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These are the HSK words in level 6. The list includes only new words, i.e. it does not include the words which are in levels 1 to 5.
No. | Word | Pinyin | Meaning | Level |
1 | 挨 | ái | lean to, in order, in sequence, next to, suffer (hunger), endure, drag out, delay, stall, play for time | 6 |
2 | 爱不释手 | àibúshìshǒu | love sth too much to part with it | 6 |
3 | 爱戴 | àidài | love and esteem | 6 |
4 | 暧昧 | àimèi | vague, shady, illicit | 6 |
5 | 癌症 | áizhèng | cancer | 6 |
6 | 昂贵 | ángguì | expensive | 6 |
7 | 案件 | ànjiàn | law case | 6 |
8 | 案例 | ànlì | case, case study | 6 |
9 | 按摩 | ànmó | massage | 6 |
10 | 安宁 | ānníng | peaceful, calm | 6 |
11 | 暗示 | ànshì | to hint, to suggest, suggestion, a hint | 6 |
12 | 安详 | ānxiáng | serene, sedate | 6 |
13 | 安置 | ānzhì | to find a place for, help settle down, put, arrange for | 6 |
14 | 熬 | áo | boil for a long time (when cooking), endure, suffer | 6 |
15 | 奥秘 | àomì | mystery, enigma | 6 |
16 | 凹凸 | āotū | warp, warped, concave and convex | 6 |
17 | 疤 | bā | scar | 6 |
18 | 扒 | bā | climb, pull (out), to strip, hold on to, cling to, dig up, rake, push aside, climb, crawl, snatch | 6 |
19 | 巴不得 | bābude | anxious, look forward to | 6 |
20 | 霸道 | bàdào | overbearing, tyranny | 6 |
21 | 罢工 | bàgōng | strike, to go on strike | 6 |
22 | 把关 | bǎguān | to guard a pass, to check on sth | 6 |
23 | 掰 | bāi | break off with fingers and thumb | 6 |
24 | 拜访 | bàifǎng | pay a visit, call on | 6 |
25 | 败坏 | bàihuài | to undermine, ruin, corrupt | 6 |
26 | 拜年 | bàinián | pay a New Year call, wish sb a Happy New Year | 6 |
27 | 拜托 | bàituō | to request (sb to do sth) | 6 |
28 | 摆脱 | bǎituō | free oneself from, get rid of | 6 |
29 | 巴结 | bājie | to fawn on, to curry favour with, to suck up to | 6 |
30 | 拔苗助长 | bámiáozhùzhǎng | over-zealous | 6 |
31 | 斑 | bān | speckle, spot, stripe | 6 |
32 | 版本 | bǎnběn | edition, version | 6 |
33 | 颁布 | bānbù | to issue, to proclaim, to enact (laws, decrees etc) | 6 |
34 | 颁发 | bānfā | to award, issue | 6 |
35 | 磅 | bàng | pound (unit of measurement), scale, weigh, measure word | 6 |
36 | 绑架 | bǎngjià | to kidnap, abduct, hijack | 6 |
37 | 榜样 | bǎngyàng | example, model | 6 |
38 | 伴侣 | bànlǚ | companion, mate, partner | 6 |
39 | 伴随 | bànsuí | to go with, accompany | 6 |
40 | 半途而废 | bàntúérfèi | give up halfway, leave sth unfinished | 6 |
41 | 扮演 | bànyǎn | act, represent | 6 |
42 | 包庇 | bāobì | shield, protect from | 6 |
43 | 报酬 | bàochou | reward, remuneration | 6 |
44 | 报仇 | bàochóu | to revenge (oneself), to avenge | 6 |
45 | 报答 | bàodá | to reciprocate, pay back, repay | 6 |
46 | 爆发 | bàofā | to erupt, burst out, break out | 6 |
47 | 报复 | bàofù | to retaliate, revenge, retaliation, reprisal | 6 |
48 | 抱负 | bàofù | ambition | 6 |
49 | 包袱 | bāofu | load, burden, a bundle wrapped in cloth | 6 |
50 | 保管 | bǎoguǎn | to assure, to guarantee, to take care of, to safeguard, certainly, surely | 6 |
51 | 曝光 | bàoguāng | exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material), to expose (a scandal to the public) | 6 |
52 | 饱和 | bǎohé | saturated, saturation | 6 |
53 | 报警 | bàojǐng | report (to the police) | 6 |
54 | 饱经沧桑 | bǎojīngcāngsāng | having lived through many changes | 6 |
55 | 暴力 | bàolì | violence, violent | 6 |
56 | 暴露 | bàolù | to expose, lay bare, divulge | 6 |
57 | 保密 | bǎomì | to keep secret, maintain secrecy | 6 |
58 | 保姆 | bǎomǔ | nanny, housekeeper | 6 |
59 | 保守 | bǎoshǒu | to guard, keep, conservative | 6 |
60 | 保卫 | bǎowèi | to defend, safeguard | 6 |
61 | 包围 | bāowéi | surround, encircle | 6 |
62 | 报销 | bàoxiāo | submit an expense account, apply for reimbursement | 6 |
63 | 保养 | bǎoyǎng | to take good care of one's health, to keep in good repair, to maintain, maintenance | 6 |
64 | 爆炸 | bàozhà | explode, blow up | 6 |
65 | 保障 | bǎozhàng | to ensure, guarantee, protection | 6 |
66 | 保重 | bǎozhòng | take care of oneself | 6 |
67 | 包装 | bāozhuāng | pack, package | 6 |
68 | 把手 | bǎshou | handle, knob | 6 |
69 | 悲哀 | bēi'āi | sad, sorrowful, grieved | 6 |
70 | 卑鄙 | bēibǐ | base, despicable, vulgar | 6 |
71 | 悲惨 | bēicǎn | miserable | 6 |
72 | 被动 | bèidòng | passive | 6 |
73 | 备份 | bèifèn | back-up | 6 |
74 | 被告 | bèigào | defendant | 6 |
75 | 北极 | běijí | North pole | 6 |
76 | 贝壳 | bèiké | shell, conch | 6 |
77 | 背叛 | bèipàn | to betray | 6 |
78 | 背诵 | bèisòng | to recite, repeat from memory | 6 |
79 | 备忘录 | bèiwànglù | note, memo | 6 |
80 | 奔波 | bēnbō | rush about, be busy doing | 6 |
81 | 奔驰 | bēnchí | run quickly | 6 |
82 | 甭 | béng | don't, needn't | 6 |
83 | 蹦 | bèng | jump, bounce, hop | 6 |
84 | 迸发 | bèngfā | to burst out, to gush, to spurt | 6 |
85 | 崩溃 | bēngkuì | collapse, break down, fall apart | 6 |
86 | 本能 | běnnéng | instinct | 6 |
87 | 本钱 | běnqián | capital | 6 |
88 | 本人 | běnrén | I, me, myself, oneself | 6 |
89 | 本身 | běnshēn | itself, in itself | 6 |
90 | 本事 | běnshi | skill, ability, capability | 6 |
91 | 笨拙 | bènzhuō | clumsy | 6 |
92 | 臂 | bì | arm | 6 |
93 | 扁 | biǎn | flat | 6 |
94 | 遍布 | biànbù | found everywhere, ubiquitous, spread all over | 6 |
95 | 鞭策 | biāncè | to urge on, encourage sb (to make progress) | 6 |
96 | 贬低 | biǎndī | to belittle, demean, degrade, devalue | 6 |
97 | 变故 | biàngù | misfortune, accident | 6 |
98 | 辩护 | biànhù | to plead, speak in defence of | 6 |
99 | 边疆 | biānjiāng | border area, borderland, frontier | 6 |
100 | 辩解 | biànjiě | to explain, to justify, to defend (a point of view etc), to provide an explanation, to try to defend oneself | 6 |
101 | 边界 | biānjiè | boundary, border | 6 |
102 | 边境 | biānjìng | border, frontier | 6 |
103 | 便利 | biànlì | convenient, easy, facilitate | 6 |
104 | 变迁 | biànqiān | vicissitude, change | 6 |
105 | 辨认 | biànrèn | to recognize, to identify | 6 |
106 | 便条 | biàntiáo | informal note | 6 |
107 | 贬义 | biǎnyì | derogatory sense | 6 |
108 | 便于 | biànyú | easy to, convenient for | 6 |
109 | 边缘 | biānyuán | edge, fringe, brink | 6 |
110 | 辩证 | biànzhèng | dialectical | 6 |
111 | 变质 | biànzhì | to deteriorate | 6 |
112 | 编织 | biānzhī | knit, weave | 6 |
113 | 辫子 | biànzi | plait, braid, pigtail, a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent, handle | 6 |
114 | 标本 | biāoběn | specimen, demo | 6 |
115 | 标记 | biāojì | mark, sign, symbol | 6 |
116 | 表决 | biǎojué | to vote | 6 |
117 | 表态 | biǎotài | declare one's position | 6 |
118 | 标题 | biāotí | title, heading, headline, caption, subject | 6 |
119 | 表彰 | biǎozhāng | commend, cite | 6 |
120 | 弊病 | bìbìng | disadvantage | 6 |
121 | 弊端 | bìduān | malpractice, abuse | 6 |
122 | 憋 | biē | hold back, choke, restrain, hold in (urine) | 6 |
123 | 别扭 | bièniu | unnatural, awkward | 6 |
124 | 别墅 | biéshù | villa, chateau | 6 |
125 | 别致 | biézhì | unusual, unique | 6 |
126 | 比方 | bǐfang | instance, analogy | 6 |
127 | 丙 | bǐng | the third of the ten Heavenly Stems, third | 6 |
128 | 冰雹 | bīngbáo | hail, hailstone | 6 |
129 | 并非 | bìngfēi | really isn't | 6 |
130 | 并列 | bìngliè | to stand side by side, to be juxtaposed | 6 |
131 | 濒临 | bīnlín | on the verge of | 6 |
132 | 逼迫 | bīpò | force, compel | 6 |
133 | 闭塞 | bìsè | stop up, unenlightened, hard to get to | 6 |
134 | 鄙视 | bǐshì | despise, disdain, look down on | 6 |
135 | 鼻涕 | bítì | nasal mucus, snot | 6 |
136 | 比喻 | bǐyù | metaphor, analogy, figure of speech, figuratively | 6 |
137 | 比重 | bǐzhòng | specific gravity, proportion | 6 |
138 | 拨 | bō | move sth with hand/foot/stick, turn, dial, assign | 6 |
139 | 博大精深 | bódàjīngshēn | of extensive knowledge and deep scholarship | 6 |
140 | 搏斗 | bódòu | to struggle, fight | 6 |
141 | 波浪 | bōlàng | wave (of water) | 6 |
142 | 博览会 | bólǎnhuì | exhibition | 6 |
143 | 伯母 | bómǔ | aunt, wife of father's elder brother | 6 |
144 | 薄弱 | bóruò | weak, frail | 6 |
145 | 波涛 | bōtāo | wave | 6 |
146 | 剥削 | bōxuē | exploit, exploitation | 6 |
147 | 播种 | bōzhòng | to sow seeds, sowing, seed | 6 |
148 | 补偿 | bǔcháng | compensate, make up for | 6 |
149 | 不得已 | bùdéyǐ | have no alternative but to | 6 |
150 | 步伐 | bùfá | march, pace, step | 6 |
151 | 不妨 | bùfáng | might as well, no harm in | 6 |
152 | 不敢当 | bùgǎndāng | you flatter me | 6 |
153 | 布告 | bùgào | posting on a bulletin board, notice, bulletin, to announce | 6 |
154 | 不顾 | búgù | have no consideration for, have no regard for, regardless of, in spite of | 6 |
155 | 不禁 | bùjīn | cannot help, cannot refrain from | 6 |
156 | 补救 | bǔjiù | repair, remedy | 6 |
157 | 布局 | bùjú | distribution, layout | 6 |
158 | 不堪 | bùkān | can't bear, can't stand | 6 |
159 | 不可思议 | bùkěsīyì | incredible, inconceivable | 6 |
160 | 不愧 | búkuì | be worthy of, deserve to be called, prove oneself to be, creditably | 6 |
161 | 不料 | búliào | unexpectedly, to one's surprise | 6 |
162 | 不免 | bùmiǎn | inevitably, would naturally | 6 |
163 | 哺乳 | bǔrǔ | breast feed | 6 |
164 | 不时 | bùshí | often, frequently, at any time, now and again | 6 |
165 | 部署 | bùshǔ | dispose, deploy, deployment, plan | 6 |
166 | 补贴 | bǔtiē | to subsidise, subsidy, allowance | 6 |
167 | 部位 | bùwèi | position, place | 6 |
168 | 不惜 | bùxī | not spare, not hesitate | 6 |
169 | 不像话 | búxiànghuà | outrageous, shocking | 6 |
170 | 不相上下 | bùxiāngshàngxià | about the same, equally matched | 6 |
171 | 不屑一顾 | búxièyígù | be beneath sb | 6 |
172 | 不言而喻 | bùyánéryù | it is self-evident | 6 |
173 | 不由得 | bùyóude | can't help, cannot but | 6 |
174 | 不择手段 | bùzéshǒuduàn | by hook or by crook | 6 |
175 | 布置 | bùzhì | to fix up, arrange, decorate | 6 |
176 | 不止 | bùzhǐ | be not limited to, be more than, not stop | 6 |
177 | 捕捉 | bǔzhuō | catch, seize, capture | 6 |
178 | 裁缝 | cáifeng | tailor, dressmaker | 6 |
179 | 财富 | cáifù | riches, wealth | 6 |
180 | 才干 | cáigàn | ability, competence | 6 |
181 | 采购 | cǎigòu | to purchase | 6 |
182 | 采集 | cǎijí | to gather, to collect, to harvest | 6 |
183 | 采纳 | cǎinà | to accept | 6 |
184 | 裁判 | cáipàn | judge, umpire, act as referee, referee | 6 |
185 | 彩票 | cǎipiào | lottery ticket | 6 |
186 | 财务 | cáiwù | financial affairs | 6 |
187 | 裁员 | cáiyuán | to cut staff, layoff, downsize | 6 |
188 | 财政 | cáizhèng | government finance, public economy | 6 |
189 | 舱 | cāng | cabin, hold (of a ship or aeroplane) | 6 |
190 | 苍白 | cāngbái | pale, wan, pallid | 6 |
191 | 仓促 | cāngcù | hurried | 6 |
192 | 仓库 | cāngkù | storehouse, warehouse, depot | 6 |
193 | 残疾 | cánjí | deformity, physical disability | 6 |
194 | 残酷 | cánkù | cruel, brutal | 6 |
195 | 灿烂 | cànlàn | bright, splendid, brilliant, magnificent | 6 |
196 | 残留 | cánliú | residual, left over, remnant | 6 |
197 | 参谋 | cānmóu | give advice, staff officer | 6 |
198 | 残忍 | cánrěn | brutal, cruel | 6 |
199 | 参照 | cānzhào | to refer to (another document) | 6 |
200 | 草案 | cǎo'àn | protocol, draft (of a plan, decree, regulation etc.) | 6 |
201 | 操劳 | cāoláo | work hard | 6 |
202 | 操练 | cāoliàn | drill, practice | 6 |
203 | 草率 | cǎoshuài | careless, slapdash, cursory | 6 |
204 | 嘈杂 | cáozá | tumult, hubbub, noisy | 6 |
205 | 操纵 | cāozòng | handle, control, operate, manipulate, rig | 6 |
206 | 操作 | cāozuò | operate, manipulate | 6 |
207 | 策划 | cèhuà | to plan, hatch, plot, scheme | 6 |
208 | 测量 | cèliáng | survey, to measure, to gauge, to determine | 6 |
209 | 策略 | cèlüè | tactic, policy | 6 |
210 | 侧面 | cèmiàn | side, flank | 6 |
211 | 层出不穷 | céngchūbùqióng | emerge in an endless stream | 6 |
212 | 层次 | céngcì | arrangement of ideas, administrative level, level, stage, phase | 6 |
213 | 岔 | chà | turn off, fork (in a road, river etc.) | 6 |
214 | 差别 | chābié | difference, disparity, distinction | 6 |
215 | 查获 | cháhuò | hunt down and seize, ferret out | 6 |
216 | 柴油 | cháiyóu | diesel oil | 6 |
217 | 馋 | chán | greedy | 6 |
218 | 搀 | chān | mix, support, assist by the arm | 6 |
219 | 刹那 | chànà | in a instant | 6 |
220 | 颤抖 | chàndǒu | tremble, shiver, shake | 6 |
221 | 倡导 | chàngdǎo | to advocate, be a proponent of | 6 |
222 | 场合 | chǎnghé | occasion, situation | 6 |
223 | 偿还 | chánghuán | to repay, compensate | 6 |
224 | 敞开 | chǎngkāi | wide open, to open up | 6 |
225 | 场面 | chǎngmiàn | scene, spectacle, occasion, appearance | 6 |
226 | 昌盛 | chāngshèng | prosperous | 6 |
227 | 尝试 | chángshì | attempt, try | 6 |
228 | 场所 | chǎngsuǒ | location, place | 6 |
229 | 畅通 | chàngtōng | unimpeded, unblocked | 6 |
230 | 畅销 | chàngxiāo | sell well | 6 |
231 | 倡议 | chàngyì | to suggest, to initiate, proposal, initiative | 6 |
232 | 缠绕 | chánrào | to twist, twine, wind, pester, bother | 6 |
