoyuǎnto shoulder heavy responsibilities6
1539日新月异rìxīnyuèyìdaily renewal and monthly change, every day sees new developments, rapid progress6
1540日益rìyìmore and more each day, increasingly6
1541融化rónghuàto melt, to thaw, to dissolve, to blend into6
1542溶解róngjiědissolve, solution6
1543容貌róngmàolooks, features, one's appearance6
1544容纳róngnàto accommodate, contain, hold6
1545容器róngqìcontainer, vessel6
1546融洽róngqiàharmonious, on good terms with6
1547容忍róngrěnto put up with, tolerate6
1549荣誉róngyùhonour, glory6
1550róuknead, roll, crumple, rub, massage6
1551柔和róuhésoft, mild6
1554若干ruògāna certain number of, some, several, a few6
1555撒谎sāhuǎngtell a lie6
1556散布sànbùscatter, disseminate, spread, sow6
1557散发sànfāto emanate6
1558丧失sàngshīto lose, forfeit6
1559散文sǎnwénprose, essay6
1560骚扰sāorǎoharass (sexually etc.), harassment6
1561嫂子sǎoziolder brother's wife, sister-in-law6
1562sháwhat (informal)6
1563刹车shāchēto brake (when driving)6
1564筛选shāixuǎnto filter6
1565擅长shànchángbe good at6
1566商标shāngbiāotrademark, logo6
1567上级shàngjíhigher level, higher authority6
1568上进shàngjìnmake progress6
1569伤脑筋shāngnǎojīntroublesome, knotty, bothersome6
1571上任shàngrèntake a post6
1572上瘾shàngyǐnbe addicted to6
1573上游shàngyóuupper reaches (of a river), advanced position6
1574山脉shānmàimountain range6
1575闪烁shǎnshuòtwinkle, glimmer, flicker6
1576擅自shànzìwithout permission6
1578shāoend, tip of a branch6
1579shāoto bring sth to sb (e.g. news)6
1580奢侈shēchǐluxurious, extravagant6
1581涉及shèjíinvolve, relate to6
1582设立shèlìto set up, establish6
1583深奥shēn'àoprofound, abstruse, recondite, profoundly6
1584申报shēnbàoto report (to the authorities), to declare (to customs)6
1585审查shěnchácheck, inspect, examine, investigate, censor6
1586深沉shēnchéndeep, extreme, dull, low pitched (sound)6
1587盛产shèngchǎnabound in, teem with6
1589生存shēngcúnlive and persist, subsist, exist, survive6
1590胜负shèngfùvictory or defeat, the outcome of a battle6
1591省会shěnghuìprovincial capital6
1593盛开shèngkāiblooming, in full flower6
1595声明shēngmíngto state, declare, proclaim, statement, declaration6
1596盛情shèngqínggreat kindness, magnificent hospitality6
1597声势shēngshìimpetus, momentum6
1598生疏shēngshūstrange, unfamiliar6
1600生物shēngwùliving thing, organism6
1601生效shēngxiàoto take effect, to go into effect6
1602生肖shēngxiàoyear of birth6
1603盛行shèngxíngto be in vogue, to be prevalent6
1604生锈shēngxiùto rust6
1605生育shēngyùto bear, to give birth, to grow, to rear, to bring up (children)6
1606声誉shēngyùreputation, fame6
1608审理shěnlǐto hear (a case), try6
1609审美shěnměitaste, aesthetics6
1610审判shěnpàntrial, to try sb6
1611神奇shénqímiraculous, magical6
1612神气shénqìexpression, manner, spirited, vigorous, proud, cocky6
1613深情厚谊shēnqínghòuyìprofound friendship6
1614神圣shénshèngsacred, holy6
1616神态shéntàiappearance, manner, bearing, look, expression6
1617渗透shèntòuinfiltrate, pervade, osmosis6
1618神仙shénxiānsupernatural being, immortal, fairy6
1619呻吟shēnyínto moan, groan6
1620慎重shènzhòngcareful, cautious, prudent, discreet6
1622摄氏度shèshìdùdegrees Celsius6
1624设想shèxiǎngto imagine, have consideration for, idea, tentative plan6
1625设置shèzhìto set up, to install6
1626shípick up, ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)6
1627势必shìbìcertainly will, is bound to happen6
1628识别shíbiéto distinguish, to discern6
1629时常shíchángtime and again, often, frequently6
1630世代shìdàigeneration, an era, accumulation of years, passing on from generation to generation6
1631时而shí'érfrom time to time, occasionally6
1632示范shìfànto lead the way, demonstrate, model example6
1633师范shīfànteacher training, pedagogical, normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University)6
1634释放shìfàngto release, set free6
1635是非shìfēiright and wrong, quarrel6
1636事故shìgùevent that is unforeseen, accident, mishap6
1637时光shíguāngtime, era6
1638实惠shíhuìtangible benefit, material advantages, advantageous (deal), substantial (discount)6
1639时机shíjīmoment of opportunity, opportunity, opportune time6
1640事迹shìjìpraiseworthy act, deed, achievement, merit6
1641施加shījiāto exert (effort or pressure)6
1642事件shìjiànincident, event6
1644视力shìlìvision, eyesight6
1645势力shìlìforce (political, economic or military), power, influence6
1646使命shǐmìngmission (diplomatic or other), set task6
1648时事shíshìcurrent affairs6
1649实施shíshīto put into effect, implement, carry out, enforce, execute6
1650逝世shìshìto pass away, die6
1651失事shīshìwreckage, accident6
1652实事求是shíshìqiúshìbe practical and realistic6