233 | 阐述 | chǎnshù | to expound, elaborate (on a topic) | 6 |
234 | 产业 | chǎnyè | industry, estate, property, industrial | 6 |
235 | 朝代 | cháodài | dynasty | 6 |
236 | 潮流 | cháoliú | tide, tidal current, trend | 6 |
237 | 钞票 | chāopiào | bill, note, paper currency | 6 |
238 | 嘲笑 | cháoxiào | to jeer, scoff, sneer, make fun of, laugh at | 6 |
239 | 巢穴 | cháoxué | lair, hangout, robber's den | 6 |
240 | 超越 | chāoyuè | exceed, surpass | 6 |
241 | 诧异 | chàyì | astonished | 6 |
242 | 插座 | chāzuò | socket, power outlet | 6 |
243 | 沉淀 | chéndiàn | to settle, precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution) | 6 |
244 | 盛 | chéng | to hold, contain, to ladle, pick up with a utensil, surname | 6 |
245 | 乘 | chéng | to ride, make use of, multiply (mathematics) | 6 |
246 | 橙 | chéng | orange tree, the colour orange, orange | 6 |
247 | 秤 | chèng | balance | 6 |
248 | 承办 | chéngbàn | to undertake, to accept a contract | 6 |
249 | 城堡 | chéngbǎo | castle, rook (chess piece) | 6 |
250 | 承包 | chéngbāo | contract (with), assume full responsibility | 6 |
251 | 成本 | chéngběn | cost (manufacturing, production) | 6 |
252 | 惩罚 | chéngfá | to punish, punishment, penalty | 6 |
253 | 称号 | chēnghào | title, term of address | 6 |
254 | 成交 | chéngjiāo | to complete a contract, reach a deal | 6 |
255 | 承诺 | chéngnuò | promise, commitment | 6 |
256 | 澄清 | chéngqīng | clear (of liquid), limpid, to clarify, to make sth clear, to be clear (about the facts) | 6 |
257 | 成天 | chéngtiān | all day long, all the time | 6 |
258 | 呈现 | chéngxiàn | show, appear, take on, present | 6 |
259 | 成效 | chéngxiào | effect, result | 6 |
260 | 成心 | chéngxīn | intentional, deliberate, on purpose | 6 |
261 | 成员 | chéngyuán | member | 6 |
262 | 诚挚 | chéngzhì | sincere, cordial, earnest | 6 |
263 | 陈旧 | chénjiù | old | 6 |
264 | 陈列 | chénliè | to display, exhibit, show | 6 |
265 | 沉闷 | chénmèn | oppressive, withdrawn | 6 |
266 | 陈述 | chénshù | to declare, state, mention | 6 |
267 | 沉思 | chénsī | to muse, ponder, meditate, contemplate | 6 |
268 | 衬托 | chèntuō | to set off, relieve | 6 |
269 | 称心如意 | chènxīnrúyì | everything one could wish for | 6 |
270 | 沉重 | chénzhòng | heavy, hard, serious, critical | 6 |
271 | 沉着 | chénzhuó | composed, cool headed | 6 |
272 | 撤退 | chètuì | to withdraw, retreat | 6 |
273 | 撤销 | chèxiāo | repeal, retract | 6 |
274 | 赤道 | chìdào | equator | 6 |
275 | 迟钝 | chídùn | slow (witted) | 6 |
276 | 迟缓 | chíhuǎn | sluggish, slow | 6 |
277 | 持久 | chíjiǔ | enduring, lasting, persistent | 6 |
278 | 吃苦 | chīkǔ | bear hardships, suffer | 6 |
279 | 吃力 | chīlì | strenuous, painstaking, tiring, wearing | 6 |
280 | 迟疑 | chíyí | hesitate | 6 |
281 | 赤字 | chìzì | deficit, red ink | 6 |
282 | 崇拜 | chóngbài | worship, adore, adoration | 6 |
283 | 充当 | chōngdāng | act as, serve as | 6 |
284 | 重叠 | chóngdié | overlap | 6 |
285 | 冲动 | chōngdòng | impulse, impulsive | 6 |
286 | 崇高 | chónggāo | lofty, high, sublime | 6 |
287 | 冲击 | chōngjī | impact, shock, pound, attack | 6 |
288 | 崇敬 | chóngjìng | respect, revere | 6 |
289 | 充沛 | chōngpèi | abundant, plentiful | 6 |
290 | 充实 | chōngshí | substantial, rich, to substantiate, enrich, fill | 6 |
291 | 冲突 | chōngtū | collide, conflict, clash, collision | 6 |
292 | 充足 | chōngzú | adequate, abundant | 6 |
293 | 筹备 | chóubèi | to make preparations, get ready for sth | 6 |
294 | 丑恶 | chǒu'è | ugly, repulsive | 6 |
295 | 稠密 | chóumì | thick, dense | 6 |
296 | 除 | chú | remove, do away with, wipe out, divide, except | 6 |
297 | 串 | chuàn | string together, mix up, bunch, cluster, measure word (for rows or strings) | 6 |
298 | 船舶 | chuánbó | shipping, boats | 6 |
299 | 传达 | chuándá | to convey, transmit, communicate | 6 |
300 | 传单 | chuándān | leaflet, flier, pamphlet | 6 |
301 | 床单 | chuángdān | bed sheet | 6 |
302 | 创立 | chuànglì | found, establish, initiate | 6 |
303 | 创新 | chuàngxīn | innovate, innovation, creativity, fresh idea | 6 |
304 | 创业 | chuàngyè | to begin an undertaking, to start a major task, to initiate, to venture, venture | 6 |
305 | 创作 | chuàngzuò | create, write, creative work | 6 |
306 | 川流不息 | chuānliúbùxī | a constant flow (of traffic, people etc.) | 6 |
307 | 喘气 | chuǎnqì | to breathe deeply, to pant | 6 |
308 | 传授 | chuánshòu | to impart, to pass on, to teach | 6 |
309 | 穿越 | chuānyuè | pass through, cross, overcome | 6 |
310 | 储备 | chǔbèi | reserves, to store up | 6 |
311 | 初步 | chūbù | initial, preliminary | 6 |
312 | 储存 | chǔcún | stockpile, to store, to stockpile, storage | 6 |
313 | 触犯 | chùfàn | to offend, violate | 6 |
314 | 处分 | chǔfèn | punishment, punish | 6 |
315 | 锤 | chuí | hammer | 6 |
316 | 吹牛 | chuīniú | brag, boast | 6 |
317 | 吹捧 | chuīpěng | flatter, adulation | 6 |
318 | 炊烟 | chuīyān | smoke (from chimneys) | 6 |
319 | 垂直 | chuízhí | perpendicular, vertical | 6 |
320 | 处境 | chǔjìng | plight, unfavourable situation | 6 |
321 | 出路 | chūlù | way out, outlet | 6 |
322 | 出卖 | chūmài | betray, sell out, sell | 6 |
323 | 纯粹 | chúncuì | pure, purely, purity | 6 |
324 | 纯洁 | chúnjié | pure, unadulterated, purify, cleanse | 6 |
325 | 出神 | chūshén | entranced | 6 |
326 | 出身 | chūshēn | be born into, origin, family background | 6 |
327 | 出息 | chūxi | prospect, aspiration, promise | 6 |
328 | 储蓄 | chǔxù | to save up, deposit money | 6 |
329 | 处置 | chǔzhì | to handle, to take care of, to punish | 6 |
330 | 刺 | cì | thorn, sting, prick, pierce, stab, thrust | 6 |
331 | 磁带 | cídài | magnetic tape | 6 |
332 | 伺候 | cìhou | to wait upon, serve | 6 |
333 | 次品 | cìpǐn | defective goods | 6 |
334 | 慈善 | císhàn | charity, philanthropy | 6 |
335 | 慈祥 | cíxiáng | kind, kindly, mercy | 6 |
336 | 雌雄 | cíxióng | male and female | 6 |
337 | 次序 | cìxù | order, sequence | 6 |
338 | 丛 | cóng | clump, tussock, thicket, grove, crowd, collection | 6 |
339 | 从容 | cóngróng | leisurely, calm, plentiful, sufficient, enough | 6 |
340 | 凑合 | còuhe | to bring together, to make do in a bad situation, to improvise | 6 |
341 | 窜 | cuàn | flee, scurry, change (wording) | 6 |
342 | 摧残 | cuīcán | devastate, wreck | 6 |
343 | 脆弱 | cuìruò | flimsy, frail | 6 |
344 | 粗鲁 | cūlǔ | rude, crude | 6 |
345 | 搓 | cuō | twist, twine, rub, scrub | 6 |
346 | 磋商 | cuōshāng | to consult, to discuss seriously, to negotiate, to confer, negotiations, consultations | 6 |
347 | 挫折 | cuòzhé | setback, reverse, defeat, frustration | 6 |
348 | 搭 | dā | put up, build | 6 |
349 | 打包 | dǎbāo | to pack, wrap, ask for a doggy bag (at restaurant) | 6 |
350 | 答辩 | dábiàn | to reply (to an accusation) | 6 |
351 | 大不了 | dàbuliǎo | at worst, if worst comes to worst | 6 |
352 | 大臣 | dàchén | minister | 6 |
353 | 达成 | dáchéng | reach (agreement), conclude (negotiation) | 6 |
354 | 搭档 | dādàng | to cooperate, partner | 6 |
355 | 答复 | dáfù | to reply, answer | 6 |
356 | 打官司 | dǎguānsi | to sue, file a lawsuit | 6 |
357 | 大伙儿 | dàhuǒr | everybody | 6 |
358 | 逮捕 | dàibǔ | arrest, apprehend | 6 |
359 | 代价 | dàijià | cost, price, expense | 6 |
360 | 代理 | dàilǐ | to act as an agent, deputise | 6 |
361 | 带领 | dàilǐng | to lead, guide, direct | 6 |
362 | 怠慢 | dàimàn | to neglect, treat sb in a cold manner | 6 |
363 | 歹徒 | dǎitú | gangster, mobster | 6 |
364 | 打击 | dǎjī | to hit, to strike, to attack | 6 |
365 | 打架 | dǎjià | to fight, to scuffle, to come to blows | 6 |
366 | 打量 | dǎliang | to size sb up, to take measure of, to suppose, to reckon | 6 |
367 | 打猎 | dǎliè | to go hunting | 6 |
368 | 蛋白质 | dànbáizhì | protein | 6 |
369 | 担保 | dānbǎo | to guarantee, to vouch for | 6 |
370 | 诞辰 | dànchén | birthday | 6 |
371 | 党 | dǎng | party, association, club, society, surname | 6 |
372 | 档案 | dàng'àn | files, archives, records, dossiers | 6 |
373 | 当场 | dāngchǎng | on the spot | 6 |
374 | 当初 | dāngchū | in the beginning, at that time, originally | 6 |
375 | 档次 | dàngcì | grade, class, quality, level | 6 |
376 | 当代 | dāngdài | present time, contemporary age, nowadays | 6 |
377 | 当面 | dāngmiàn | face to face, in sb's presence | 6 |
378 | 当前 | dāngqián | present, current | 6 |
379 | 当事人 | dāngshìrén | client, persons involved or implicated | 6 |
380 | 当务之急 | dāngwùzhījí | urgent matter | 6 |
381 | 当选 | dāngxuǎn | be elected | 6 |
382 | 淡季 | dànjì | low season | 6 |
383 | 胆怯 | dǎnqiè | timid, cowardly | 6 |
384 | 诞生 | dànshēng | be born, come into being, be founded | 6 |
385 | 淡水 | dànshuǐ | fresh water | 6 |
386 | 倒闭 | dǎobì | to go bankrupt, close down | 6 |
387 | 导弹 | dǎodàn | guided missile | 6 |
388 | 稻谷 | dàogǔ | paddy, unhulled rice | 6 |
389 | 导航 | dǎoháng | to navigate, navigation | 6 |
390 | 捣乱 | dǎoluàn | to disturb, look for trouble | 6 |
391 | 盗窃 | dàoqiè | steal, pilfer | 6 |
392 | 导向 | dǎoxiàng | to be oriented towards, orientation | 6 |
393 | 搭配 | dāpèi | to pair, match, arrange (in pairs) | 6 |
394 | 大肆 | dàsì | without restraint, wantonly | 6 |
395 | 大体 | dàtǐ | in general | 6 |
396 | 大意 | dàyi | main idea, general idea, gist, main points | 6 |
397 | 打仗 | dǎzhàng | to go to war, make war, fight | 6 |
398 | 大致 | dàzhì | general, rough, overall | 6 |
399 | 得不偿失 | débùchángshī | the gains do not make up for the losses | 6 |
400 | 得力 | délì | able, capable, competent, efficient | 6 |
401 | 瞪 | dèng | stare, glare with displeasure | 6 |
402 | 蹬 | dēng | pedal, step on, press with the foot | 6 |
403 | 等候 | děnghòu | wait, await, expect | 6 |
404 | 等级 | děngjí | grade, rank, degree, rate | 6 |
405 | 灯笼 | dēnglong | lantern | 6 |
406 | 登陆 | dēnglù | disembark, land, make landfall (of typhoon etc.) | 6 |
407 | 登录 | dēnglù | to register, login | 6 |
408 | 得天独厚 | détiāndúhòu | rich in resources (of an area of land), gifted (of a person) | 6 |
409 | 得罪 | dézuì | to commit an offense, to violate the law | 6 |
410 | 垫 | diàn | mat, pad, cushion | 6 |
411 | 颠簸 | diānbǒ | to bump, jolt, shake | 6 |
412 | 颠倒 | diāndǎo | to reverse, turn upside-down | 6 |
413 | 奠定 | diàndìng | to establish, found, build up (a foundation) | 6 |
414 | 惦记 | diànjì | remember with concern, worry about | 6 |
415 | 典礼 | diǎnlǐ | ceremony, celebration, ritual, rite | 6 |
416 | 典型 | diǎnxíng | typical case, model, typical, representative | 6 |
417 | 电源 | diànyuán | power supply | 6 |
418 | 点缀 | diǎnzhuì | to enhance, beautify, intersperse | 6 |
419 | 吊 | diào | to hang, suspend, hang a person | 6 |
420 | 叼 | diāo | to hold in the mouth | 6 |
421 | 调动 | diàodòng | to transfer, to manoeuvre (troops etc.) | 6 |
422 | 雕刻 | diāokè | to carve, engrave, sculpt, carving | 6 |
423 | 雕塑 | diāosù | sculpture, statue, sculpt, carve | 6 |
424 | 堤坝 | dībà | dyke | 6 |
425 | 地步 | dìbù | condition, plight, extent, degree | 6 |
426 | 抵达 | dǐdá | arrive, reach (a destination) | 6 |
427 | 跌 | diē | fall down | 6 |
428 | 抵抗 | dǐkàng | to resist, withstand, resistance | 6 |
429 | 丁 | dīng | fourth Heavenly Stem, fourth, surname | 6 |
430 | 盯 | dīng | gaze at, stare at, fix one's eyes on | 6 |
431 | 定期 | dìngqī | regular schedule, at regular intervals, periodical | 6 |
432 | 定义 | dìngyì | definition | 6 |
433 | 叮嘱 | dīngzhǔ | urge again and again, exhort, warn | 6 |
434 | 敌视 | díshì | be hostile to, antagonise | 6 |
435 | 地势 | dìshì | terrain, topography in terms of strategic significance | 6 |
436 | 丢人 | diūrén | lose face | 6 |
437 | 丢三落四 | diūsānlàsì | forgetful, scatterbrained | 6 |
438 | 递增 | dìzēng | increase by degrees | 6 |
439 | 地质 | dìzhì | geology | 6 |
440 | 抵制 | dǐzhì | to resist, to boycott, to refuse (to cooperate), resistance, refusal | 6 |
441 | 栋 | dòng | measure word (for buildings) | 6 |
442 | 动荡 | dòngdàng | unrest (social or political), turmoil, upheaval, commotion | 6 |
443 | 东道主 | dōngdàozhǔ | host | 6 |
444 | 动机 | dòngjī | motive, intention, motivation, inner drive | 6 |
445 | 冻结 | dòngjié | to freeze (loan, wage, price etc) | 6 |
446 | 动静 | dòngjing | sound and movement, activity, happening | 6 |
447 | 动力 | dònglì | power, motion, propulsion, force | 6 |
448 | 动脉 | dòngmài | artery | 6 |
449 | 动身 | dòngshēn | to leave, go on a journey | 6 |
450 | 董事长 | dǒngshìzhǎng | chairman (of the board) | 6 |
451 | 动手 | dòngshǒu | to hit with hands or fists, to start work, to touch | 6 |
452 | 动态 | dòngtài | development, trend, dynamic state, movement, moving | 6 |
453 | 动员 | dòngyuán | to arouse, mobilise | 6 |
454 | 东张西望 | dōngzhāngxīwàng | to glance around, look in all directions | 6 |
455 | 兜 | dōu | pocket, wrap up | 6 |
456 | 陡峭 | dǒuqiào | steep, precipitous | 6 |
457 | 斗争 | dòuzhēng | fight, struggle, combat | 6 |
458 | 端 | duān | end, extremity, item, port, to hold sth level with both hands, to carry, regular | 6 |