1653事态shìtàistate of affairs, situation6
1654尸体shītǐdead body, corpse, carcass6
1655试图shìtúto attempt, to try6
1656示威shìwēito demonstrate (as a protest), a demonstration, a military show of force6
1657事务shìwùwork, routine, affair, transaction6
1658失误shīwùto miscue, to fluff, service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc)6
1659视线shìxiànline of sight6
1660事项shìxiàngmatter, item6
1661实行shíxíngto implement, carry out, put into practice6
1662试验shìyàntest, experiment6
1663事业shìyècause, undertaking6
1664视野shìyěfield of vision6
1665适宜shìyísuitable, appropriate6
1666示意shìyìto hint, indicate6
1668施展shīzhǎnput to good use6
1669实质shízhìessence, substance, gist6
1670失踪shīzōngto disappear, be missing6
1671十足shízúcompletely, hundred percent, be full of6
1672收藏shōucángto hoard, to collect, collection6
1673手法shǒufǎtechnique, trick, skill6
1674守护shǒuhùto guard, protect, guardianship6
1675手势shǒushìgesture, sign, signal6
1677收缩shōusuōto pull back, to shrink, to contract6
1678首要shǒuyàochief, principal6
1679手艺shǒuyìcraft, handicraft6
1680收益shōuyìincome, profit6
1682授予shòuyǔto award, confer6
1683受罪shòuzuìto suffer, endure, hardships6
1684shùbunch, bundle, sheaf6
1685shùupright, vertical, vertical stroke, to erect6
1686shuǎplay with, perform, make fun of, juggle6
1687衰老shuāilǎoto age, to deteriorate with age, old and weak6
1688率领shuàilǐnglead, head, command6
1689衰退shuāituìto decline, fall, drop, recession (in economics)6
1691爽快shuǎngkuàirefreshed, rejuvenated, frank and straightforward6
1693舒畅shūchàngcomfortable and happy, pleased and satisfied, worry free6
1696束缚shùfùtie up, bind, constrain, fetter6
1697疏忽shūhuto neglect, overlook, carelessness6
1698水利shuǐlìwater resources, water conservancy6
1699水龙头shuǐlóngtóutap, faucet6
1701书籍shūjíbooks, works6
1702书记shūjìsecretary, clerk6
1703树立shùlìto set up, establish6
1704书面shūmiànin written form6
1705瞬间shùnjiāna moment, in the twinkling of an eye6
1706疏远shūyuǎnestrangement, alienation6
1707司法sīfǎjustice, judicial6
1708司令sīlìngcommander, commanding officer6
1710思念sīniànmiss, think of, long for6
1711思索sīsuǒto think deeply, ponder6
1712死亡sǐwángdeath, deadly, die6
1713思维sīwéithinking, thought6
1714斯文sīwenrefined, polite, cultured6
1716饲养sìyǎngraise, rear (domestic animals)6
1717四肢sìzhīarms and legs, the four limbs6
1718私自sīzìprivate, personal, secretly, without explicit approval6
1719sǒnglofty, towering, raise up, lift6
1720sōumeasure word (for ships, boats)6
1721算数suànshùto count (numbers), to keep one's word6
1722俗话súhuàpopular saying, folk adage, proverb6
1724随即suíjíright afterward, immediately afterward6
1725随意suíyìas one wishes, according to one's wishes, at will, voluntary, conscious6
1726岁月suìyuèyear's of a person's life6
1727损坏sǔnhuàidamage, break, spoil6
1728索取suǒqǔto ask, demand6
1729索性suǒxìngyou might as well (do it), simply, just6
1730素食sùshívegetables, vegetarian food6
1732苏醒sūxǐngto wake up, regain consciousness6
1733塑造sùzàoto model, to mould, to portray (in sculpture or in words)6
1734素质sùzhìinner quality, basic essence, change over time6
1735pagoda, tower, minaret, stupa (abbr. loan word from Sanskrit tapo)6
1736fall down, collapse, crumple, sink, slump6
1737泰斗tàidǒuleading authority, scholar6
1739太空tàikōngouter space6
1740tānspread out, vendor's stand6
1741坦白tǎnbáihonest, forthcoming, to confess6
1742探测tàncèto explore, probe6
1743倘若tǎngruòsupposing, if, in case6
1745贪婪tānlángreed, greedy, avaricious6
1746叹气tànqìto sigh, to heave a sigh6
1747探索tànsuǒtry to find (information), explore, probe6
1748探讨tàntǎoto probe, investigate6
1749探望tànwàngto visit6
1752tāodraw out, pull out6
1754讨好tǎohǎofawn on, ingratiate oneself with6
1755淘汰táotàibe sifted out, natural selection6
1756滔滔不绝tāotāobùjuégo on and on, talk endlessly6
1757陶醉táozuìintoxicate, intoxication6
1758踏实tāshipractical, down-to-earth, realistic, firmly based, steadfast, to have peace of mind, free from anxiety6
1759特长tèchángspecial skill or ability6
1760特定tèdìngspecific, given6
1762tiǎnto lick, to lap6
1763天才tiāncáigenius, gift, endowment, gifted person6
1764天赋tiānfùgift, innate skill6
1765田径tiánjìngtrack and field6
1766天伦之乐tiānlúnzhīlèdomestic bliss, family love and joy6
1767天然气tiānránqìnatural gas6
1768天生tiānshēnginnate, natural6
1771田野tiányěfield, open country6
1773调和tiáohéharmonious, harmony6
1774调剂tiáojìto make an adjustment, regulate, relief6
1775调节tiáojiéto adjust, to regulate, to harmonize, to reconcile (accountancy etc)6
1776调解tiáojiěto mediate, to bring parties to an agreement6
1777条款tiáokuǎnclause (of contract or law)6
1778条理tiáolǐarrangement, order, tidiness6
1779调料tiáoliàocondiment, seasoning6
1780挑剔tiāotipicky, fussy6
1781挑衅tiǎoxìnprovoke, defy, defiance6
1782条约tiáoyuētreaty, pact6
1783跳跃tiàoyuèto jump, skip, leap6
1784提拔tíbáto promote (to a higher job), to select for promotion6
1785题材tícáisubject matter6
1786体裁tǐcáitypes of literature6
1788提炼tíliànto extract (ore, minerals etc.), to refine, to purify, to process6
1789体谅tǐliàngto empathize, show understanding6
1790体面tǐmiàndignity, honourable, creditable, handsome6
1791挺拔tǐngbátall and straight6
1792停泊tíngbóanchorage, mooring6
1793停顿tíngdùnpause, halt6
1795亭子tíngzipavilion, kiosk6
1796提示tíshìto prompt, present, point out, draw attention to sth, hint, cue6
1797体系tǐxìsystem, setup6
1798提议tíyìpropose, move, proposal, motion6
1801统筹兼顾tǒngchóujiāngùoverall plan taking all factors into account6
1802童话tónghuàchildren's fairy tales6
1804统计tǒngjìstatistics, to count, to add up6
1805通缉tōngqīwanted by the police, fugitive6
1806通俗tōngsúcommon, everyday, average6
1807统统tǒngtǒngtotally, wholly6
1808通讯tōngxùncommunication, news report6
1809通用tōngyòngin common use6
1811统治tǒngzhìto rule, dominate6
1812投机tóujīto speculate (on financial markets), opportunistic, congenial, agreeable6
1813透露tòulùdivulge, reveal6
1814投票tóupiàovote, poll6
1815投诉tóusùlodge a complaint6
1816投降tóuxiángsurrender, capitulate, give up resistance6
1817投掷tóuzhìthrow, toss6
1819图案tú'àndesign, pattern6
1820团结tuánjiéa rally, to hold a rally, to join forces6
1821团体tuántǐgroup, organisation, team6
1824推测tuīcèspeculate, guess, presume6
1825推翻tuīfānoverthrow, overturn, reverse, cancel6
1826推理tuīlǐinference, reasoning6
1827推论tuīlùnto deduce, infer, deduction6
1828推销tuīxiāoto market, sell6
1829途径tújìngway, approach, avenue, channel6
1830涂抹túmǒto paint, smear, daub6
1831吞吞吐吐tūntūntǔtǔhem and haw, procrastinate6
1832妥当tuǒdangproper, suitable, appropriate6
1833脱离tuōlíto break away from6
1834唾弃tuòqìspit, spurn6
1835妥善tuǒshànproper, appropriate6
1837拖延tuōyándelay, put off6
1839托运tuōyùnto consign (goods), to check (baggage)6
1840突破tūpòto break through, breakthrough6
1842wasound of child's crying, Wow!6
1843外表wàibiǎooutward appearance6
1844外行wàihánglayman, amateur6
1845外界wàijièoutside world, external6
1846歪曲wāiqūdistort, misrepresent, twist, contort6
1847外向wàixiàngextrovert, extroverted6
1848瓦解wǎjiěto collapse, to disintegrate, to crumble6
1849挖掘wājuédig, excavate6
1850wánpill, measure word (for pills)6
1851完备wánbèicomplete, entire, perfect6
1852完毕wánbìto complete, finish6
1853万分wànfēnvery much, extremely6
1854往常wǎngchángas one used to do, as it used to be6
1855往事wǎngshìpast events, former happenings6
1856顽固wángùobstinate, stubborn6
1857妄想wàngxiǎngto attempt vainly, a vain attempt6
1858挽回wǎnhuíto retrieve, redeem6
1859挽救wǎnjiùto save, rescue, remedy6
1860玩弄wánnòngto play with, dally with, resort to6
1861顽强wánqiángtenacious, indomitable6
1862惋惜wǎnxīregret, feel sorry for sb6
1863玩意儿wányìrtoy, plaything, thing, act, trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc.) 6
1864娃娃wáwababy, child, doll6
1865wèito feed (sb or an animal)6
1866违背wéibèito violate, run counter to6
1867微不足道wēibùzúdàonot worth mentioning, inconsiderable6
1868维持wéichíto keep, to maintain, to preserve6
1869唯独wéidúalone, only, unique6
1870威风wēifēngpower, impressive force6
1871微观wēiguānmicro-, sub-atomic6
1872维护wéihùto safeguard, defend6
1874畏惧wèijùfear, dread6
1875蔚蓝wèilánsky blue6
1876威力wēilìmight, power6
1877未免wèimiǎna bit too much, over the top (you exaggerate)6
1878为难wéináncause difficulties/problems for6
1879为期wéiqī(to be completed) by a definite date6
1881委托wěituōconsign, commission, delegate, devolve6
1883慰问wèiwènexpress sympathy for6
1884威信wēixìnprestige, trust6
1886委员wěiyuáncommittee member6
1887伪造wěizàoto forge, to fake, to counterfeit6
1888温带wēndàitemperate zone6
1889温和wēnhétemperate, moderate, mild, genial6
1891问世wènshìto be published, to come out6
1892文物wénwùcultural relic6
1893文献wénxiànliterature, document6
1894文雅wényǎelegant, refined6
1895文艺wényìliterature and art6
1896nest, lair, den, pit or hollow (on the human body), measure word (for litters or broods)6
1897无比wúbǐincomparable, unsurpassed6
1898务必wùbìmust, be sure to6
1900无偿wúchángfree, no charge, at no cost6
1901无耻wúchǐwithout any sense of shame, unembarrassed, shameless6
1903无动于衷wúdòngyúzhōngaloof, indifferent, unmoved6
1904无非wúfēionly, nothing else6
1905无辜wúgūinnocent, innocence6
1906乌黑wūhēijet black6