459 | 短促 | duǎncù | very brief | 6 |
460 | 断定 | duàndìng | to conclude, determine, come to a judgment | 6 |
461 | 断绝 | duànjué | break off, sever | 6 |
462 | 端午节 | duānwǔjié | Dragon Boat Festival | 6 |
463 | 端正 | duānzhèng | upright, regular, proper, correct | 6 |
464 | 赌博 | dǔbó | gamble | 6 |
465 | 独裁 | dúcái | dictatorship, autocracy | 6 |
466 | 督促 | dūcù | to urge sb to complete a task | 6 |
467 | 对策 | duìcè | countermeasure | 6 |
468 | 对称 | duìchèn | symmetrical, symmetry | 6 |
469 | 对付 | duìfu | deal with | 6 |
470 | 堆积 | duījī | pile up, heap up, accumulate | 6 |
471 | 对抗 | duìkàng | to withstand, resist, antagonise, antagonism | 6 |
472 | 对立 | duìlì | oppose, counter, go against | 6 |
473 | 对联 | duìlián | rhyming couplet, pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway | 6 |
474 | 队伍 | duìwu | troops, ranks | 6 |
475 | 兑现 | duìxiàn | to cash (a cheque etc.), honour a commitment | 6 |
476 | 对应 | duìyìng | to correspond, correspondence, matching | 6 |
477 | 对照 | duìzhào | to contrast, compare, place side by side (for comparison) | 6 |
478 | 杜绝 | dùjué | put an end to | 6 |
479 | 顿时 | dùnshí | immediately, at once, suddenly | 6 |
480 | 堕落 | duòluò | degenerate, corrupt | 6 |
481 | 哆嗦 | duōsuo | shiver, tremble, quiver | 6 |
482 | 多元化 | duōyuánhuà | diversify, diversification | 6 |
483 | 毒品 | dúpǐn | drugs, narcotics, poison | 6 |
484 | 堵塞 | dǔsè | to block, stop, blockage | 6 |
485 | 恶化 | èhuà | worsen, deteriorate, exacerbate | 6 |
486 | 恩怨 | ēnyuàn | feeling of resentment, grudge | 6 |
487 | 二氧化碳 | èryǎnghuàtàn | carbon dioxide | 6 |
488 | 而已 | éryǐ | nothing more | 6 |
489 | 额外 | éwài | extra, additional | 6 |
490 | 恶心 | ěxin | feel like vomiting, feel sick, be disgusted | 6 |
491 | 遏制 | èzhì | to restrain, hold back | 6 |
492 | 发布 | fābù | to issue, put out, announce | 6 |
493 | 发财 | fācái | to get rich | 6 |
494 | 发呆 | fādāi | lost in thought, to stare blankly | 6 |
495 | 发动 | fādòng | to start, launch, arouse | 6 |
496 | 发觉 | fājué | to become aware, sense, realise, discover, detect | 6 |
497 | 番 | fān | time, kind, sort, measure word (for acts) | 6 |
498 | 反驳 | fǎnbó | to retort, contradict, refute | 6 |
499 | 反常 | fǎncháng | abnormal | 6 |
500 | 范畴 | fànchóu | category | 6 |
501 | 反感 | fǎngǎn | to be disgusted with, to dislike, bad reaction, antipathy | 6 |
502 | 放大 | fàngdà | enlarge, amplify | 6 |
503 | 放射 | fàngshè | to radiate, radioactive | 6 |
504 | 防守 | fángshǒu | defend, guard (against) | 6 |
505 | 方位 | fāngwèi | orientation, bearing | 6 |
506 | 访问 | fǎngwèn | to visit, call on | 6 |
507 | 方言 | fāngyán | dialect | 6 |
508 | 防御 | fángyù | defend and resist, guard, defence | 6 |
509 | 方圆 | fāngyuán | circumference | 6 |
510 | 方针 | fāngzhēn | policy, principle | 6 |
511 | 防治 | fángzhì | prevent and treat (diseases) | 6 |
512 | 防止 | fángzhǐ | to prevent, avoid, guard against | 6 |
513 | 纺织 | fǎngzhī | spinning and weaving, textile | 6 |
514 | 繁华 | fánhuá | flourishing, bustling | 6 |
515 | 反抗 | fǎnkàng | to resist, to rebel | 6 |
516 | 反馈 | fǎnkuì | to send back information, feedback | 6 |
517 | 泛滥 | fànlàn | flood, overflow, spread unchecked | 6 |
518 | 贩卖 | fànmài | to sell, peddle, traffic, deal in | 6 |
519 | 繁忙 | fánmáng | busy, bustling | 6 |
520 | 反面 | fǎnmiàn | reverse side of sth, opposite side of some topic | 6 |
521 | 反射 | fǎnshè | to reflect, reflection (from a mirror etc), reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism) | 6 |
522 | 凡是 | fánshì | every, any, all, without exception | 6 |
523 | 反思 | fǎnsī | to think back over sth, to review, to revisit, to rethink, reflection, reassessment | 6 |
524 | 繁体字 | fántǐzì | traditional Chinese character | 6 |
525 | 反问 | fǎnwèn | to ask (a question) in reply, to answer a question with a question, rhetorical question | 6 |
526 | 繁殖 | fánzhí | propagate, breed, reproduce | 6 |
527 | 反之 | fǎnzhī | on the other hand, conversely | 6 |
528 | 法人 | fǎrén | legal person | 6 |
529 | 发射 | fāshè | to shoot (a projectile), to fire (a rocket), to launch, to emit (a particle), to discharge, emanation, emission | 6 |
530 | 发誓 | fāshì | to vow, to pledge, to swear | 6 |
531 | 发行 | fāxíng | to publish, to issue (stocks, currency etc.), to release, to distribute (a film) | 6 |
532 | 发炎 | fāyán | inflamed from infection or injury, inflammation | 6 |
533 | 发扬 | fāyáng | to develop, make full use of | 6 |
534 | 发育 | fāyù | to develop, growth, development | 6 |
535 | 肺 | fèi | lung | 6 |
536 | 诽谤 | fěibàng | slander, defame | 6 |
537 | 废除 | fèichú | abolish, annul, abrogate, repeal | 6 |
538 | 非法 | fēifǎ | illegal | 6 |
539 | 废寝忘食 | fèiqǐnwàngshí | be so absorbed as to forget to eat and sleep | 6 |
540 | 飞禽走兽 | fēiqínzǒushòu | the birds and the beasts | 6 |
541 | 沸腾 | fèiténg | boil, seethe with excitement | 6 |
542 | 肥沃 | féiwò | fertile | 6 |
543 | 飞翔 | fēixiáng | fly | 6 |
544 | 废墟 | fèixū | ruins, remains of a place destroyed | 6 |
545 | 飞跃 | fēiyuè | to leap | 6 |
546 | 分辨 | fēnbiàn | defend oneself against a charge | 6 |
547 | 分寸 | fēncun | proper limits for speech or action | 6 |
548 | 吩咐 | fēnfù | to instruct, command | 6 |
549 | 逢 | féng | meet, come upon | 6 |
550 | 风暴 | fēngbào | storm | 6 |
551 | 封闭 | fēngbì | to seal, close, confine, seal off, confined, closed | 6 |
552 | 风度 | fēngdù | elegance (for men), elegant demeanour, grace, poise | 6 |
553 | 风光 | fēngguāng | scene, sight, landscape | 6 |
554 | 封建 | fēngjiàn | feudal, feudalism | 6 |
555 | 锋利 | fēnglì | sharp (e.g. knife blade), incisive, to the point | 6 |
556 | 丰满 | fēngmǎn | plump | 6 |
557 | 风气 | fēngqì | general mood, atmosphere, common practice | 6 |
558 | 风趣 | fēngqù | humour, wit, humorous, witty | 6 |
559 | 丰盛 | fēngshèng | sumptuous | 6 |
560 | 丰收 | fēngshōu | bumper harvest | 6 |
561 | 封锁 | fēngsuǒ | blockade, seal off, cut off from the outside world | 6 |
562 | 风土人情 | fēngtǔrénqíng | local customs | 6 |
563 | 风味 | fēngwèi | local flavour, local style | 6 |
564 | 奉献 | fèngxiàn | dedicate, devote | 6 |
565 | 分红 | fēnhóng | a bonus, to award a bonus | 6 |
566 | 分解 | fēnjiě | to decompose, resolve, break down, recount | 6 |
567 | 分量 | fènliàng | weight, measure | 6 |
568 | 分裂 | fēnliè | to split, break up, divide, separate | 6 |
569 | 分泌 | fēnmì | to secrete | 6 |
570 | 分明 | fēnmíng | clear, distinct, obvious, plain | 6 |
571 | 粉末 | fěnmò | dust, powder | 6 |
572 | 坟墓 | fénmù | tomb | 6 |
573 | 愤怒 | fènnù | angry, indignant | 6 |
574 | 分歧 | fēnqí | difference (of opinion, position), bifurcation | 6 |
575 | 分散 | fēnsàn | distract, divert, decentralise, disperse, distribute | 6 |
576 | 粉色 | fěnsè | light pink, erotic | 6 |
577 | 粉碎 | fěnsuì | break into pieces, grind, smash, shatter, crush | 6 |
578 | 否决 | fǒujué | veto, reject, overrule | 6 |
579 | 副 | fù | secondary, auxiliary, deputy, assistant, vice-, measure word (for pairs) | 6 |
580 | 腐败 | fǔbài | corrupt, corruption | 6 |
581 | 服从 | fúcóng | to obey (an order), comply, defer | 6 |
582 | 负担 | fùdān | burden, to bear a burden | 6 |
583 | 幅度 | fúdù | width, extent, range, scope | 6 |
584 | 夫妇 | fūfù | husband and wife, married couple | 6 |
585 | 覆盖 | fùgài | overlay, cover with | 6 |
586 | 符号 | fúhào | symbol, mark | 6 |
587 | 附和 | fùhè | parrot, copy sb's action or words | 6 |
588 | 复活 | fùhuó | to bring back to life, to revive, resurrection | 6 |
589 | 附件 | fùjiàn | enclosure, attachment (email) | 6 |
590 | 腐烂 | fǔlàn | rot, perish | 6 |
591 | 福利 | fúlì | welfare, well-being | 6 |
592 | 俘虏 | fúlǔ | captive | 6 |
593 | 抚摸 | fǔmō | to stroke, rub, caress | 6 |
594 | 福气 | fúqi | good fortune, to enjoy good fortune | 6 |
595 | 服气 | fúqì | be convinced | 6 |
596 | 夫人 | fūrén | lady, madam, Mrs | 6 |
597 | 辐射 | fúshè | radiation | 6 |
598 | 腐蚀 | fǔshí | erode, corrode, corrupt, pervert | 6 |
599 | 俯视 | fǔshì | overlook, dominance | 6 |
600 | 附属 | fùshǔ | subordinate, pertain to | 6 |
601 | 腹泻 | fùxiè | diarrhoea | 6 |
602 | 复兴 | fùxīng | to revive, renew | 6 |
603 | 腐朽 | fǔxiǔ | rotten, decayed, mouldering, degenerate, decadent | 6 |
604 | 敷衍 | fūyǎn | play at, perfunctory | 6 |
605 | 抚养 | fǔyǎng | to foster, bring up, raise | 6 |
606 | 富裕 | fùyù | prosperous, wealthy, well-to-do, well-off, rich | 6 |
607 | 赋予 | fùyǔ | to give, bestow, entrust (a task) | 6 |
608 | 辅助 | fǔzhù | to assist, aid | 6 |
609 | 钙 | gài | calcium | 6 |
610 | 改良 | gǎiliáng | to improve, better, reform, amend | 6 |
611 | 盖章 | gàizhāng | to affix a seal | 6 |
612 | 尴尬 | gāngà | awkward, embarrassed | 6 |
613 | 杠杆 | gànggǎn | lever, pry, bar | 6 |
614 | 港口 | gǎngkǒu | port, harbour | 6 |
615 | 纲领 | gānglǐng | guiding principle, program, platform | 6 |
616 | 港湾 | gǎngwān | harbour, bay | 6 |
617 | 岗位 | gǎngwèi | post, station | 6 |
618 | 干旱 | gānhàn | drought, arid, dry | 6 |
619 | 干劲 | gànjìn | vigour, drive, enthusiasm, energy | 6 |
620 | 感慨 | gǎnkǎi | lament, with a tinge of emotion or regret | 6 |
621 | 感染 | gǎnrǎn | infection, to infect, to influence | 6 |
622 | 干扰 | gānrǎo | to interfere, disturb, obstruct, interference, disturbance | 6 |
623 | 干涉 | gānshè | to interfere, intervene, interference | 6 |
624 | 干预 | gānyù | to meddle, to intervene, intervention | 6 |
625 | 高潮 | gāocháo | high tide, upsurge, climax, orgasm | 6 |
626 | 高超 | gāochāo | outstanding, superb, excellent | 6 |
627 | 告辞 | gàocí | to say goodbye, bid farewell, take leave | 6 |
628 | 高峰 | gāofēng | peak, pinnacle, acme, apex, zenith | 6 |
629 | 稿件 | gǎojiàn | rough draft, material contributing to a final document | 6 |
630 | 告诫 | gàojiè | to warn, caution | 6 |
631 | 高明 | gāomíng | wise | 6 |
632 | 高尚 | gāoshàng | noble, lofty, sublime | 6 |
633 | 高涨 | gāozhǎng | upsurge, run high (of tensions etc.) | 6 |
634 | 割 | gē | to cut | 6 |
635 | 搁 | gē | lay, put aside | 6 |
636 | 疙瘩 | gēda | lump, pimple | 6 |
637 | 隔阂 | géhé | estrangement, misunderstanding, gulf, barrier | 6 |
638 | 格局 | géjú | structure, pattern, layout | 6 |
639 | 隔离 | gélí | to insulate, separate | 6 |
640 | 革命 | gémìng | revolution, revolutionary (politics) | 6 |
641 | 耕地 | gēngdì | arable land, cultivated land | 6 |
642 | 更新 | gēngxīn | to renovate, renew | 6 |
643 | 更正 | gēngzhèng | to correct, to make a correction | 6 |
644 | 跟前 | gēnqián | in front of, near, close to | 6 |
645 | 根深蒂固 | gēnshēndìgù | deep rooted (problem etc) | 6 |
646 | 跟随 | gēnsuí | to follow | 6 |
647 | 根源 | gēnyuán | origin, root, source | 6 |
648 | 跟踪 | gēnzōng | run after, tail | 6 |
649 | 格式 | géshi | form, specification, format | 6 |
650 | 各抒己见 | gèshūjǐjiàn | to air views | 6 |
651 | 歌颂 | gēsòng | sing the praises of, extol, eulogise | 6 |
652 | 个体 | gètǐ | individual | 6 |
653 | 鸽子 | gēzi | pigeon, dove | 6 |
654 | 公安局 | gōng'ānjú | police station, PSB (Public Security Bureau) | 6 |
655 | 供不应求 | gōngbúyìngqiú | supply falls short of demand | 6 |
656 | 公道 | gōngdao | fair, just | 6 |
657 | 宫殿 | gōngdiàn | imperial palace | 6 |
658 | 公告 | gōnggào | bulletin | 6 |
659 | 巩固 | gǒnggù | strong, solidify, consolidate, strengthen | 6 |
660 | 公关 | gōngguān | public relations | 6 |
661 | 共和国 | gònghéguó | republic | 6 |
662 | 共计 | gòngjì | to count up to, sum up to | 6 |
663 | 供给 | gōngjǐ | to provide, furnish | 6 |
664 | 攻击 | gōngjī | to attack, to accuse, to charge, an attack (terrorist or military) | 6 |
665 | 恭敬 | gōngjìng | dutiful, respectful | 6 |
666 | 攻克 | gōngkè | to capture, take, seize | 6 |
667 | 功劳 | gōngláo | credit, contribution, outstanding service | 6 |
668 | 公民 | gōngmín | citizen | 6 |
669 | 共鸣 | gòngmíng | physical resonance, sympathetic response to sth | 6 |
670 | 公然 | gōngrán | openly, publicly, undisguised | 6 |
671 | 公认 | gōngrèn | publicly known (to be), accepted (as) | 6 |
672 | 公式 | gōngshì | formula, any established or conventional method | 6 |
673 | 公务 | gōngwù | official business | 6 |
674 | 功效 | gōngxiào | efficacy | 6 |
675 | 工艺品 | gōngyìpǐn | handicraft | 6 |
676 | 公正 | gōngzhèng | just, fair, equitable | 6 |
677 | 公证 | gōngzhèng | notarisation | 6 |
678 | 勾结 | gōujié | to collude with, to collaborate with, to gang up with | 6 |
679 | 构思 | gòusī | to outline a story, to make a preliminary sketch, conceive, design | 6 |
680 | 钩子 | gōuzi | hook, hook-like object, tick, check mark | 6 |
681 | 拐杖 | guǎizhàng | crutch, walking stick | 6 |
682 | 罐 | guàn | pot, jar, pitcher, jug | 6 |
683 | 贯彻 | guànchè | carry out, implement | 6 |
684 | 官方 | guānfāng | by the government official | 6 |
685 | 灌溉 | guàngài | irrigate | 6 |
686 | 光彩 | guāngcǎi | lustre, splendour, brilliance, gloss, honourable, glorious | 6 |
687 | 光辉 | guānghuī | radiance, brilliance, brilliant, glorious, glory | 6 |
688 | 广阔 | guǎngkuò | vast, wide | 6 |
689 | 光芒 | guāngmáng | rays of light | 6 |
690 | 光荣 | guāngróng | glory, honour | 6 |
691 | 观光 | guānguāng | to tour, sightseeing, tourism | 6 |
692 | 关怀 | guānhuái | care for, show solicitude for, be concerned about | 6 |
693 | 惯例 | guànlì | tradition, routine | 6 |
694 | 管辖 | guǎnxiá | to administer, to have jurisdiction (over) | 6 |
695 | 关照 | guānzhào | look after, keep an eye on | 6 |
696 | 鼓动 | gǔdòng | to agitate, arouse, instigate, incite | 6 |
697 | 古董 | gǔdǒng | antique | 6 |
698 | 股东 | gǔdōng | stockholder | 6 |
699 | 孤独 | gūdú | lonely | 6 |
700 | 股份 | gǔfèn | share (in a company), stock | 6 |
701 | 辜负 | gūfù | let down, fail to live up to, be unworthy of, disappoint | 6 |
702 | 骨干 | gǔgàn | diaphysis (long segment of a bone), backbone (figurative) | 6 |
703 | 古怪 | gǔguài | eccentric, grotesque | 6 |
704 | 跪 | guì | kneel | 6 |
705 | 轨道 | guǐdào | track, rail, orbit, trajectory | 6 |
706 | 规范 | guīfàn | norm, standard | 6 |
707 | 规格 | guīgé | standard, norm, specification | 6 |
708 | 归根到底 | guīgēndàodǐ | to sum up, in the final analysis | 6 |
709 | 规划 | guīhuà | plan, program, layout, project, blueprint | 6 |
710 | 归还 | guīhuán | to return sth, to revert | 6 |
711 | 规章 | guīzhāng | rule, regulation | 6 |
712 | 贵族 | guìzú | noble | 6 |
713 | 孤立 | gūlì | isolated, isolate | 6 |
714 | 顾虑 | gùlǜ | misgiving | 6 |
715 | 棍棒 | gùnbàng | club | 6 |
716 | 过度 | guòdù | excessive, excess, over- | 6 |
717 | 过渡 | guòdù | transition, interim, caretaker (administration) | 6 |
718 | 果断 | guǒduàn | firm, decisive | 6 |
719 | 国防 | guófáng | national defence | 6 |
720 | 过奖 | guòjiǎng | to over praise, flatter | 6 |
721 | 过滤 | guòlǜ | to filter, filter | 6 |
722 | 过失 | guòshī | defect, fault | 6 |
723 | 过问 | guòwèn | to show an interest in, to get involved with | 6 |
724 | 国务院 | guówùyuàn | State Council (in China), State Department (in the US) | 6 |
725 | 过瘾 | guòyǐn | satisfying, fulfilling | 6 |
726 | 过于 | guòyú | too, excessively | 6 |
727 | 姑且 | gūqiě | temporarily, the time being, for the moment, provisional, tentatively | 6 |
728 | 固然 | gùrán | it is true, admittedly, no doubt, indeed, certainly | 6 |
729 | 固体 | gùtǐ | solid, solid body | 6 |
730 | 顾问 | gùwèn | consultant, adviser | 6 |
731 | 故乡 | gùxiāng | hometown | 6 |
732 | 雇佣 | gùyōng | employ, hire | 6 |
733 | 固有 | gùyǒu | intrinsic to sth, inherent | 6 |
734 | 故障 | gùzhàng | malfunction, fault, hitch, bug (in software) | 6 |
735 | 固执 | gùzhi | stubborn | 6 |
736 | 嗨 | hāi | oh alas | 6 |
737 | 海拔 | hǎibá | elevation, altitude, height above sea level | 6 |
738 | 海滨 | hǎibīn | seashore | 6 |
739 | 航空 | hángkōng | aviation | 6 |
740 | 行列 | hángliè | procession, rows and columns, ranks and files | 6 |
741 | 航天 | hángtiān | space flight | 6 |
742 | 航行 | hángxíng | to sail, fly, travel (by boat, navigate, plane, spacecraft) | 6 |
743 | 含糊 | hánhu | ambiguous, vague, unsure, careless, perfunctory | 6 |
744 | 罕见 | hǎnjiàn | rare, rarely seen | 6 |
745 | 捍卫 | hànwèi | defend, guard | 6 |
746 | 寒暄 | hánxuān | exchange of conventional greetings | 6 |
747 | 含义 | hányì | signification, meaning | 6 |
748 | 耗费 | hàofèi | to waste, spend, consume | 6 |
749 | 豪迈 | háomài | heroic, bold | 6 |
750 | 毫米 | háomǐ | millimetre | 6 |
751 | 毫无 | háowú | not in the least, none whatsoever, completely without | 6 |
752 | 号召 | hàozhào | summon, call up, appeal, call | 6 |
753 | 呵 | hē | oh, ah (to express surprise) | 6 |
754 | 和蔼 | hé'ǎi | kind, good-tempered | 6 |
755 | 合并 | hébìng | to merge, to annex | 6 |
756 | 合成 | héchéng | synthesise, compound, join to form | 6 |
757 | 合伙 | héhuǒ | to act jointly, to form a partnership | 6 |
758 | 嘿 | hēi | hey | 6 |
759 | 和解 | héjiě | settle, compromise | 6 |
760 | 和睦 | hémù | concord, harmony | 6 |
761 | 恨不得 | hènbude | hate that one cannot, really want to | 6 |
762 | 横 | héng | horizontal, across, horizontal character stroke | 6 |
763 | 哼 | hēng | hum, croon, groan, huh | 6 |
764 | 痕迹 | hénjì | trail, mark, trace, vestige | 6 |
765 | 狠心 | hěnxīn | callous, heartless | 6 |
766 | 和气 | héqi | kindly | 6 |
767 | 合算 | hésuàn | worthwhile, be worth the cost, pay | 6 |
768 | 和谐 | héxié | harmonious | 6 |
769 | 哄 | hōng | resound with laughter, deceive, coax, have a hilarious time, riot | 6 |
770 | 烘 | hōng | dry or warm by the fire | 6 |
771 | 轰动 | hōngdòng | to make a sensation, make a stir | 6 |
772 | 宏观 | hóngguān | macroscopic, macro- | 6 |
773 | 洪水 | hóngshuǐ | flood, floodwater | 6 |
774 | 宏伟 | hóngwěi | grand, imposing, magnificent | 6 |
775 | 吼 | hǒu | roar, howl, shout, yell, generate loud sound | 6 |
776 | 后代 | hòudài | offspring, descendant, posterity, later generation | 6 |
777 | 后顾之忧 | hòugùzhīyōu | worries (family, future etc.) | 6 |
778 | 喉咙 | hóulóng | throat, pharynx and larynx | 6 |
779 | 后勤 | hòuqín | rear service, logistics | 6 |
780 | 候选 | hòuxuǎn | candidate | 6 |
781 | 花瓣 | huābàn | petal | 6 |
782 | 化肥 | huàféi | chemical fertiliser | 6 |
783 | 划分 | huàfēn | divide up | 6 |
784 | 花蕾 | huālěi | flower bud | 6 |
785 | 华丽 | huálì | magnificent, gorgeous | 6 |
786 | 晃 | huàng | dazzle, sway, to shade | 6 |
787 | 皇帝 | huángdì | emperor | 6 |
788 | 皇后 | huánghòu | empress | 6 |
789 | 黄昏 | huánghūn | twilight, dusk, sundown, sunset | 6 |
790 | 荒凉 | huāngliáng | desolate | 6 |
791 | 荒谬 | huāngmiù | ridiculous, nonsensical, absurd | 6 |
792 | 恍然大悟 | huǎngrándàwù | suddenly see the light | 6 |
793 | 荒唐 | huāngtáng | ludicrous | 6 |
794 | 缓和 | huǎnhé | assuage, ease up, mitigated, relaxed | 6 |
795 | 环节 | huánjié | link, segment (of annelid worms) | 6 |
796 | 欢乐 | huānlè | happy, joyous, gay, delighted, cheerful | 6 |
797 | 还原 | huányuán | to restore to the original state, reduction (chemistry) | 6 |
798 | 患者 | huànzhě | patient (in a hospital), sick person | 6 |
799 | 华侨 | huáqiáo | overseas Chinese | 6 |
800 | 画蛇添足 | huàshétiānzú | ruin by adding sth superfluous (lit. draw legs on a snake) | 6 |
801 | 化石 | huàshí | fossil | 6 |
802 | 话筒 | huàtǒng | microphone | 6 |
803 | 化验 | huàyàn | chemically examine, conduct a lab test, assay | 6 |
804 | 化妆 | huàzhuāng | to put on make-up | 6 |
805 | 呼唤 | hūhuàn | shout, call out | 6 |
806 | 回报 | huíbào | reciprocation, payback, in return | 6 |
807 | 汇报 | huìbào | to report, to give an account of, to collect information and report back | 6 |
808 | 回避 | huíbì | to evade, to shun, to avoid | 6 |
809 | 回顾 | huígù | to review, look back | 6 |
810 | 悔恨 | huǐhèn | regret, lament | 6 |
811 | 辉煌 | huīhuáng | splendid, brilliant, glorious | 6 |
812 | 挥霍 | huīhuò | to squander (money), extravagant | 6 |
813 | 贿赂 | huìlù | bribe | 6 |
814 | 毁灭 | huǐmiè | destroy, ruin, exterminate | 6 |
815 | 回收 | huíshōu | to reclaim, call back | 6 |
816 | 会晤 | huìwù | to meet, meeting, conference | 6 |
817 | 胡乱 | húluàn | aimlessly, casually | 6 |
818 | 忽略 | hūlüè | ignore, overlook | 6 |
819 | 荤 | hūn | meat dish | 6 |
820 | 混合 | hùnhé | to mix, blend, mingle | 6 |
821 | 混乱 | hùnluàn | disorderly, chaos | 6 |
822 | 昏迷 | hūnmí | to lose consciousness, be in a coma, unconsciousness | 6 |
823 | 浑身 | húnshēn | from head to toe, everywhere in one's body | 6 |
824 | 混淆 | hùnxiáo | confound, confuse, mix up | 6 |
825 | 混浊 | hùnzhuó | turbid, muddy | 6 |
826 | 货币 | huòbì | money, currency | 6 |
827 | 活该 | huógāi | serve sb right | 6 |
828 | 火箭 | huǒjiàn | rocket | 6 |
829 | 活力 | huólì | energy, vitality, vigour, vital force | 6 |
830 | 火焰 | huǒyàn | flame, blaze | 6 |
831 | 火药 | huǒyào | gunpowder | 6 |
832 | 湖泊 | húpō | lake | 6 |
833 | 呼啸 | hūxiào | to whistle, scream, howl | 6 |
834 | 胡须 | húxū | beard | 6 |
835 | 呼吁 | hūyù | to call on (sb to do sth), to appeal (to) | 6 |
836 | 家常 | jiācháng | the daily life of a family | 6 |
837 | 加工 | jiāgōng | process, machining, working | 6 |
838 | 家伙 | jiāhuo | guy, fellow, animal, thing, tool, weapon, utensil | 6 |
839 | 加剧 | jiājù | to intensify, sharpen, accelerate, aggravate, exacerbate | 6 |
840 | 剑 | jiàn | sword | 6 |
841 | 溅 | jiàn | spatter, splash | 6 |
842 | 拣 | jiǎn | choose, pick up, cull | 6 |
843 | 煎 | jiān | fry in shallow oil without stirring | 6 |
844 | 鉴别 | jiànbié | to differentiate | 6 |
845 | 剪彩 | jiǎncǎi | cut the ribbon (at an opening ceremony) | 6 |
846 | 间谍 | jiàndié | spy | 6 |
847 | 鉴定 | jiàndìng | to authenticate, appraise, identify, determine | 6 |
848 | 坚定 | jiāndìng | firm, steadfast, staunch | 6 |
849 | 监督 | jiāndū | supervise, superintend | 6 |
850 | 尖端 | jiānduān | most advanced and sophisticated, highest peak, the best | 6 |
851 | 见多识广 | jiànduōshíguǎng | informed, knowledgeable and experienced | 6 |
852 | 桨 | jiǎng | oar | 6 |
853 | 间隔 | jiàngé | interval, gap, space | 6 |
854 | 将近 | jiāngjìn | almost, nearly, close to | 6 |
855 | 将就 | jiāngjiù | reluctantly accept, put up with | 6 |
856 | 将军 | jiāngjūn | general (in the army) | 6 |
857 | 奖励 | jiǎnglì | reward (as encouragement) | 6 |
858 | 降临 | jiànglín | to befall, become of | 6 |
859 | 奖赏 | jiǎngshǎng | reward, prize | 6 |
860 | 坚固 | jiāngù | solid, firm, sturdy, strong, impregnable | 6 |
861 | 僵硬 | jiāngyìng | stark, stiff | 6 |
862 | 简化 | jiǎnhuà | simplify | 6 |
863 | 见解 | jiànjiě | view, opinion, understanding | 6 |
864 | 间接 | jiànjiē | indirect | 6 |
865 | 简陋 | jiǎnlòu | simple and crude (of a room or building) | 6 |
866 | 艰难 | jiānnán | hard, difficult, arduous | 6 |
867 | 健全 | jiànquán | healthy and complete, sound, perfect | 6 |
868 | 坚韧 | jiānrèn | tough, tenacious | 6 |
869 | 尖锐 | jiānruì | sharp, keen, intense, acute (illness) | 6 |
870 | 坚实 | jiānshí | firm and substantial, solid | 6 |
871 | 监视 | jiānshì | keep watch on, keep a lookout over, oversee | 6 |
872 | 践踏 | jiàntà | to trample | 6 |
873 | 检讨 | jiǎntǎo | make a self-criticism, self-criticism | 6 |
874 | 舰艇 | jiàntǐng | warship | 6 |
875 | 简体字 | jiǎntǐzì | simplified character | 6 |
876 | 见闻 | jiànwén | knowledge, what one sees and hears | 6 |
877 | 检验 | jiǎnyàn | check, test, examine, inspect | 6 |
878 | 简要 | jiǎnyào | concise, brief | 6 |
879 | 坚硬 | jiānyìng | hard, stony, solid | 6 |
880 | 见义勇为 | jiànyìyǒngwéi | never hesitate to do what is right (idiom from the Analects) | 6 |
881 | 鉴于 | jiànyú | in view of | 6 |
882 | 监狱 | jiānyù | prison, jail | 6 |
883 | 搅拌 | jiǎobàn | stir, agitate | 6 |
884 | 交叉 | jiāochā | to intersect, cross | 6 |
885 | 交代 | jiāodài | to hand over, explain, make clear, account for, justify oneself | 6 |
886 | 焦点 | jiāodiǎn | focus, focal point | 6 |
887 | 焦急 | jiāojí | anxious, worried, agitated, impatient | 6 |
888 | 较量 | jiàoliàng | to have a contest with sb, to measure up against, to compete with | 6 |
889 | 角落 | jiǎoluò | corner, nook, remote place | 6 |
890 | 缴纳 | jiǎonà | to contribute, pay (taxes etc.) | 6 |
891 | 娇气 | jiāoqì | delicate, squeamish, finicky | 6 |
892 | 交涉 | jiāoshè | to negotiate | 6 |
893 | 侥幸 | jiǎoxìng | luck, luckily | 6 |
894 | 教养 | jiàoyǎng | to train, to educate, to bring up, upbringing, early conditioning | 6 |
895 | 交易 | jiāoyì | transaction, business deal | 6 |
896 | 家属 | jiāshǔ | family member, family dependent | 6 |
897 | 佳肴 | jiāyáo | fine food | 6 |
898 | 家喻户晓 | jiāyùhùxiǎo | widely known, a household name | 6 |
899 | 夹杂 | jiāzá | to mix together, mingle | 6 |
900 | 即便 | jíbiàn | even if, even though | 6 |
901 | 级别 | jíbié | rank, level, grade, class | 6 |
902 | 疾病 | jíbìng | illness, sickness, disease | 6 |
903 | 继承 | jìchéng | inherit, succeed, carry on, carry forward | 6 |
904 | 基地 | jīdì | base (military or industrial) | 6 |
905 | 机动 | jīdòng | power-driven, motorised | 6 |
906 | 嫉妒 | jídù | envy, be jealous | 6 |
907 | 季度 | jìdù | quarter (finance, publishing, schools etc.), season (sports), period of three months | 6 |
908 | 极端 | jíduān | utter, extreme, extremity | 6 |
909 | 皆 | jiē | all, each and every | 6 |
910 | 饥饿 | jī'è | hungry, hunger, starving, starvation | 6 |
911 | 戒备 | jièbèi | to guard against, watch out for | 6 |
912 | 阶层 | jiēcéng | social stratum | 6 |
913 | 杰出 | jiéchū | outstanding | 6 |
914 | 解除 | jiěchú | to remove, get rid of, relieve (sb of their duties), to free, to lift (an embargo), to rescind (an agreement) | 6 |
915 | 解放 | jiěfàng | liberate, liberation, liberation of China (refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949) | 6 |
916 | 解雇 | jiěgù | to sack, fire, dismiss | 6 |
917 | 借鉴 | jièjiàn | to use other people's experience, to use as a reference | 6 |