1908无精打采wújīngdǎcǎilistless, dispirited6
1909无赖wúlàirascal, rogue6
1910无理取闹wúlǐqǔnàomake trouble without reason, deliberately awkward6
1911物美价廉wùměijiàliánattractive price and quality6
1912污蔑wūmièsmear, slander6
1913无能为力wúnéngwéilìincapable of action, powerless6
1914武器wǔqìweapon, arms6
1915无穷无尽wúqióngwújìnvast, limitless, endless6
1916侮辱wǔrǔinsult, affront, humiliate, dishonour6
1917无微不至wúwēibúzhìmeticulously, in every possible way6
1918武侠wǔxiámartial arts6
1919诬陷wūxiànentrap, frame, plant false evidence6
1920物业wùyèproperty, real estate6
1922无知wúzhīignorant, ignorance6
1923武装wǔzhuāngweaponry, arm forces, arm, equip6
1924物资wùzīgoods and materials6
1925brook, creek, rivulet6
1926xiárosy clouds6
1927狭隘xiá'àinarrow, tight, narrow-minded, lacking in experience6
1928峡谷xiágǔgorge, canyon6
1929xiánto dislike, to mind, suspicion6
1930xiánbow string, chord6
1931现场xiànchǎngthe scene (of the incident), lit. actual location6
1932现成xiànchéngready-made, readily available6
1933宪法xiànfǎconstitution (of a country)6
1934xiàngalley, lane, narrow street6
1935相差xiāngchàto differ, discrepancy between6
1937相等xiāngděngbe equal to6
1938想方设法xiǎngfāngshèfǎdo everything possible, try every means6
1939相辅相成xiāngfǔxiāngchéngto complement one another6
1940向来xiàngláialways, all along6
1941响亮xiǎngliàngloud and clear, sonorous, resonant6
1942镶嵌xiāngqiànto embed, to set (e.g. a jewel in a ring)6
1943相声xiàngshēngcomic dialogue, cross-talk6
1944向往xiàngwǎngto yearn for, to look forward to6
1945响应xiǎngyìngrespond, answer6
1946相应xiāngyìngto correspond, answering (one another), corresponding, relevant, appropriate6
1947乡镇xiāngzhènvillage, town6
1948陷害xiànhàito frame (up), make false charges against6
1949闲话xiánhuàidle words, gossip, tattle, digression, complaint6
1951衔接xiánjiēto link up, join6
1952先进xiānjìnadvanced (technology), to advance6
1953陷阱xiànjǐngsnare, trap6
1954鲜明xiānmíngvivid, distinct, distinctive6
1955掀起xiānqǐto lift, raise in height, begin, set off (a campaign)6
1956先前xiānqiánbefore, previously6
1957馅儿xiànrstuffing, filling (e.g. in dumpling)6
1958陷入xiànrùto sink into, to get caught up in6
1959线索xiànsuǒtrail, clues, thread (of a story)6
1962显著xiǎnzhùnotable, marked, remarkable6
1963现状xiànzhuàngstatus quo6
1964xiāopare, peel (with a knife), cut6
1965消除xiāochúto eliminate, remove6
1966消毒xiāodúto disinfect, sterilise, sanitise6
1967消防xiāofángfire control, fire fighting6
1968消耗xiāohàoto consume, deplete, consumption6
1969销毁xiāohuǐdestroy (by melting or burning)6
1970消灭xiāomièto eliminate, annihilate, perish, wipe out6
1971潇洒xiāosǎnatural and unrestrained6
1973小心翼翼xiǎoxīnyìyìwith great care6
1975下属xiàshǔsubordinate, underling6
1977细胞xìbāocell (biology)6
1978xièbits, crumb6
1979携带xiédàito carry (on one's person)6
1980协会xiéhuìassociation, union6
1981谢绝xièjuéto refuse politely6
1982泄露xièlòuto leak (information), divulge6
1983泄气xièqìdiscouraged, dejected, demoralized, to want to give up, to deflate (air from a tyre)6
1984协商xiéshāngto consult with, to talk things over, agreement6
1985协调xiétiáoto coordinate, to harmonize, negotiation6
1986协议xiéyìagreement, pact, protocol6
1987协助xiézhùlend a hand, assist, help6
1988媳妇xífuson's wife, daughter-in-law6
1990袭击xíjīan attack (esp. surprise attack), raid, to attack6
1991细菌xìjūngerm, bacterium6
1993熄灭xīmièto stop burning, go out (of a fire), die out, extinguished6
1995心得xīndéknowledge gained from study6
1996xīngthe smell of fish6
1998性感xìnggǎnsex appeal, eroticism, sexuality, sexy6
1999兴高采烈xìnggāocǎilièbe in high spirits, be enraptured6
2000兴隆xīnglóngboom, prosper6
2002性能xìngnéngperformance, capability, property6
2003刑事xíngshìcriminal, penal6
2004形态xíngtàiform, shape, pattern, morphology6
2006行政xíngzhèngadministration, administrative6
2007兴致勃勃xìngzhìbóbóin high spirits6
2008信赖xìnlàito trust, rely on6
2009新郎xīnlángbridegroom, groom6
2010心灵xīnlíngheart, soul, psyche6
2011信念xìnniànbelief, faith, conviction6
2013辛勤xīnqínindustrious, hardworking6
2014薪水xīnshuisalary, wage6
2015心态xīntàimentality, way of thinking6
2016心疼xīnténgfeel distressed, love dearly6
2017欣慰xīnwèiglad, gratified6
2018欣欣向荣xīnxīnxiàngróngflourishing, prosperous6
2019心血xīnxuèheart's blood, meticulous care6
2020心眼儿xīnyǎn'ermind, idea6
2021信仰xìnyǎngbelieve in, faith (religious)6
2022新颖xīnyǐngoriginal, novel6
2023信誉xìnyùprestige, distinction, reputation, trust6
2024凶恶xiōng'èfierce, ferocious, fiendish, vicious6
2025雄厚xiónghòustrong and solid, robust6
2026胸怀xiōnghuáimind, heart6
2027凶手xiōngshǒumurderer, assassin6
2028胸膛xiōngtángchest, thorax6
2029雄伟xióngwěigrand, magnificent6
2030汹涌xiōngyǒngsurge, turbulent6
2031昔日xīrìformerly, in olden days6
2032牺牲xīshēngto sacrifice oneself, lay down one's life6
2033习俗xísúcustom, tradition6
2034xiùto embroider6
2036修复xiūfùto repair, restore6
2037修建xiūjiànto build, construct, erect6
2038嗅觉xiùjuésense of smell6
2039修养xiūyǎngtraining, good manners6
2040喜闻乐见xǐwénlèjiàna delight to see, an attractive spectacle6
2041夕阳xīyángthe setting sun6
2042喜悦xǐyuèjoyful, joyous, delighted, cheerful6
2043细致xìzhìattentive to detail, rich in detail6
2044选拔xuǎnbáchoose, select6
2045悬挂xuánguàto hang, suspend, suspension6
2046喧哗xuānhuáhue and cry, uproar6
2047选举xuǎnjǔelect, election6
2048旋律xuánlǜrhythm, tune6
2049悬念xuánniànsuspense (in a movie, play etc.), concern for sb's welfare6
2050宣誓xuānshìto swear an oath (of office)6
2051选手xuǎnshǒuathlete, contestant, player6
2052悬殊xuánshūwide gap, disparity6
2053宣扬xuānyángto proclaim, make public6
2054炫耀xuànyàoto show off (one's talent)6
2056旋转xuánzhuǎnto gyrate, rotate, spin, revolve, turn, whirl6
2057削弱xuēruòweaken, cripple6
2058雪上加霜xuěshàngjiāshuāngto make a bad situation worse6
2059学说xuéshuōdoctrine, theory6
2060学位xuéwèiacademic degree (BSc, MSc etc.)6
2061血压xuèyāblood pressure6
2062虚假xūjiǎfalse, phony, pretence6
2063酗酒xùjiǔheavy drinking, to get drunk6
2064许可xǔkěadmit, allow6
2065畜牧xùmùto raise animals6
2066循环xúnhuáncircle, cycle, circulate6
2067巡逻xúnluóto patrol (police, army, navy)6
2068寻觅xúnmìto seek, look for6
2069熏陶xūntáoto train, nurture6
2070循序渐进xúnxùjiànjìnin sequence, step by step, to make steady progress incrementally6
2071需求xūqiúrequirement, demand (economics)6
2073虚伪xūwěifalse, hypocritical6
2075须知xūzhīprerequisites, rules that must be known before starting sth6
2076亚军yàjūnsecond place (in a contest), runner-up6
2077演变yǎnbiànto evolve6
2078掩盖yǎngàicover up, conceal, hide, cloak6
2081眼光yǎnguāngeye, vision, foresight, insight6
2083严寒yánhánfreezing, bitter cold, severe winter6
2084掩护yǎnhùto shield, cover, screen6
2085烟花爆竹yānhuābàozhúfireworks and crackers6
2086严禁yánjìnforbid, prohibit6
2087严峻yánjùnstern, serious, harsh6
2088严厉yánlìstern, severe, harsh, austere, stringent6
2089言论yánlùnspeech, expression of opinion, public opinion6
2090严密yánmìclose, tight, strict6
2091淹没yānmòto submerge, overwhelm6
2092延期yánqīto put off, delay, defer6
2093炎热yánrèblistering hot (weather)6
2094眼色yǎnsèmeaningful glance, to signal with one's eyes6
2095延伸yánshēnextend, stretch6
2096眼神yǎnshénexpression in one's eyes6
2098掩饰yǎnshìcover up, conceal6
2099验收yànshōuto check on receipt, an inventory of received goods, to verify and accept (a delivery)6
2100厌恶yànwùto loathe, hate, detest6
2102延续yánxùto continue, go on, last6
2103演绎yǎnyìdeduce, infer6
2104验证yànzhèngto inspect and verify, experimental verification6
2105演奏yǎnzòuperform (music)6
2106摇摆yáobǎisway, swing, rock, wigwag, vacillate6
2107要点yàodiǎnmain point, essential, gist, strongpoint6
2108摇滚yáogǔnrock 'n' roll, rock6
2109遥控yáokòngremote control6
2110要命yàomìngvery, extremely6
2111要素yàosùfactor, element6
2114遥远yáoyuǎndistant, remote6
2115压迫yāpòoppress, repress, stress (physics)6
2116鸦雀无声yāquèwúshēngcomplete silence6
2117压岁钱yāsuìqiánlucky money (given as Chinese New Year present)6
2118压缩yāsuōsuppress, stifle, inhibit, keep down6
2119压抑yāyìto repress (emotions), oppressive6
2120压榨yāzhàto squeeze, press, extract (juice, oil etc.)6
2121压制yāzhìto suppress, to inhibit, to stifle6
2122野蛮yěmánbarbarous, uncivilised6
2124野心yěxīnambition, wild schemes, careerism6
2125too, also6
2127以便yǐbiànso as to make it convenient to, so that, in order to6
2128遗产yíchǎnheritage, legacy, inheritance6
2129异常yìchángunusual, abnormal6
2130遗传yíchuánheredity, inheritance, to transmit6
2131一度yídùonce, one time6
2132一帆风顺yìfānfēngshùnplain sailing6
2133一贯yíguànconsistent, constant6
2134疑惑yíhuòdoubt, disbelieve6
2135依旧yījiùas before, still like before6
2136依据yījùbe in line with, base sth on, basis, grounds6
2137一举两得yìjǔliǎngdékill two birds with one stone6
2138依靠yīkàorely on, depend on, backing, support6
2139依赖yīlàidepend on, rely on6
2140毅力yìlìperseverance, willpower6
2141意料yìliàoto anticipate, expect6
2142遗留yíliúleave behind, bequeath, hand down (to next generation)6
2143一流yīliútop quality, the best6
2144以免yǐmiǎnin order to avoid, so as not to6
2145一目了然yímùliǎoránobvious at a glance6
2146隐蔽yǐnbìto conceal, hide, covert, under cover6
2147引导yǐndǎoto lead, guide, show, direct6
2148应酬yìngchousocial niceties, social interaction, a dinner party6