918 | 结晶 | jiéjīng | crystal | 6 |
919 | 竭尽全力 | jiéjìnquánlì | to spare no effort, do one's utmost | 6 |
920 | 结局 | jiéjú | conclusion, ending | 6 |
921 | 接连 | jiēlián | one after another, in succession, in a row | 6 |
922 | 揭露 | jiēlù | to uncover, disclose, unmask, expose, unveil, lay bare | 6 |
923 | 解剖 | jiěpōu | to dissect (an animal), analyse, criticise | 6 |
924 | 解散 | jiěsàn | dismiss, disband | 6 |
925 | 结算 | jiésuàn | to settle a bill, to close an account | 6 |
926 | 解体 | jiětǐ | to disassemble, knock down | 6 |
927 | 界限 | jièxiàn | boundary, limit, marginal | 6 |
928 | 节制 | jiézhì | temperance, moderation | 6 |
929 | 截至 | jiézhì | up to (a time), by (a time) | 6 |
930 | 截止 | jiézhǐ | end, cut-off | 6 |
931 | 借助 | jièzhù | with the help of | 6 |
932 | 节奏 | jiézòu | rhythm, tempo, beat | 6 |
933 | 激发 | jīfā | to arouse, to excite | 6 |
934 | 急功近利 | jígōngjìnlì | looking for fast return | 6 |
935 | 机构 | jīgòu | mechanism, structure, organization, agency, institution | 6 |
936 | 籍贯 | jíguàn | native place | 6 |
937 | 忌讳 | jìhuì | taboo | 6 |
938 | 即将 | jíjiāng | to be about to, to be on the verge of, on the eve of | 6 |
939 | 计较 | jìjiào | to haggle, to bicker, to argue, to care for | 6 |
940 | 基金 | jījīn | fund | 6 |
941 | 寂静 | jìjìng | silence, quiet (place) | 6 |
942 | 急剧 | jíjù | rapid, sudden | 6 |
943 | 季军 | jìjūn | third place, bronze medallist | 6 |
944 | 激励 | jīlì | to encourage, urge, motivation, incentive | 6 |
945 | 机灵 | jīling | wise, clever | 6 |
946 | 机密 | jīmì | secret, classified (information) | 6 |
947 | 进而 | jìn'ér | and then | 6 |
948 | 井 | jǐng | well, warn, surname | 6 |
949 | 茎 | jīng | stalk, stem | 6 |
950 | 精打细算 | jīngdǎxìsuàn | calculate carefully and budget strictly | 6 |
951 | 惊动 | jīngdòng | to alarm, alert, disturb, interrupt | 6 |
952 | 经费 | jīngfèi | money for regular expenses, funds, expenses, outlay | 6 |
953 | 警告 | jǐnggào | to warn, admonish, caution, warning | 6 |
954 | 精华 | jīnghuá | best feature, most important part of an object, quintessence, essence, soul | 6 |
955 | 精简 | jīngjiǎn | to simplify, condense | 6 |
956 | 境界 | jìngjiè | boundary, state, realm | 6 |
957 | 兢兢业业 | jīngjīngyèyè | cautious and conscientious | 6 |
958 | 敬礼 | jìnglǐ | salute | 6 |
959 | 精密 | jīngmì | exact, precise | 6 |
960 | 进攻 | jìngōng | to attack, assault, go on the offensive, offence (sports) | 6 |
961 | 惊奇 | jīngqí | amazed, astonished, surprised, shocking strange | 6 |
962 | 精确 | jīngquè | accurate, exact | 6 |
963 | 竞赛 | jìngsài | contest, competition, race | 6 |
964 | 警惕 | jǐngtì | be alert, be vigilant, be on guard against, watch out for | 6 |
965 | 精通 | jīngtōng | proficient | 6 |
966 | 镜头 | jìngtóu | lens | 6 |
967 | 经纬 | jīngwěi | longitude and latitude | 6 |
968 | 精心 | jīngxīn | with utmost care, fine, meticulous, detailed | 6 |
969 | 竞选 | jìngxuǎn | take part in an election, run for office | 6 |
970 | 惊讶 | jīngyà | surprised, astonished, astounded, amazed | 6 |
971 | 敬业 | jìngyè | dedicate oneself to one's job | 6 |
972 | 精益求精 | jīngyìqiújīng | to perfect sth that is already outstanding, constantly improving | 6 |
973 | 精致 | jīngzhì | fine, exquisite, delicate, refined | 6 |
974 | 颈椎 | jǐngzhuī | cervical vertebra | 6 |
975 | 进化 | jìnhuà | to evolve, evolution | 6 |
976 | 津津有味 | jīnjīnyǒuwèi | with relish, with gusto, with pleasure | 6 |
977 | 近来 | jìnlái | recently, lately | 6 |
978 | 浸泡 | jìnpào | to soak, to steep | 6 |
979 | 紧迫 | jǐnpò | urgent | 6 |
980 | 金融 | jīnróng | banking, finance, financial | 6 |
981 | 锦上添花 | jǐnshàngtiānhuā | gild the lily, make something perfect even more perfect | 6 |
982 | 晋升 | jìnshēng | promote | 6 |
983 | 进展 | jìnzhǎn | to make headway, make progress | 6 |
984 | 技巧 | jìqiǎo | skill, technique | 6 |
985 | 急切 | jíqiè | eager, impatient | 6 |
986 | 激情 | jīqíng | passion, fervour, enthusiasm, strong emotion | 6 |
987 | 集团 | jítuán | group, bloc | 6 |
988 | 寄托 | jìtuō | to have sb look after sb, to place (hope etc.) on | 6 |
989 | 纠纷 | jiūfēn | dispute, entanglement (law) | 6 |
990 | 救济 | jiùjì | emergency relief, to help disaster victims | 6 |
991 | 就近 | jiùjìn | nearby | 6 |
992 | 酒精 | jiǔjīng | alcohol | 6 |
993 | 就业 | jiùyè | take up an occupation | 6 |
994 | 纠正 | jiūzhèng | to correct, to make right | 6 |
995 | 就职 | jiùzhí | take office | 6 |
996 | 极限 | jíxiàn | limit, utmost | 6 |
997 | 吉祥 | jíxiáng | lucky, auspicious | 6 |
998 | 迹象 | jìxiàng | mark, indication, sign, indicator | 6 |
999 | 讥笑 | jīxiào | to sneer at | 6 |
1000 | 机械 | jīxiè | machinery, machine | 6 |
1001 | 记性 | jìxing | memory | 6 |
1002 | 纪要 | jìyào | minutes, written summary of a meeting | 6 |
1003 | 基因 | jīyīn | gene (load word) | 6 |
1004 | 给予 | jǐyǔ | to give, render, offer, present | 6 |
1005 | 机遇 | jīyù | opportunity | 6 |
1006 | 急于求成 | jíyúqiúchéng | be impatient for success | 6 |
1007 | 记载 | jìzǎi | record, put down in writing, chronicle | 6 |
1008 | 急躁 | jízào | impatient, impetuous, irritable, irascible | 6 |
1009 | 及早 | jízǎo | as soon as possible | 6 |
1010 | 机智 | jīzhì | tactful, resourceful | 6 |
1011 | 卷 | juǎn | to roll (up), to sweep up, to carry on, coil, to roll, chapter, examination paper | 6 |
1012 | 剧本 | jùběn | script (for play, opera, movie etc.), screenplay | 6 |
1013 | 局部 | júbù | part, local | 6 |
1014 | 举动 | jǔdòng | act, action, activity, move, movement | 6 |
1015 | 决策 | juécè | strategic decision, decision-making, policy decision, to determine policy | 6 |
1016 | 倔强 | juéqiáng | stubborn, unbending | 6 |
1017 | 绝望 | juéwàng | to despair, desperation, forlorn, hopeless | 6 |
1018 | 觉悟 | juéwù | consciousness, awareness | 6 |
1019 | 觉醒 | juéxǐng | to awaken, to come to realize, awakened to the truth | 6 |
1020 | 鞠躬 | jūgōng | to bow | 6 |
1021 | 聚精会神 | jùjīnghuìshén | with complete concentration, with rapt attention | 6 |
1022 | 咀嚼 | jǔjué | to chew | 6 |
1023 | 剧烈 | jùliè | acute, violent, severe | 6 |
1024 | 拘留 | jūliú | to detain (a prisoner), keep sb in custody | 6 |
1025 | 局面 | júmiàn | situation | 6 |
1026 | 居民 | jūmín | resident, inhabitant | 6 |
1027 | 军队 | jūnduì | army troops | 6 |
1028 | 君子 | jūnzǐ | man of honour | 6 |
1029 | 沮丧 | jǔsàng | depression, dispirited, dejected | 6 |
1030 | 局势 | júshì | situation | 6 |
1031 | 举世瞩目 | jǔshìzhǔmù | attract worldwide attention | 6 |
1032 | 拘束 | jūshù | constrain, restrict, ill at ease | 6 |
1033 | 据悉 | jùxī | according to reports, it is reported that | 6 |
1034 | 局限 | júxiàn | limit, confine | 6 |
1035 | 居住 | jūzhù | to live, reside, dwell | 6 |
1036 | 举足轻重 | jǔzúqīngzhòng | to hold the balance of power | 6 |
1037 | 开采 | kāicǎi | to extract (ore or other resource from a mine), to exploit, to mine | 6 |
1038 | 开除 | kāichú | to dismiss, discharge, expel | 6 |
1039 | 开阔 | kāikuò | wide, open (spaces), to open up | 6 |
1040 | 开朗 | kāilǎng | optimistic, cheerful, carefree | 6 |
1041 | 开明 | kāimíng | enlightened | 6 |
1042 | 开辟 | kāipì | to open up, set up, start | 6 |
1043 | 开拓 | kāituò | to break new ground (for agriculture), to open up (a new seam), to develop (border regions), fig. to open up (new horizons) | 6 |
1044 | 开展 | kāizhǎn | to carry out, develop, launch | 6 |
1045 | 开支 | kāizhī | expenditures, pay, expenses | 6 |
1046 | 看待 | kàndài | to look upon, to regard | 6 |
1047 | 刊登 | kāndēng | to publish (in a newspaper or magazine) | 6 |
1048 | 砍伐 | kǎnfá | hew, cut, lumber | 6 |
1049 | 扛 | káng | carry on the shoulder, lift overhead with both hands | 6 |
1050 | 慷慨 | kāngkǎi | generous, fervent | 6 |
1051 | 抗议 | kàngyì | to protest | 6 |
1052 | 侃侃而谈 | kǎnkǎnértán | talk with ease and confidence | 6 |
1053 | 勘探 | kāntàn | prospect for, exploration | 6 |
1054 | 刊物 | kānwù | publication | 6 |
1055 | 考察 | kǎochá | inspect, investigate, observe and study, research | 6 |
1056 | 考古 | kǎogǔ | archaeology | 6 |
1057 | 考核 | kǎohé | examine, assess | 6 |
1058 | 靠拢 | kàolǒng | to bring to a close | 6 |
1059 | 考验 | kǎoyàn | test and prove, test, try, trial | 6 |
1060 | 卡通 | kǎtōng | cartoon (loan word) | 6 |
1061 | 磕 | kē | knock | 6 |
1062 | 刻不容缓 | kèbùrónghuǎn | instant, immediate, or great urgency | 6 |
1063 | 可观 | kěguān | considerable | 6 |
1064 | 客户 | kèhù | client, customer | 6 |
1065 | 可口 | kěkǒu | delicious | 6 |
1066 | 科目 | kēmù | subject | 6 |
1067 | 啃 | kěn | gnaw, nibble, bite | 6 |
1068 | 坑 | kēng | pit, hole, hollow, entrap, cheat, bury alive | 6 |
1069 | 恳切 | kěnqiè | earnest, sincere | 6 |
1070 | 课题 | kètí | task, problem, issue | 6 |
1071 | 渴望 | kěwàng | long for, yearn for, thirst for | 6 |
1072 | 可恶 | kěwù | loathsome, hateful | 6 |
1073 | 可行 | kěxíng | be practicable, be feasible, be viable | 6 |
1074 | 克制 | kèzhì | restraint, self-control | 6 |
1075 | 孔 | kǒng | hole, aperture, opening | 6 |
1076 | 空白 | kòngbái | blank space | 6 |
1077 | 恐怖 | kǒngbù | fearful, horrifying, horrible, terrifying, terrible, terror | 6 |
1078 | 空洞 | kōngdòng | empty, hollow, shallow, vacuous, cavity | 6 |
1079 | 恐吓 | kǒnghè | to threaten, menace | 6 |
1080 | 恐惧 | kǒngjù | dread, fear | 6 |
1081 | 空前绝后 | kōngqiánjuéhòu | unprecedented and never to be matched | 6 |
1082 | 空隙 | kòngxì | crack, gap between two objects, gap in time between two events | 6 |
1083 | 空想 | kōngxiǎng | daydream, fantasy, to fantasize | 6 |
1084 | 空虚 | kōngxū | hollow, emptiness | 6 |
1085 | 扣 | kòu | upside down, buckle, button | 6 |
1086 | 口气 | kǒuqì | manner of speaking, tone, connotation, implication | 6 |
1087 | 口腔 | kǒuqiāng | mouth, oral cavity | 6 |
1088 | 口头 | kǒutóu | oral, spoken, verbal | 6 |
1089 | 口音 | kǒuyīn | accent (when speaking) | 6 |
1090 | 跨 | kuà | to stride, step across, span | 6 |
1091 | 挎 | kuà | carry on the arm | 6 |
1092 | 快活 | kuàihuo | cheerful, happy, merry | 6 |
1093 | 宽敞 | kuānchang | spacious, roominess | 6 |
1094 | 款待 | kuǎndài | entertain cordially, treat cordially | 6 |
1095 | 筐 | kuāng | basket | 6 |
1096 | 矿产 | kuàngchǎn | minerals, mineral products | 6 |
1097 | 框架 | kuàngjià | frame, framework, outline | 6 |
1098 | 旷课 | kuàngkè | to play truant, cut classes | 6 |
1099 | 况且 | kuàngqiě | in addition, moreover, besides | 6 |
1100 | 宽容 | kuānróng | lenient, tolerant | 6 |
1101 | 款式 | kuǎnshì | style, pattern, design | 6 |
1102 | 亏待 | kuīdài | treat unfairly | 6 |
1103 | 亏损 | kuīsǔn | deficit, financial loss | 6 |
1104 | 苦尽甘来 | kǔjìngānlái | the hard time are over and the good times are beginning | 6 |
1105 | 捆绑 | kǔnbǎng | to bind | 6 |
1106 | 扩充 | kuòchōng | extend, enlarge | 6 |
1107 | 扩散 | kuòsàn | to diffuse, spread, diffusion | 6 |
1108 | 扩张 | kuòzhāng | expansion, dilation, to expand (e.g. one's power or influence), to broaden | 6 |
1109 | 哭泣 | kūqì | cry, weep | 6 |
1110 | 苦涩 | kǔsè | pained, anguished | 6 |
1111 | 枯萎 | kūwēi | shrivel, wilt, wither | 6 |
1112 | 枯燥 | kūzào | dry and dull, uninteresting | 6 |
1113 | 啦 | la | particle ending a sentence | 6 |
1114 | 喇叭 | lǎba | horn (e.g. of a car), trumpet, loudspeaker | 6 |
1115 | 来历 | láilì | history, origin | 6 |
1116 | 来源 | láiyuán | source, origin | 6 |
1117 | 懒惰 | lǎnduò | lazy | 6 |
1118 | 狼狈 | lángbèi | in a difficult position, in a tight corner | 6 |
1119 | 狼吞虎咽 | lángtūnhǔyàn | to wolf down one's food | 6 |
1120 | 栏目 | lánmù | a column (in a newspaper) | 6 |
1121 | 捞 | lāo | dredge for, fish up | 6 |
1122 | 唠叨 | láodao | to chatter, nag, talkative, garrulous | 6 |
1123 | 牢固 | láogù | solid, strong, firm, secure | 6 |
1124 | 牢骚 | láosāo | whine, complaint, grumble, grievance | 6 |
1125 | 蜡烛 | làzhú | candle | 6 |
1126 | 雷达 | léidá | radar (loan word) | 6 |
1127 | 类似 | lèisì | similar, analogous | 6 |
1128 | 愣 | lèng | to look distracted, to stare blankly, distracted, stupefied, blank | 6 |
1129 | 冷酷 | lěngkù | unfeeling, callous | 6 |
1130 | 冷落 | lěngluò | to spurn, snub | 6 |
1131 | 冷却 | lěngquè | cool, make cool, lower temperature | 6 |
1132 | 乐趣 | lèqù | joy, fun | 6 |
1133 | 乐意 | lèyì | to be willing to do sth, to be ready to do sth, to be happy to do sth, content, satisfied | 6 |
1134 | 粒 | lì | grain, measure word (for small round things, e.g. peas, bullets, peanuts, grains) | 6 |
1135 | 晾 | liàng | to air, to dry in the sun | 6 |
1136 | 谅解 | liàngjiě | understanding, reach an understanding | 6 |
1137 | 良心 | liángxīn | conscience | 6 |
1138 | 联欢 | liánhuān | have a get-together | 6 |
1139 | 廉洁 | liánjié | honest, uncorrupted | 6 |
1140 | 联络 | liánluò | communication, to get in touch with, to contact | 6 |
1141 | 联盟 | liánméng | alliance, coalition, league, union | 6 |
1142 | 连年 | liánnián | successive years, over many years | 6 |
1143 | 连锁 | liánsuǒ | chain | 6 |
1144 | 连同 | liántóng | together with, along with | 6 |
1145 | 联想 | liánxiǎng | to associate with something in thinking | 6 |
1146 | 辽阔 | liáokuò | vast, extensive | 6 |
1147 | 理睬 | lǐcǎi | to heed, pay attention to | 6 |
1148 | 立场 | lìchǎng | position, stand, standpoint | 6 |
1149 | 里程碑 | lǐchéngbēi | milestone, landmark | 6 |
1150 | 历代 | lìdài | successive generations, successive dynasties, past dynasties | 6 |
1151 | 列举 | lièjǔ | to list, enumerate | 6 |
1152 | 立方 | lìfāng | cube | 6 |
1153 | 利害 | lìhài | advantages and disadvantages | 6 |
1154 | 立交桥 | lìjiāoqiáo | overpass | 6 |
1155 | 礼节 | lǐjié | proprieties, etiquette | 6 |
1156 | 历来 | lìlái | always | 6 |
1157 | 黎明 | límíng | dawn, daybreak | 6 |
1158 | 淋 | lín | to drain, drip, diseases of the bladder | 6 |
1159 | 临床 | línchuáng | clinical | 6 |
1160 | 凌晨 | língchén | before dawn | 6 |
1161 | 灵感 | línggǎn | inspiration, insight, a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavour | 6 |
1162 | 领会 | lǐnghuì | understand, comprehend, grasp | 6 |
1163 | 灵魂 | línghún | soul, spirit, conscience | 6 |
1164 | 伶俐 | línglì | clever, smart, quick-witted | 6 |
1165 | 灵敏 | língmǐn | smart, clever, sensitive, sharp | 6 |
1166 | 领事馆 | lǐngshìguǎn | consulate | 6 |
1167 | 领土 | lǐngtǔ | territory | 6 |
1168 | 领悟 | lǐngwù | realisation, comprehension | 6 |
1169 | 领先 | lǐngxiān | to lead, to be in front | 6 |
1170 | 零星 | língxīng | scattered, fragmentary | 6 |
1171 | 领袖 | lǐngxiù | leader | 6 |
1172 | 吝啬 | lìnsè | miser, miserliness | 6 |
1173 | 力求 | lìqíu | make every effort to, strive to, try one's best to | 6 |
1174 | 礼尚往来 | lǐshàngwǎnglái | reciprocity, to pay back in kind, one good turn deserves another | 6 |
1175 | 理所当然 | lǐsuǒdāngrán | go without saying, of course | 6 |
1176 | 力所能及 | lìsuǒnéngjí | as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom), to the best of one's ability, within one's powers | 6 |
1177 | 立体 | lìtǐ | solid, 3D object | 6 |
1178 | 溜 | liū | slide, glide, slip away, sneak off | 6 |
1179 | 流浪 | liúlàng | to drift about, to wander, to roam, nomadic, homeless, unsettled (e.g. population), vagrant | 6 |
1180 | 留恋 | liúliàn | be reluctant to leave | 6 |
1181 | 流露 | liúlù | to express, to reveal (one's thoughts or feelings) | 6 |
1182 | 流氓 | liúmáng | hooligan, hoodlum, ruffian, gangster, thug | 6 |
1183 | 留念 | liúniàn | accept or keep as souvenir | 6 |
1184 | 留神 | liúshén | to take care, to be careful | 6 |
1185 | 流通 | liútōng | to circulate | 6 |
1186 | 例外 | lìwài | make an exception | 6 |
1187 | 力争 | lìzhēng | do one's best to, strive for, contend vigorously | 6 |
1188 | 理智 | lǐzhì | intellect, reason | 6 |
1189 | 理直气壮 | lǐzhíqìzhuàng | bold and confident with justice on one's side, to have the courage of one's convictions | 6 |
1190 | 立足 | lìzú | to base oneself on, find a foothold | 6 |
1191 | 垄断 | lǒngduàn | monopolise | 6 |
1192 | 聋哑 | lóngyǎ | deaf-mute | 6 |
1193 | 笼罩 | lǒngzhào | envelop, shroud | 6 |
1194 | 隆重 | lóngzhòng | grand, prosperous, ceremonious, solemn | 6 |
1195 | 搂 | lǒu | hug, embrace, hold in one's arms | 6 |
1196 | 屡次 | lǚcì | repeatedly, time and again | 6 |
1197 | 掠夺 | lüèduó | plunder, rob, pillage | 6 |
1198 | 轮船 | lúnchuán | steamship, ship | 6 |
1199 | 轮廓 | lúnkuò | outline, contour, profile, silhouette, general situation | 6 |
1200 | 轮胎 | lúntāi | tyre | 6 |
1201 | 论坛 | lùntán | forum | 6 |
1202 | 论证 | lùnzhèng | to prove a point, demonstrate or prove (through argument), proof | 6 |
1203 | 落成 | luòchéng | to complete (a construction project) | 6 |
1204 | 落实 | luòshí | practical, workable, to implement, carry out | 6 |
1205 | 络绎不绝 | luòyìbùjué | in an endless stream | 6 |
1206 | 履行 | lǚxíng | to fulfil (one's obligations), carry out (a task), implement (an agreement), perform | 6 |
1207 | 炉灶 | lúzào | stove, cooker | 6 |
1208 | 嘛 | ma | modal particle (to express urging) | 6 |
1209 | 麻痹 | mábì | paralysis, numbness | 6 |
1210 | 迈 | mài | step, stride | 6 |
1211 | 脉搏 | màibó | pulse (medical and figurative) | 6 |
1212 | 埋伏 | máifú | ambush, waylay | 6 |
1213 | 埋没 | máimò | oblivion | 6 |
1214 | 埋葬 | máizàng | bury, burial | 6 |
1215 | 麻木 | mámù | numb | 6 |
1216 | 漫长 | màncháng | very long, endless | 6 |
1217 | 忙碌 | mánglù | busy, bustling | 6 |
1218 | 茫茫 | mángmáng | vast, boundless | 6 |
1219 | 盲目 | mángmù | blind, aimless | 6 |
1220 | 茫然 | mángrán | ignorant, to have no knowledge of sth | 6 |
1221 | 漫画 | mànhuà | cartoon, animation | 6 |
1222 | 慢性 | mànxìng | chronic (disease), slow to take effect (e.g. poison) | 6 |
1223 | 蔓延 | mànyán | extend, spread | 6 |
1224 | 埋怨 | mányuàn | complain | 6 |
1225 | 冒充 | màochōng | imitate, imitation | 6 |
1226 | 冒犯 | màofàn | offend, offence | 6 |
1227 | 茂盛 | màoshèng | exuberant, luxuriant | 6 |
1228 | 码头 | mǎtóu | dock, wharf | 6 |
1229 | 蚂蚁 | mǎyǐ | ant | 6 |
1230 | 麻醉 | mázuì | anaesthetise | 6 |
1231 | 枚 | méi | measure word (for coins, rings, badges, sporting medals, rockets, satellites) | 6 |
1232 | 美观 | měiguān | pleasing to the eye, artistic, beautiful (of things) | 6 |
1233 | 媒介 | méijiè | agent, medium, intermediary | 6 |
1234 | 美满 | měimǎn | happy, blissful | 6 |
1235 | 美妙 | měimiào | beautiful (e.g. work of art), wonderful, splendid | 6 |
1236 | 猛烈 | měngliè | fierce, violent, vigorous | 6 |
1237 | 萌芽 | méngyá | bud, sprout | 6 |
1238 | 眯 | mī | narrow (one's eyes) | 6 |
1239 | 免得 | miǎnde | so as not to, so as to avoid | 6 |
1240 | 棉花 | miánhua | cotton | 6 |
1241 | 勉励 | miǎnlì | encourage | 6 |
1242 | 面貌 | miànmào | face, appearance, visage | 6 |
1243 | 勉强 | miǎnqiǎng | barely enough, reluctant, force sb. to do sth | 6 |
1244 | 免疫 | miǎnyì | immunity, immunisation | 6 |
1245 | 面子 | miànzi | outer surface, outside, honour, reputation, face (as in lose face), self-respect, feelings | 6 |
1246 | 描绘 | miáohuì | describe, portray | 6 |
1247 | 藐视 | miǎoshì | scorn, pooh-pooh | 6 |
1248 | 渺小 | miǎoxiǎo | minute, tiny, negligible, insignificant | 6 |
1249 | 瞄准 | miáozhǔn | take aim at | 6 |
1250 | 弥补 | míbǔ | complement, make up for (a deficiency) | 6 |
1251 | 密度 | mìdù | density, thickness | 6 |
1252 | 蔑视 | mièshì | to loathe, despise | 6 |
1253 | 灭亡 | mièwáng | be destroyed, perish, become extinct, die out | 6 |
1254 | 密封 | mìfēng | pressurise | 6 |
1255 | 迷惑 | míhuò | to puzzle, confuse, baffle | 6 |
1256 | 弥漫 | mímàn | permeate, fill the air | 6 |
1257 | 名次 | míngcì | position (in a ranking of names or competition) | 6 |
1258 | 名额 | míng'é | quota of people | 6 |
1259 | 名副其实 | míngfùqíshí | not just in name only but also in reality | 6 |
1260 | 明明 | míngmíng | obviously, plainly, undoubtedly | 6 |
1261 | 命名 | mìngmíng | to give a name to, christen, naming | 6 |
1262 | 名誉 | míngyù | fame, reputation, honorary | 6 |
1263 | 明智 | míngzhì | sensible, reasonable | 6 |
1264 | 民间 | mínjiān | among the people, popular, folk, non-governmental, involving people rather than governments | 6 |
1265 | 敏捷 | mǐnjié | quick, nimble, agile | 6 |
1266 | 敏锐 | mǐnruì | keen, subtitle, acute, brisk | 6 |
1267 | 民主 | mínzhǔ | democracy, democratic | 6 |
1268 | 迷人 | mírén | charm, charming, tempting | 6 |
1269 | 迷信 | míxìn | superstition, be superstitious | 6 |
1270 | 谜语 | míyǔ | conundrum, riddle | 6 |
1271 | 膜 | mó | membrane, film | 6 |
1272 | 摩擦 | mócā | rub, scrape, friction | 6 |
1273 | 模范 | mófàn | model, fine example | 6 |
1274 | 魔鬼 | móguǐ | devil, demon | 6 |
1275 | 磨合 | móhé | to break in, to wear in | 6 |
1276 | 莫名其妙 | mòmíngqímiào | unfathomable mystery, unable to make head or tail of it | 6 |
1277 | 默默 | mòmò | silently | 6 |
1278 | 抹杀 | mǒshā | to erase, obliterate evidence | 6 |
1279 | 模式 | móshì | mode, style | 6 |
1280 | 魔术 | móshù | magic | 6 |
1281 | 墨水儿 | mòshuǐr | ink | 6 |
1282 | 摸索 | mōsuǒ | to feel about, grope, fumble, do things slowly | 6 |
1283 | 谋求 | móuqiú | to seek, to strive for | 6 |
1284 | 模型 | móxíng | model, mould, matrix, pattern, die | 6 |
1285 | 目睹 | mùdǔ | to witness, to see at first hand, to see with one's own eyes | 6 |
1286 | 目光 | mùguāng | sight, view, vision, gaze, look | 6 |
1287 | 模样 | múyàng | appearance, look | 6 |
1288 | 沐浴 | mùyù | bathe | 6 |
1289 | 母语 | mǔyǔ | mother tongue, native language | 6 |
1290 | 耐用 | nàiyòng | durable | 6 |
1291 | 纳闷儿 | nàmènr | feel puzzled | 6 |
1292 | 难得 | nándé | difficult to get, hard to come by, rare, seldom | 6 |
1293 | 难堪 | nánkān | hard to endure, embarrassed | 6 |
1294 | 难能可贵 | nánnéngkěguì | commendable (achievement etc.) | 6 |
1295 | 南辕北辙 | nányuánběichè | diametrically opposite, complete opposites | 6 |
1296 | 恼火 | nǎohuǒ | to get angry, annoy, aggravate, annoying | 6 |
1297 | 拿手 | náshǒu | expert in, good at | 6 |
1298 | 内涵 | nèihán | connotation, meaning | 6 |
1299 | 内幕 | nèimù | inside story, low-down | 6 |
1300 | 内在 | nèizài | intrinsic, inherent | 6 |
1301 | 能量 | néngliàng | energy, ability, capacity, capability | 6 |
1302 | 年度 | niándù | year (e.g. school year, fiscal year) | 6 |
1303 | 拟定 | nǐdìng | to draw up, draft, formulate | 6 |
1304 | 捏 | niē | hold using a thumb and other fingers, knead, mould | 6 |
1305 | 拧 | níng | twist, wring | 6 |
1306 | 凝固 | nínggù | to congeal, solidify, with rapt attention (figurative) | 6 |
1307 | 凝聚 | níngjù | cohesion, coherence | 6 |
1308 | 宁肯 | nìngkěn | would rather, it would be better | 6 |
1309 | 凝视 | níngshì | to gaze, stare | 6 |
1310 | 宁愿 | nìngyuàn | would rather | 6 |
1311 | 纽扣儿 | niǔkòur | button | 6 |
1312 | 扭转 | niǔzhuǎn | to turn round, turn back, reverse, remedy, rectify | 6 |
1313 | 逆行 | nìxíng | regress, regression, retrograde | 6 |
1314 | 浓厚 | nónghòu | dense, thick (fog, clouds etc.), to have a strong interest in, saturated (colour) | 6 |
1315 | 农历 | nónglì | traditional lunar calendar | 6 |
1316 | 虐待 | nüèdài | to abuse, mistreat | 6 |
1317 | 奴隶 | núlì | slave | 6 |
1318 | 挪 | nuó | move, shift | 6 |
1319 | 哦 | ò | oh (that's why, now I understand) | 6 |
1320 | 殴打 | ōudǎ | to beat up, to come to blows, battery (law) | 6 |
1321 | 呕吐 | ǒutù | to vomit, throw up | 6 |
1322 | 偶像 | ǒuxiàng | idol, icon, effigy | 6 |
1323 | 趴 | pā | lie on one's stomach, grovel, bend over, lean on | 6 |
1324 | 派别 | pàibié | faction, group | 6 |
1325 | 排斥 | páichì | to reject, exclude, eliminate, repel | 6 |
1326 | 排除 | páichú | eliminate, remove | 6 |
1327 | 排放 | páifàng | emission, exhaust (gas etc.) | 6 |
1328 | 徘徊 | páihuái | wander | 6 |
1329 | 排练 | páiliàn | rehearsal, dry run | 6 |
1330 | 派遣 | pàiqiǎn | send, dispatch | 6 |
1331 | 畔 | pàn | side, border of a river, lake, road, field, etc. | 6 |
1332 | 攀登 | pāndēng | to climb, clamber, scale | 6 |
1333 | 庞大 | pángdà | enormous | 6 |
1334 | 判决 | pànjué | judgment (by a court of law) | 6 |
1335 | 盘旋 | pánxuán | to spiral, circle, orbit, hover | 6 |
1336 | 泡沫 | pàomò | foam, froth, bubble (soap), bubble (economic) | 6 |
1337 | 抛弃 | pāoqì | discard, dump, abandon | 6 |
1338 | 配备 | pèibèi | to allocate, to provide, to outfit with | 6 |
1339 | 配偶 | pèi'ǒu | consort, mate | 6 |
1340 | 配套 | pèitào | form a complete set | 6 |
1341 | 培育 | péiyù | to cultivate, nurture, breed | 6 |
1342 | 盆地 | péndì | basin (of land) | 6 |
1343 | 捧 | pěng | hold or carry in both hands | 6 |
1344 | 烹饪 | pēngrèn | cooking | 6 |
1345 | 劈 | pī | split, chop, cleave | 6 |
1346 | 偏差 | piānchā | error, deviation | 6 |
1347 | 片断 | piànduàn | in dribs and drabs | 6 |
1348 | 偏见 | piānjiàn | prejudice | 6 |
1349 | 片刻 | piànkè | a while, a moment | 6 |
1350 | 偏僻 | piānpì | out of the way, remote | 6 |
1351 | 偏偏 | piānpiān | against sb's wish, contrary to expectations | 6 |
1352 | 漂浮 | piāofú | to float, hover, drift | 6 |
1353 | 飘扬 | piāoyáng | wave, flutter, fly | 6 |
1354 | 疲惫 | píbèi | tired out, exhausted | 6 |
1355 | 撇 | piē | neglect, cast aside | 6 |
1356 | 批发 | pīfā | wholesale, bulk trade, distribution | 6 |
1357 | 皮革 | pígé | leather | 6 |
1358 | 屁股 | pìgu | buttocks, bottom, butt | 6 |
1359 | 疲倦 | píjuàn | tired and sleepy, weary, fatigued | 6 |
1360 | 拼搏 | pīnbó | go all out in work | 6 |
1361 | 品尝 | pǐncháng | to taste a small amount, to sample | 6 |
1362 | 品德 | pǐndé | moral character | 6 |
1363 | 贫乏 | pínfá | lack, lacking, incomplete | 6 |
1364 | 频繁 | pínfán | often, frequently | 6 |
1365 | 平凡 | píngfán | common, commonplace, ordinary, trivial | 6 |
1366 | 评估 | pínggū | to evaluate, assess | 6 |
1367 | 评论 | pínglùn | to comment on, to discuss, comment, commentary | 6 |
1368 | 平面 | píngmiàn | plane (flat surface) | 6 |