2149婴儿yīng'érbaby, infant6
2150盈利yínglìprofit, gain6
2151迎面yíngmiàndirectly, head-on (collision), in one's face (of wind)6
2152英明yīngmíngbrilliant, wise6
2153应邀yìngyāoon invitation, at sb's invitation6
2154英勇yīngyǒngheroic, valiant, brave, gallant6
2155隐患yǐnhuànhidden danger6
2156隐瞒yǐnmánto conceal, hide, cover up the truth6
2157阴谋yīnmóuplot, conspiracy, machination6
2159饮食yǐnshífood and drink6
2161音响yīnxiǎngspeakers, sound, acoustics6
2162引用yǐnyòngto quote, cite, recommend, appoint6
2163隐约yǐnyuēindistinct, faint (to the eye or ear)6
2164仪器yíqìinstrument, apparatus6
2166一如既往yìrújìwǎng run true to form6
2168仪式yíshìceremony, ritual, rite, function6
2169遗失yíshīto lose, lost6
2170意识yìshíconsciousness, be conscious of6
2171一丝不苟yìsībùgǒumeticulous, meticulously6
2172意图yìtúintent, intention, intend, schematic diagram6
2173依托yītuōrely on, depend on6
2174以往yǐwǎngin the past6
2175意味着yìwèizhesignify, mean, imply6
2176一向yíxiàngaside, on one side, by6
2177意向yìxiàngdisposition, will, intent6
2178意志yìzhìwill, volition6
2179以至yǐzhìup to, down to, so... that...6
2180以致yǐzhìso that, as a result, consequently6
2181永恒yǒnghéngforever, eternal6
2182用户yònghùuser, consumer6
2183拥护yōnghùsupport, uphold6
2184庸俗yōngsútacky, filthy, vulgar6
2185涌现yǒngxiàncome to the fore6
2186拥有yōngyǒuhold, possess of6
2187勇于yǒngyúhave the courage to6
2188踊跃yǒngyuèvying with one another, enthusiastic, eager6
2189诱惑yòuhuòtempt, lure6
2190油腻yóunìgrease, fat, fatty food6
2191油漆yóuqīoil paint6
2192犹如yóurújust as, like6
2193优胜劣汰yōushèngliètàisurvival of the fittest6
2194有条不紊yǒutiáobùwěnsystematic, methodical, methodically6
2196优异yōuyìexceptional, outstandingly good6
2197忧郁yōuyùsad, melancholy, depressed6
2198优越yōuyuèsuperior, advantageous6
2199幼稚yòuzhìchildish, puerile, immature, naive6
2201to recover, heal, the more… the more6
2202reconciled, smooth, an iron, to iron6
2203原告yuángàocomplainant, plaintiff, accuser6
2204缘故yuángùreason, cause6
2205原理yuánlǐprinciple, theory6
2206园林yuánlínpark, gardens, landscape garden6
2207圆满yuánmǎnperfect, satisfactory6
2208源泉yuánquánheadspring, source6
2209原始yuánshǐoriginal, firsthand, primeval, primitive6
2210元首yuánshǒuhead of state6
2211元素yuánsùelement, element of a set, chemical element6
2212冤枉yuānwangtreat unjustly, wrong, not worthwhile6
2213原先yuánxiānformer, original6
2214元宵节yuánxiāojiéLantern Festival (final event of Spring Festival)6
2215愚蠢yúchǔnfoolish, stupid, silly, unintelligent, dumb6
2217乐谱yuèpǔsheet music6
2218约束yuēshùto restrict, to limit to, to constrain, restriction, constraint6
2219预料yùliàoanticipate, expect, predict6
2220舆论yúlùnconsensus, public opinion6
2221愚昧yúmèiignorant, uneducated6
2222渔民yúmínfisherman, fisher folk6
2223蕴藏yùncángto hold in store, contain (untapped reserves etc.)6
2224酝酿yùnniàngto ferment (alcohol), to brew6
2225运算yùnsuàncalculation, mathematical operation6
2226运行yùnxíngto be in motion, move, run6
2227孕育yùnyùto be pregnant, produce offspring, nurture6
2228预期yùqīexpect, anticipate6
2229与日俱增yǔrìjùzēngto increase steadily, to grow with each passing day6
2230羽绒服yǔróngfúdown jacket6
2232欲望yùwàngdesire, longing, appetite, craving6
2233预先yùxiānin advance, beforehand6
2234寓言yùyánfable, allegory, parable6
2235预言yùyánto predict, prophecy6
2236预兆yùzhàoomen, prognosis (medicine)6
2237宇宙yǔzhòuuniverse, cosmos6
2238pound, break, smash, fail6
2239why, how (dialect)6
2240zǎito butcher, slaughter livestock6
2241再接再厉zàijiēzàilìto continue the struggle, to persist, unremitting efforts6
2242灾难zāinàncalamity, disaster, suffering6
2243栽培zāipéigrow, cultivate6
2244在意zàiyìcare about6
2246杂交zájiāoto create a hybrid6
2247zǎnaccumulate, hoard, save money6
2248暂且zànqiěfor now, for the time being, temporarily6
2249赞叹zàntànhighly praise6
2250赞助zànzhùsupport, sponsor6
2251遭受zāoshòuto suffer, to sustain (loss, misfortune)6
2252糟蹋zāotàwaste, ruin, spoil6
2253造型zàoxíngmodel, mould6
2254遭殃zāoyāngto suffer a calamity6
2255噪音zàoyīnnoise, static6
2256遭遇zāoyùmeet with (sth unfortunate), encounter6
2259赠送zèngsònggive as a present6
2260增添zēngtiānto add to, increase6
2261zhǎwink, blink6
2262zhāprick, push a needle into6
2263zhāresidue, dregs, sediment, broken bits, crumb, dross6
2264债券zhàiquànbond, debenture6
2265摘要zhāiyàosummary, brief6
2266斩钉截铁zhǎndīngjiétiěresolute and decisive (lit. chop the nail and slice the iron)6
2267战斗zhàndòuto fight, to battle6
2268障碍zhàng'àibarrier, obstacle, hinder, block, obstruct6
2269章程zhāngchéngstatute, rule, regulations6