1369 | 屏幕 | píngmù | viewing screen | 6 |
1370 | 平坦 | píngtǎn | level, even, smooth, flat | 6 |
1371 | 平行 | píngxíng | parallel, simultaneous, concurrent, at the same level | 6 |
1372 | 平庸 | píngyōng | mediocrity | 6 |
1373 | 平原 | píngyuán | field, plain | 6 |
1374 | 屏障 | píngzhàng | protective screen, barrier | 6 |
1375 | 贫困 | pínkùn | poor, poverty, impoverished | 6 |
1376 | 频率 | pínlǜ | frequency | 6 |
1377 | 拼命 | pīnmìng | to be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work, etc.), bend over backwards, do one's utmost | 6 |
1378 | 品质 | pǐnzhì | character, quality (of a person, product etc.) | 6 |
1379 | 品种 | pǐnzhǒng | breed, variety | 6 |
1380 | 批判 | pīpàn | criticise | 6 |
1381 | 譬如 | pìrú | for example, for instance, such as | 6 |
1382 | 坡 | pō | slope | 6 |
1383 | 颇 | pō | very, considerably, quite | 6 |
1384 | 泼 | pō | splash, spill, sprinkle | 6 |
1385 | 迫不及待 | pòbùjídài | can't wait (for), be really excited about | 6 |
1386 | 迫害 | pòhài | persecute, treat sb. with cruelty, oppress cruelly | 6 |
1387 | 魄力 | pòlì | courage, daring, boldness, resolution, drive | 6 |
1388 | 破例 | pòlì | to make an exception | 6 |
1389 | 扑 | pū | throw oneself on, pounce on | 6 |
1390 | 铺 | pū | lay | 6 |
1391 | 瀑布 | pùbù | waterfall | 6 |
1392 | 普及 | pǔjí | to popularise, make sth. a commonplace, prevalent | 6 |
1393 | 朴实 | pǔshí | plain, simple, guileless, down-to-earth | 6 |
1394 | 朴素 | pǔsù | simple, plain | 6 |
1395 | 掐 | qiā | to pick (flowers), pinch | 6 |
1396 | 恰当 | qiàdàng | suitable, proper, appropriate | 6 |
1397 | 恰到好处 | qiàdàohǎochù | just right | 6 |
1398 | 牵 | qiān | to lead, to pull (an animal on a tether) | 6 |
1399 | 牵扯 | qiānchě | implicate, involve | 6 |
1400 | 千方百计 | qiānfāngbǎijì | by every possible means, by hook or crook | 6 |
1401 | 抢劫 | qiǎngjié | to rob | 6 |
1402 | 抢救 | qiǎngjiù | rescue, save | 6 |
1403 | 强迫 | qiǎngpò | to force, compel, coerce | 6 |
1404 | 强制 | qiángzhì | to enforce, enforcement, forcibly, compulsory | 6 |
1405 | 前景 | qiánjǐng | prospects, foreground, perspective | 6 |
1406 | 迁就 | qiānjiù | yield, adapt to | 6 |
1407 | 潜力 | qiánlì | potential, capacity | 6 |
1408 | 签署 | qiānshǔ | to sign (an agreement) | 6 |
1409 | 潜水 | qiánshuǐ | to dive, go under water | 6 |
1410 | 前提 | qiántí | premise, precondition, prerequisite | 6 |
1411 | 迁徙 | qiānxǐ | to migrate | 6 |
1412 | 谦逊 | qiānxùn | modest, humble, humility | 6 |
1413 | 潜移默化 | qiányímòhuà | imperceptible influence, to influence secretly | 6 |
1414 | 谴责 | qiǎnzé | condemn, accuse, censure | 6 |
1415 | 牵制 | qiānzhì | to control, to curb, to restrict, to pin down (enemy troops) | 6 |
1416 | 翘 | qiào | raise, hold up, curl up | 6 |
1417 | 桥梁 | qiáoliáng | bridge | 6 |
1418 | 窍门 | qiàomén | know-how, knack | 6 |
1419 | 恰巧 | qiàqiǎo | happen to, by chance | 6 |
1420 | 洽谈 | qiàtán | to discuss | 6 |
1421 | 器材 | qìcái | equipment, material | 6 |
1422 | 起草 | qǐcǎo | draft (a bill), draw up (plans) | 6 |
1423 | 启程 | qǐchéng | to set out on a journey | 6 |
1424 | 起初 | qǐchū | at first, in the beginning, originally | 6 |
1425 | 锲而不舍 | qiè'érbùshě | work with perseverance | 6 |
1426 | 切实 | qièshí | realistic, practical, based on reality, in real, earnest | 6 |
1427 | 起伏 | qǐfú | to move up and down, undulate, ups and downs | 6 |
1428 | 欺负 | qīfu | to bully | 6 |
1429 | 气概 | qìgài | mettle, heroic spirit, lofty quality | 6 |
1430 | 乞丐 | qǐgài | beggar | 6 |
1431 | 气功 | qìgōng | qigong (a system of deep breathing exercises) | 6 |
1432 | 器官 | qìguān | organ (part of body tissue), apparatus | 6 |
1433 | 起哄 | qǐhòng | to heckle, rowdy jeering, to create a disturbance | 6 |
1434 | 迄今为止 | qìjīnwéizhǐ | so far, up to now | 6 |
1435 | 凄凉 | qīliáng | desolate, dreary, lonely | 6 |
1436 | 起码 | qǐmǎ | at the minimum, at the very least | 6 |
1437 | 启蒙 | qǐméng | introduction, initiation, enlightenment | 6 |
1438 | 奇妙 | qímiào | wonderful | 6 |
1439 | 侵犯 | qīnfàn | to intrude on, encroach on, violate | 6 |
1440 | 情报 | qíngbào | intelligence, information, tip-off | 6 |
1441 | 清澈 | qīngchè | fair, lucid | 6 |
1442 | 清晨 | qīngchén | early morning | 6 |
1443 | 清除 | qīngchú | to eliminate, get rid of | 6 |
1444 | 请柬 | qǐngjiǎn | invitation card | 6 |
1445 | 请教 | qǐngjiào | consult, ask for advice, seek advice | 6 |
1446 | 情节 | qíngjié | plot, story | 6 |
1447 | 清洁 | qīngjié | clean, unpolluted | 6 |
1448 | 晴朗 | qínglǎng | sunny and cloudless | 6 |
1449 | 情理 | qínglǐ | sense, reason | 6 |
1450 | 清理 | qīnglǐ | to clean up, put in order | 6 |
1451 | 请示 | qǐngshì | ask for instructions | 6 |
1452 | 请帖 | qǐngtiě | invitation card | 6 |
1453 | 倾听 | qīngtīng | to listen attentively | 6 |
1454 | 清晰 | qīngxī | clear, distinct | 6 |
1455 | 倾向 | qīngxiàng | trend, tendency, orientation | 6 |
1456 | 倾斜 | qīngxié | to incline, lean, slant, slope | 6 |
1457 | 情形 | qíngxīng | circumstance, condition, situation | 6 |
1458 | 清醒 | qīngxǐng | clear-headed, sober, regain consciousness, come to | 6 |
1459 | 清真 | qīngzhēn | Islamic, Muslim | 6 |
1460 | 勤俭 | qínjiǎn | hardworking and thrifty | 6 |
1461 | 勤劳 | qínláo | hardworking, diligent, industrious, assiduous | 6 |
1462 | 侵略 | qīnlüè | invasion | 6 |
1463 | 亲密 | qīnmì | intimate, close | 6 |
1464 | 钦佩 | qīnpèi | admire, look up to | 6 |
1465 | 亲热 | qīnrè | intimate, warm, affectionate, loving | 6 |
1466 | 旗袍 | qípáo | close-fitting lady's dress originating from the Manchu | 6 |
1467 | 欺骗 | qīpiàn | deceive, cheat, dupe | 6 |
1468 | 气魄 | qìpò | spirit, boldness, positive outlook, imposing attitude | 6 |
1469 | 齐全 | qíquán | complete, all ready | 6 |
1470 | 气色 | qìsè | complexion, colour | 6 |
1471 | 歧视 | qíshì | to discriminate against, discrimination | 6 |
1472 | 气势 | qìshì | vigour, look of great force or imposing manner | 6 |
1473 | 启事 | qǐshì | announcement, notice | 6 |
1474 | 启示 | qǐshì | enlightenment, revelation, apocalypse | 6 |
1475 | 企图 | qǐtú | try, attempt | 6 |
1476 | 丘陵 | qiūlíng | hills, undulating topography | 6 |
1477 | 期望 | qīwàng | hope, expectation | 6 |
1478 | 气味 | qìwèi | smell, odour, favour, taste | 6 |
1479 | 期限 | qīxiàn | time limit, deadline, allotted time | 6 |
1480 | 气象 | qìxiàng | meteorology | 6 |
1481 | 齐心协力 | qíxīnxiélì | to work with a common purpose, to make concerted efforts, to pull together, to work as one | 6 |
1482 | 气压 | qìyā | air pressure, atmospheric pressure | 6 |
1483 | 岂有此理 | qǐyǒucǐlǐ | outrageous, preposterous | 6 |
1484 | 起源 | qǐyuán | origin, genesis, to originate, stem, start | 6 |
1485 | 旗帜 | qízhì | flag, banner, streamer, role model, leading idea | 6 |
1486 | 气质 | qìzhì | temperament, disposition | 6 |
1487 | 犬 | quǎn | dog | 6 |
1488 | 权衡 | quánhéng | to weigh, balance, weigh up | 6 |
1489 | 全局 | quánjú | overall situation | 6 |
1490 | 全力以赴 | quánlìyǐfù | do one's level best, go all out | 6 |
1491 | 圈套 | quāntào | trap, snare | 6 |
1492 | 拳头 | quántou | fist | 6 |
1493 | 权威 | quánwēi | authority | 6 |
1494 | 渠道 | qúdào | ditch, trench, channel, way, means | 6 |
1495 | 取缔 | qǔdì | to ban, to prohibit (publications, customs etc), to outlaw, to suppress (violators) | 6 |
1496 | 瘸 | qué | lame | 6 |
1497 | 确保 | quèbǎo | to ensure, to guarantee | 6 |
1498 | 缺口 | quēkǒu | breach, gap | 6 |
1499 | 确立 | quèlì | to establish | 6 |
1500 | 确切 | quèqiè | exact, definite | 6 |
1501 | 缺席 | quēxí | absence, absent | 6 |
1502 | 缺陷 | quēxiàn | defect, flaw | 6 |
1503 | 确信 | quèxìn | be certain of, be convinced | 6 |
1504 | 区分 | qūfēn | to differentiate, to find differing aspects | 6 |
1505 | 屈服 | qūfú | to surrender, to yield | 6 |
1506 | 群众 | qúnzhòng | multitude, the masses | 6 |
1507 | 趣味 | qùwèi | interest, delight, fun, taste, liking, preference | 6 |
1508 | 区域 | qūyù | region, area, district | 6 |
1509 | 曲折 | qūzhé | zigzag, winding, tortuous, meandering, complicated | 6 |
1510 | 驱逐 | qūzhú | drive out, banish | 6 |
1511 | 曲子 | qǔzi | melody, tune | 6 |
1512 | 染 | rǎn | dye, to catch (a disease) | 6 |
1513 | 嚷 | rǎng | blurt out, shout out | 6 |
1514 | 让步 | ràngbù | to concede, to give in, to yield, a concession | 6 |
1515 | 扰乱 | rǎoluàn | to disturb | 6 |
1516 | 饶恕 | ráoshù | pardon, let sb off | 6 |
1517 | 惹祸 | rěhuò | ask for trouble | 6 |
1518 | 热泪盈眶 | rèlèiyíngkuàng | eye's brimming with tears, extremely moved | 6 |
1519 | 热门 | rèmén | popular, hot, in vogue | 6 |
1520 | 仁慈 | réncí | benevolent, kind, merciful | 6 |
1521 | 人道 | réndào | humanity | 6 |
1522 | 认定 | rèndìng | firmly believe | 6 |
1523 | 人格 | réngé | personality | 6 |
1524 | 仍旧 | réngjiù | still, yet | 6 |
1525 | 人工 | réngōng | manmade, artificial | 6 |
1526 | 人家 | rénjiā | other people | 6 |
1527 | 人间 | rénjiān | human world, this world | 6 |
1528 | 认可 | rènkě | to approve, approval | 6 |
1529 | 任命 | rènmìng | appoint, instate | 6 |
1530 | 忍耐 | rěnnài | restrain oneself, repress (anger etc.), exercise patience | 6 |
1531 | 人士 | rénshì | personage, person with certain social influence | 6 |
1532 | 忍受 | rěnshòu | to bear, endure, tolerate, put up with (pain, hardship etc.) | 6 |
1533 | 人为 | rénwéi | artificial, manmade | 6 |
1534 | 人性 | rénxìng | human nature | 6 |
1535 | 任性 | rènxìng | self-willed, self-indulgent, headstrong | 6 |
1536 | 任意 | rènyì | arbitrarily, wilfully, at will | 6 |
1537 | 人质 | rénzhì | hostage | 6 |
1538 | 任重道远 | rènzhòngdàoyuǎn | to shoulder heavy responsibilities | 6 |
1539 | 日新月异 | rìxīnyuèyì | daily renewal and monthly change, every day sees new developments, rapid progress | 6 |
1540 | 日益 | rìyì | more and more each day, increasingly | 6 |
1541 | 融化 | rónghuà | to melt, to thaw, to dissolve, to blend into | 6 |
1542 | 溶解 | róngjiě | dissolve, solution | 6 |
1543 | 容貌 | róngmào | looks, features, one's appearance | 6 |
1544 | 容纳 | róngnà | to accommodate, contain, hold | 6 |
1545 | 容器 | róngqì | container, vessel | 6 |
1546 | 融洽 | róngqià | harmonious, on good terms with | 6 |
1547 | 容忍 | róngrěn | to put up with, tolerate | 6 |
1548 | 荣幸 | róngxìng | honoured | 6 |
1549 | 荣誉 | róngyù | honour, glory | 6 |
1550 | 揉 | róu | knead, roll, crumple, rub, massage | 6 |
1551 | 柔和 | róuhé | soft, mild | 6 |
1552 | 儒家 | rújiā | Confucianism | 6 |
1553 | 弱点 | ruòdiǎn | weakness | 6 |
1554 | 若干 | ruògān | a certain number of, some, several, a few | 6 |
1555 | 撒谎 | sāhuǎng | tell a lie | 6 |
1556 | 散布 | sànbù | scatter, disseminate, spread, sow | 6 |
1557 | 散发 | sànfā | to emanate | 6 |
1558 | 丧失 | sàngshī | to lose, forfeit | 6 |
1559 | 散文 | sǎnwén | prose, essay | 6 |
1560 | 骚扰 | sāorǎo | harass (sexually etc.), harassment | 6 |
1561 | 嫂子 | sǎozi | older brother's wife, sister-in-law | 6 |
1562 | 啥 | shá | what (informal) | 6 |
1563 | 刹车 | shāchē | to brake (when driving) | 6 |
1564 | 筛选 | shāixuǎn | to filter | 6 |
1565 | 擅长 | shàncháng | be good at | 6 |
1566 | 商标 | shāngbiāo | trademark, logo | 6 |
1567 | 上级 | shàngjí | higher level, higher authority | 6 |
1568 | 上进 | shàngjìn | make progress | 6 |
1569 | 伤脑筋 | shāngnǎojīn | troublesome, knotty, bothersome | 6 |
1570 | 尚且 | shàngqiě | even | 6 |
1571 | 上任 | shàngrèn | take a post | 6 |
1572 | 上瘾 | shàngyǐn | be addicted to | 6 |
1573 | 上游 | shàngyóu | upper reaches (of a river), advanced position | 6 |
1574 | 山脉 | shānmài | mountain range | 6 |
1575 | 闪烁 | shǎnshuò | twinkle, glimmer, flicker | 6 |
1576 | 擅自 | shànzì | without permission | 6 |
1577 | 哨 | shào | whistle | 6 |
1578 | 梢 | shāo | end, tip of a branch | 6 |
1579 | 捎 | shāo | to bring sth to sb (e.g. news) | 6 |
1580 | 奢侈 | shēchǐ | luxurious, extravagant | 6 |
1581 | 涉及 | shèjí | involve, relate to | 6 |
1582 | 设立 | shèlì | to set up, establish | 6 |
1583 | 深奥 | shēn'ào | profound, abstruse, recondite, profoundly | 6 |
1584 | 申报 | shēnbào | to report (to the authorities), to declare (to customs) | 6 |
1585 | 审查 | shěnchá | check, inspect, examine, investigate, censor | 6 |
1586 | 深沉 | shēnchén | deep, extreme, dull, low pitched (sound) | 6 |
1587 | 盛产 | shèngchǎn | abound in, teem with | 6 |
1588 | 牲畜 | shēngchù | livestock | 6 |
1589 | 生存 | shēngcún | live and persist, subsist, exist, survive | 6 |
1590 | 胜负 | shèngfù | victory or defeat, the outcome of a battle | 6 |
1591 | 省会 | shěnghuì | provincial capital | 6 |
1592 | 生机 | shēngjī | vitality | 6 |
1593 | 盛开 | shèngkāi | blooming, in full flower | 6 |
1594 | 生理 | shēnglǐ | physiology | 6 |
1595 | 声明 | shēngmíng | to state, declare, proclaim, statement, declaration | 6 |
1596 | 盛情 | shèngqíng | great kindness, magnificent hospitality | 6 |
1597 | 声势 | shēngshì | impetus, momentum | 6 |