2271沾光zhānguāngto bask in the light, to benefit from association with sb or sth, reflected glory6
2272占据zhànjùto occupy, take up, inhabit6
2273占领zhànlǐngto occupy (a territory), to hold6
2275展示zhǎnshìto reveal, to display, to show, to exhibit sth6
2276战术zhànshùtactics (military), manoeuvre6
2277展望zhǎnwàngoutlook, prospect, to look ahead, to look forward to6
2278展现zhǎnxiànexpress, show6
2279崭新zhǎnxīnbrand new6
2280瞻仰zhānyǎngto admire, revere6
2281战役zhànyìmilitary campaign6
2282招标zhāobiāocall for tender, invite public bidding6
2283着迷zháomíbe fascinated6
2284朝气蓬勃zhāoqìpéngbófull of youthful spirit, vigour6
2285招收zhāoshōuto hire, to recruit6
2286照样zhàoyàngas before, in the same old way6
2287照耀zhàoyàoshine, illuminate, radiate, blaze6
2288沼泽zhǎozéswamp, marsh, wetlands6
2289诈骗zhàpiàndefraud, swindle6
2290扎实zhāshisturdy, strong, robust, sound, firm6
2291zhéto break, bend, fold6
2292遮挡zhēdǎngkeep out, shelter from6
2293折磨zhémótorment, persecute, harass6
2294阵地zhèndìbattlefront, front, ground, position6
2295镇定zhèndìngcalm, unperturbed, cool6
2296振奋zhènfènto raise one's spirits, hearten6
2298正当zhèngdāngjust when, just as, just the time for6
2299争端zhēngduāndispute, controversy, conflict6
2300整顿zhěngdùnto restructure, consolidate, reorganise6
2301争夺zhēngduóto fight over, contest, vie over6
2302蒸发zhēngfāto evaporate, evaporation6
2303正负zhèngfùpositive and negative6
2304征服zhēngfúto conquer, subjugate, subdue6
2305正规zhèngguīregular, according to standards6
2306正经zhèngjingdecent, respectable, formal, serious6
2307正气zhèngqìhealthy environment, healthy atmosphere, righteousness, vital energy (in Chinese medicine)6
2308争气zhēngqìto work hard for sth6
2309政权zhèngquánpolitical power, regime6
2310证实zhèngshíto confirm (sth to be true), to verify6
2311征收zhēngshōuto levy (a fine), to impose (a tariff)6
2312证书zhèngshūcertificate, credentials6
2313珍贵zhēnguìvaluable, precious6
2314争先恐后zhēngxiānkǒnghòustrive to be the first, vie with each other6
2315正义zhèngyìrighteousness, justice, just, righteous6
2316争议zhēngyìcontroversy, dispute6
2317正月zhēngyuèthe first month of the lunar year6
2318挣扎zhēngzhástruggle, battle, flounder6
2319郑重zhèngzhòngserious, solemn6
2321正宗zhèngzōnggenuine, authentic, real6
2322震撼zhènhànconvulse, shock (wave)6
2323镇静zhènjìngcalm, cool, composed, poised, unruffled6
2326阵容zhènróngline-up (of sports team etc.), troop arrangement6
2329珍稀zhēnxīrare, precious6
2330真相zhēnxiàngfact, truth6
2331振兴zhènxīngvitalise, develop, promote6
2332真挚zhēnzhìsincere, sincerity6
2333珍珠zhēnzhūpearl, genuine pearl6
2334斟酌zhēnzhuóconsider, deliberate, think carefully6
2335折腾zhētengto toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly), to repeat sth over and over again6
2336zhībranch, twig, measure word (for guns, pens, flowers etc.)6
2337治安zhì'ānlaw and order, public security6
2338值班zhíbānon duty6
2339指标zhǐbiāonorm, index, target6
2340直播zhíbōlive broadcast6
2341制裁zhìcáito punish, punishment, sanctions (incl. economic)6
2342支撑zhīchēngto prop up, support, crutch6
2343支出zhīchūto spend, pay out, expense6
2344致辞zhìcíoration, to address (an audience)6
2345指定zhǐdìngappoint, designate6
2346脂肪zhīfángfat, grease6
2347制服zhìfúto subdue, to check, to bring under control, uniform (army, party, school etc.)6
2351知觉zhījuéfeeling, consciousness6
2352致力zhìlìdevote one's efforts to, dedication6
2353智力zhìlìintellect, intelligence6
2354治理zhìlǐto govern, administer, manage, control6
2355指令zhǐlìngorder, instruction6
2356滞留zhìliúdetain, retention6
2357支流zhīliútributary (of a river)6
2360职能zhínéngfunction, role6
2361智能zhìnéngintelligent, able, smart (phone, system, bomb etc.)6
2362支配zhīpèicontrol, dominate, arrange6
2363志气zhìqìambition, resolve, backbone, drive, spirit6
2365致使zhìshǐto cause, to result in6
2366指示zhǐshìto point out, to indicate, to instruct, directives, instructions6
2367指望zhǐwàngto hope for sth, to count on, hope6
2368职位zhíwèiposition, post, office6
2369职务zhíwùpost, position, job, duties6
2370执行zhíxíngto implement, carry out, execute, run6
2371支援zhīyuánsupport, aid, assist, assistance, help6
2373指责zhǐzéto criticise, find fault with6
2374执着zhízheattached to, stubborn6
2375制止zhìzhǐto prevent, stop, curb, restrain, check, deter6
2376支柱zhīzhùmainstay, backbone6
2378知足常乐zhīzúchánglèfeel contented, satisfied6
2379忠诚zhōngchéngloyal, true, staunch, faithful6
2380终点zhōngdiǎnthe end, end point, finishing line (in a race), destination, terminus6
2381中断zhōngduàninterrupt, suspend, break off, discontinue6
2382终究zhōngjiūin the end, after all6
2383中立zhōnglìneutral, neutrality6
2385终身zhōngshēnlifelong, all one's life6
2386忠实zhōngshífaithful and trustworthy, truthful6
2387众所周知zhòngsuǒzhōuzhīas everyone knows, it is common knowledge that6
2388重心zhòngxīncentre of gravity6
2389衷心zhōngxīnwholehearted, heartfelt, hearty, cordial6
2390中央zhōngyāngcentre, central, central authorities6
2391种植zhòngzhíplant, grow, crop, put in6
2392终止zhōngzhǐto stop, terminate (law)6
2394种族zhǒngzúrace, ethnicity6
2395zhōustate (e.g. of US), administrative division6
2397zhōuporridge (made from rice), congee, gruel6
2398周边zhōubiānrim, periphery6
2399周密zhōumìthorough, careful6
2401周期zhōuqīperiod, cycle6
2402皱纹zhòuwénwrinkle, furrow, rumple, crumple, pucker6
2403昼夜zhòuyèday and night6
2404周折zhōuzhétwists and turns, setbacks6
2405周转zhōuzhuǎnturnover (in cash or personnel)6
2406zhǔlean on a stick6
2407zhūtree trunk, measure word (for plants)6
2408zhuàidrag, haul6
2409zhuānbrick, sth shaped like a brick6
2410专长zhuānchángspecialty, special knowledge or ability6
2411专程zhuānchéngspecial trip6
2412转达zhuǎndáto pass on, convey, communicate6
2413zhuàngtent, measure word (for houses)6
2414装备zhuāngbèiequipment, to equip, to outfit6
2415壮观zhuàngguānspectacular, magnificent sight6
2417壮丽zhuànglìmajestic, splendid, magnificent6
2418壮烈zhuànglièbrave, heroic6
2419装卸zhuāngxièto load and unload6
2420庄严zhuāngyánsolemn, dignified6
2421庄重zhuāngzhònggrave, solemn, dignified6
2424转让zhuǎnràngtransfer (technology, goods etc)6
2425专题zhuāntíspecial topic6
2426转移zhuǎnyíto shift, to divert or distract (attention etc)6
2427转折zhuǎnzhéshift in the trend of events, plot shift in a book, twists and turns6
2428主办zhǔbànto organize, to host (a conference or sports event)6
2429主导zhǔdǎoto lead, manage6
2430嘱咐zhǔfùenjoin, exhort, advise, urge, tell6
2431主管zhǔguǎnin charge of6
2433追悼zhuīdàomourning, memorial service6
2434追究zhuījiūto investigate, find out6
2436主流zhǔliúmain stream (of a river), the essential point, main viewpoint of a matter6
2437逐年zhúniányear after year, with each passing year, over the years6
2438准则zhǔnzénorm, standard, criterion6
2439琢磨zhuómóconsider, ponder, polish (jade)6
2440着手zhuóshǒuput one's hand to, set about, begin, start6
2441着想zhuóxiǎngto give thought (to others), to consider (other people's needs)6
2442卓越zhuóyuèdistinction, excellence, outstanding6
2443着重zhuózhòngemphasise, stress, highlight6
2444主权zhǔquánsovereign rights, sovereignty6
2445注射zhùshèinject, shoot6
2446注视zhùshìlook attentively at, gaze at, stare at6
2447注释zhùshìnote, annotation6
2448助手zhùshǒuassistant, helper, aide6
2449诸位zhūwèieveryone, Ladies and Gentlemen6
2450主义zhǔyìdoctrine, -ism6
2451铸造zhùzàoto cast (pour metal into a mould)6
2452驻扎zhùzhāto station, to garrison (troops)6
2453住宅zhùzháiresidence, residential building, dwelling6
2454注重zhùzhòngpay attention to6
2455著作zhùzuòwork, book, writing6
2456自卑zìbēiinferiority, feel inferior6
2457资本zīběncapital, asset6
2458资产zīchǎncapital, asset6
2459子弹zǐdànbullet, cartridge6
2461自力更生zìlìgēngshēngregeneration through one's own effort (idiom), self-reliance6
2462自满zìmǎnself-satisfied, complacent, self-contented, conceited6
2464资深zīshēnsenior (in terms of depth of accumulated experience), deeply qualified6
2465姿态zītàicarriage, bearing, attitude, gesture6
2466滋味zīwèitaste, flavour6
2467自主zìzhǔdecide for oneself, act on one's own6
2468资助zīzhùto subsidize, to provide financial aid, subsidy6
2469总而言之zǒngéryánzhīin short, in brief, in a nutshell6
2471纵横zònghéngwarp and weft in weaving (lit.), vertical and horizontal, length and breadth, able to move unhindered, abbr. for 合纵连横 (he2 zong4 lian2 heng2) School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC)6
2472踪迹zōngjìtrail, trace, tracks, footprints6
2475宗旨zōngzhǐobjective, aim, goal, tenet6
2476zòubeat up, break to pieces6
2477走廊zǒulángcorridor, passage, passageway6
2478走漏zǒulòuto leak (of information, liquid etc), to divulge6
2479走私zǒusīto smuggle6
2480阻碍zǔ'àiimpede, hinder, block, obstacle, hindrance6
2482钻研zuānyánstudy in depth, dig into6
2483祖父zǔfùpaternal grandfather6
2484祖国zǔguómotherland, fatherland, homeland6
2487阻拦zǔlánto stop, obstruct6
2488租赁zūlìnlease, tenancy6
2489阻挠zǔnáoobstruct, stand in the way6
2490遵循zūnxúnfollow, keep to6
2492作弊zuòbìcheat (on an exam), plagiarise6
2493作废zuòfèito cancel, cancellation6
2494作风zuòfēngstyle, way, attitude, behaviour, conduct6
2495作息zuòxīwork and rest6
2497做主zuòzhǔto decide, take responsibility for6
2498祖先zǔxiānancestor, forebears6
2500啰唆luōsuoto grumble, nag6