1598 | 生疏 | shēngshū | strange, unfamiliar | 6 |
1599 | 生态 | shēngtài | ecology | 6 |
1600 | 生物 | shēngwù | living thing, organism | 6 |
1601 | 生效 | shēngxiào | to take effect, to go into effect | 6 |
1602 | 生肖 | shēngxiào | year of birth | 6 |
1603 | 盛行 | shèngxíng | to be in vogue, to be prevalent | 6 |
1604 | 生锈 | shēngxiù | to rust | 6 |
1605 | 生育 | shēngyù | to bear, to give birth, to grow, to rear, to bring up (children) | 6 |
1606 | 声誉 | shēngyù | reputation, fame | 6 |
1607 | 神经 | shénjīng | nerve | 6 |
1608 | 审理 | shěnlǐ | to hear (a case), try | 6 |
1609 | 审美 | shěnměi | taste, aesthetics | 6 |
1610 | 审判 | shěnpàn | trial, to try sb | 6 |
1611 | 神奇 | shénqí | miraculous, magical | 6 |
1612 | 神气 | shénqì | expression, manner, spirited, vigorous, proud, cocky | 6 |
1613 | 深情厚谊 | shēnqínghòuyì | profound friendship | 6 |
1614 | 神圣 | shénshèng | sacred, holy | 6 |
1615 | 绅士 | shēnshì | gentleman | 6 |
1616 | 神态 | shéntài | appearance, manner, bearing, look, expression | 6 |
1617 | 渗透 | shèntòu | infiltrate, pervade, osmosis | 6 |
1618 | 神仙 | shénxiān | supernatural being, immortal, fairy | 6 |
1619 | 呻吟 | shēnyín | to moan, groan | 6 |
1620 | 慎重 | shènzhòng | careful, cautious, prudent, discreet | 6 |
1621 | 社区 | shèqū | community | 6 |
1622 | 摄氏度 | shèshìdù | degrees Celsius | 6 |
1623 | 舌头 | shétou | tongue | 6 |
1624 | 设想 | shèxiǎng | to imagine, have consideration for, idea, tentative plan | 6 |
1625 | 设置 | shèzhì | to set up, to install | 6 |
1626 | 拾 | shí | pick up, ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral) | 6 |
1627 | 势必 | shìbì | certainly will, is bound to happen | 6 |
1628 | 识别 | shíbié | to distinguish, to discern | 6 |
1629 | 时常 | shícháng | time and again, often, frequently | 6 |
1630 | 世代 | shìdài | generation, an era, accumulation of years, passing on from generation to generation | 6 |
1631 | 时而 | shí'ér | from time to time, occasionally | 6 |
1632 | 示范 | shìfàn | to lead the way, demonstrate, model example | 6 |
1633 | 师范 | shīfàn | teacher training, pedagogical, normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University) | 6 |
1634 | 释放 | shìfàng | to release, set free | 6 |
1635 | 是非 | shìfēi | right and wrong, quarrel | 6 |
1636 | 事故 | shìgù | event that is unforeseen, accident, mishap | 6 |
1637 | 时光 | shíguāng | time, era | 6 |
1638 | 实惠 | shíhuì | tangible benefit, material advantages, advantageous (deal), substantial (discount) | 6 |
1639 | 时机 | shíjī | moment of opportunity, opportunity, opportune time | 6 |
1640 | 事迹 | shìjì | praiseworthy act, deed, achievement, merit | 6 |
1641 | 施加 | shījiā | to exert (effort or pressure) | 6 |
1642 | 事件 | shìjiàn | incident, event | 6 |
1643 | 实力 | shílì | strength | 6 |
1644 | 视力 | shìlì | vision, eyesight | 6 |
1645 | 势力 | shìlì | force (political, economic or military), power, influence | 6 |
1646 | 使命 | shǐmìng | mission (diplomatic or other), set task | 6 |
1647 | 视频 | shìpín | video | 6 |
1648 | 时事 | shíshì | current affairs | 6 |
1649 | 实施 | shíshī | to put into effect, implement, carry out, enforce, execute | 6 |
1650 | 逝世 | shìshì | to pass away, die | 6 |
1651 | 失事 | shīshì | wreckage, accident | 6 |
1652 | 实事求是 | shíshìqiúshì | be practical and realistic | 6 |
1653 | 事态 | shìtài | state of affairs, situation | 6 |
1654 | 尸体 | shītǐ | dead body, corpse, carcass | 6 |
1655 | 试图 | shìtú | to attempt, to try | 6 |
1656 | 示威 | shìwēi | to demonstrate (as a protest), a demonstration, a military show of force | 6 |
1657 | 事务 | shìwù | work, routine, affair, transaction | 6 |
1658 | 失误 | shīwù | to miscue, to fluff, service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc) | 6 |
1659 | 视线 | shìxiàn | line of sight | 6 |
1660 | 事项 | shìxiàng | matter, item | 6 |
1661 | 实行 | shíxíng | to implement, carry out, put into practice | 6 |
1662 | 试验 | shìyàn | test, experiment | 6 |
1663 | 事业 | shìyè | cause, undertaking | 6 |
1664 | 视野 | shìyě | field of vision | 6 |
1665 | 适宜 | shìyí | suitable, appropriate | 6 |
1666 | 示意 | shìyì | to hint, indicate | 6 |
1667 | 石油 | shíyóu | petroleum | 6 |
1668 | 施展 | shīzhǎn | put to good use | 6 |
1669 | 实质 | shízhì | essence, substance, gist | 6 |
1670 | 失踪 | shīzōng | to disappear, be missing | 6 |
1671 | 十足 | shízú | completely, hundred percent, be full of | 6 |
1672 | 收藏 | shōucáng | to hoard, to collect, collection | 6 |
1673 | 手法 | shǒufǎ | technique, trick, skill | 6 |
1674 | 守护 | shǒuhù | to guard, protect, guardianship | 6 |
1675 | 手势 | shǒushì | gesture, sign, signal | 6 |
1676 | 首饰 | shǒushì | jewellery | 6 |
1677 | 收缩 | shōusuō | to pull back, to shrink, to contract | 6 |
1678 | 首要 | shǒuyào | chief, principal | 6 |
1679 | 手艺 | shǒuyì | craft, handicraft | 6 |
1680 | 收益 | shōuyì | income, profit | 6 |
1681 | 收音机 | shōuyīnjī | radio | 6 |
1682 | 授予 | shòuyǔ | to award, confer | 6 |
1683 | 受罪 | shòuzuì | to suffer, endure, hardships | 6 |
1684 | 束 | shù | bunch, bundle, sheaf | 6 |
1685 | 竖 | shù | upright, vertical, vertical stroke, to erect | 6 |
1686 | 耍 | shuǎ | play with, perform, make fun of, juggle | 6 |
1687 | 衰老 | shuāilǎo | to age, to deteriorate with age, old and weak | 6 |
1688 | 率领 | shuàilǐng | lead, head, command | 6 |
1689 | 衰退 | shuāituì | to decline, fall, drop, recession (in economics) | 6 |
1690 | 双胞胎 | shuāngbāotāi | twins | 6 |
1691 | 爽快 | shuǎngkuài | refreshed, rejuvenated, frank and straightforward | 6 |
1692 | 涮火锅 | shuànhuǒguō | hotpot | 6 |
1693 | 舒畅 | shūchàng | comfortable and happy, pleased and satisfied, worry free | 6 |
1694 | 数额 | shù'é | amount | 6 |
1695 | 书法 | shūfǎ | calligraphy | 6 |
1696 | 束缚 | shùfù | tie up, bind, constrain, fetter | 6 |
1697 | 疏忽 | shūhu | to neglect, overlook, carelessness | 6 |
1698 | 水利 | shuǐlì | water resources, water conservancy | 6 |
1699 | 水龙头 | shuǐlóngtóu | tap, faucet | 6 |
1700 | 水泥 | shuǐní | cement | 6 |
1701 | 书籍 | shūjí | books, works | 6 |
1702 | 书记 | shūjì | secretary, clerk | 6 |
1703 | 树立 | shùlì | to set up, establish | 6 |
1704 | 书面 | shūmiàn | in written form | 6 |
1705 | 瞬间 | shùnjiān | a moment, in the twinkling of an eye | 6 |
1706 | 疏远 | shūyuǎn | estrangement, alienation | 6 |
1707 | 司法 | sīfǎ | justice, judicial | 6 |
1708 | 司令 | sīlìng | commander, commanding officer | 6 |
1709 | 寺庙 | sìmiào | temple | 6 |
1710 | 思念 | sīniàn | miss, think of, long for | 6 |
1711 | 思索 | sīsuǒ | to think deeply, ponder | 6 |
1712 | 死亡 | sǐwáng | death, deadly, die | 6 |
1713 | 思维 | sīwéi | thinking, thought | 6 |
1714 | 斯文 | sīwen | refined, polite, cultured | 6 |
1715 | 肆无忌惮 | sìwújìdàn | unscrupulous | 6 |
1716 | 饲养 | sìyǎng | raise, rear (domestic animals) | 6 |
1717 | 四肢 | sìzhī | arms and legs, the four limbs | 6 |
1718 | 私自 | sīzì | private, personal, secretly, without explicit approval | 6 |
1719 | 耸 | sǒng | lofty, towering, raise up, lift | 6 |
1720 | 艘 | sōu | measure word (for ships, boats) | 6 |
1721 | 算数 | suànshù | to count (numbers), to keep one's word | 6 |
1722 | 俗话 | súhuà | popular saying, folk adage, proverb | 6 |
1723 | 隧道 | suìdào | tunnel | 6 |
1724 | 随即 | suíjí | right afterward, immediately afterward | 6 |
1725 | 随意 | suíyì | as one wishes, according to one's wishes, at will, voluntary, conscious | 6 |
1726 | 岁月 | suìyuè | year's of a person's life | 6 |
1727 | 损坏 | sǔnhuài | damage, break, spoil | 6 |
1728 | 索取 | suǒqǔ | to ask, demand | 6 |
1729 | 索性 | suǒxìng | you might as well (do it), simply, just | 6 |
1730 | 素食 | sùshí | vegetables, vegetarian food | 6 |
1731 | 诉讼 | sùsòng | lawsuit | 6 |
1732 | 苏醒 | sūxǐng | to wake up, regain consciousness | 6 |
1733 | 塑造 | sùzào | to model, to mould, to portray (in sculpture or in words) | 6 |
1734 | 素质 | sùzhì | inner quality, basic essence, change over time | 6 |
1735 | 塔 | tǎ | pagoda, tower, minaret, stupa (abbr. loan word from Sanskrit tapo) | 6 |
1736 | 塌 | tā | fall down, collapse, crumple, sink, slump | 6 |
1737 | 泰斗 | tàidǒu | leading authority, scholar | 6 |
1738 | 台风 | táifēng | typhoon | 6 |
1739 | 太空 | tàikōng | outer space | 6 |
1740 | 摊 | tān | spread out, vendor's stand | 6 |
1741 | 坦白 | tǎnbái | honest, forthcoming, to confess | 6 |
1742 | 探测 | tàncè | to explore, probe | 6 |
1743 | 倘若 | tǎngruò | supposing, if, in case | 6 |
1744 | 瘫痪 | tānhuàn | paralysis | 6 |
1745 | 贪婪 | tānlán | greed, greedy, avaricious | 6 |
1746 | 叹气 | tànqì | to sigh, to heave a sigh | 6 |
1747 | 探索 | tànsuǒ | try to find (information), explore, probe | 6 |
1748 | 探讨 | tàntǎo | to probe, investigate | 6 |
1749 | 探望 | tànwàng | to visit | 6 |
1750 | 贪污 | tānwū | corruption | 6 |
1751 | 弹性 | tánxìng | flexibility | 6 |
1752 | 掏 | tāo | draw out, pull out | 6 |
1753 | 陶瓷 | táocí | ceramic(s) | 6 |
1754 | 讨好 | tǎohǎo | fawn on, ingratiate oneself with | 6 |
1755 | 淘汰 | táotài | be sifted out, natural selection | 6 |
1756 | 滔滔不绝 | tāotāobùjué | go on and on, talk endlessly | 6 |
1757 | 陶醉 | táozuì | intoxicate, intoxication | 6 |
1758 | 踏实 | tāshi | practical, down-to-earth, realistic, firmly based, steadfast, to have peace of mind, free from anxiety | 6 |
1759 | 特长 | tècháng | special skill or ability | 6 |
1760 | 特定 | tèdìng | specific, given | 6 |
1761 | 特意 | tèyì | specially | 6 |
1762 | 舔 | tiǎn | to lick, to lap | 6 |
1763 | 天才 | tiāncái | genius, gift, endowment, gifted person | 6 |
1764 | 天赋 | tiānfù | gift, innate skill | 6 |
1765 | 田径 | tiánjìng | track and field | 6 |
1766 | 天伦之乐 | tiānlúnzhīlè | domestic bliss, family love and joy | 6 |
1767 | 天然气 | tiānránqì | natural gas | 6 |
1768 | 天生 | tiānshēng | innate, natural | 6 |
1769 | 天堂 | tiāntáng | heaven | 6 |
1770 | 天文 | tiānwén | astronomy | 6 |
1771 | 田野 | tiányě | field, open country | 6 |
1772 | 挑拨 | tiǎobō | provoke | 6 |
1773 | 调和 | tiáohé | harmonious, harmony | 6 |
1774 | 调剂 | tiáojì | to make an adjustment, regulate, relief | 6 |
1775 | 调节 | tiáojié | to adjust, to regulate, to harmonize, to reconcile (accountancy etc) | 6 |
1776 | 调解 | tiáojiě | to mediate, to bring parties to an agreement | 6 |
1777 | 条款 | tiáokuǎn | clause (of contract or law) | 6 |
1778 | 条理 | tiáolǐ | arrangement, order, tidiness | 6 |
1779 | 调料 | tiáoliào | condiment, seasoning | 6 |
1780 | 挑剔 | tiāoti | picky, fussy | 6 |
1781 | 挑衅 | tiǎoxìn | provoke, defy, defiance | 6 |
1782 | 条约 | tiáoyuē | treaty, pact | 6 |
1783 | 跳跃 | tiàoyuè | to jump, skip, leap | 6 |
1784 | 提拔 | tíbá | to promote (to a higher job), to select for promotion | 6 |
1785 | 题材 | tícái | subject matter | 6 |
1786 | 体裁 | tǐcái | types of literature | 6 |
1787 | 体积 | tǐjī | volume | 6 |
1788 | 提炼 | tíliàn | to extract (ore, minerals etc.), to refine, to purify, to process | 6 |
1789 | 体谅 | tǐliàng | to empathize, show understanding | 6 |
1790 | 体面 | tǐmiàn | dignity, honourable, creditable, handsome | 6 |
1791 | 挺拔 | tǐngbá | tall and straight | 6 |
1792 | 停泊 | tíngbó | anchorage, mooring | 6 |
1793 | 停顿 | tíngdùn | pause, halt | 6 |
1794 | 停滞 | tíngzhì | stagnate | 6 |
1795 | 亭子 | tíngzi | pavilion, kiosk | 6 |
1796 | 提示 | tíshì | to prompt, present, point out, draw attention to sth, hint, cue | 6 |
1797 | 体系 | tǐxì | system, setup | 6 |
1798 | 提议 | tíyì | propose, move, proposal, motion | 6 |
1799 | 铜 | tóng | copper | 6 |
1800 | 同胞 | tóngbāo | compatriot | 6 |
1801 | 统筹兼顾 | tǒngchóujiāngù | overall plan taking all factors into account | 6 |
1802 | 童话 | tónghuà | children's fairy tales | 6 |
1803 | 通货膨胀 | tōnghuòpéngzhàng | inflation | 6 |
1804 | 统计 | tǒngjì | statistics, to count, to add up | 6 |
1805 | 通缉 | tōngqī | wanted by the police, fugitive | 6 |
1806 | 通俗 | tōngsú | common, everyday, average | 6 |
1807 | 统统 | tǒngtǒng | totally, wholly | 6 |
1808 | 通讯 | tōngxùn | communication, news report | 6 |
1809 | 通用 | tōngyòng | in common use | 6 |
1810 | 同志 | tóngzhì | comrade | 6 |
1811 | 统治 | tǒngzhì | to rule, dominate | 6 |
1812 | 投机 | tóujī | to speculate (on financial markets), opportunistic, congenial, agreeable | 6 |
1813 | 透露 | tòulù | divulge, reveal | 6 |
1814 | 投票 | tóupiào | vote, poll | 6 |
1815 | 投诉 | tóusù | lodge a complaint | 6 |
1816 | 投降 | tóuxiáng | surrender, capitulate, give up resistance | 6 |
1817 | 投掷 | tóuzhì | throw, toss | 6 |
1818 | 秃 | tū | bald | 6 |
1819 | 图案 | tú'àn | design, pattern | 6 |
1820 | 团结 | tuánjié | a rally, to hold a rally, to join forces | 6 |
1821 | 团体 | tuántǐ | group, organisation, team | 6 |
1822 | 团圆 | tuányuán | reunion | 6 |
1823 | 徒弟 | túdì | apprentice | 6 |
1824 | 推测 | tuīcè | speculate, guess, presume | 6 |
1825 | 推翻 | tuīfān | overthrow, overturn, reverse, cancel | 6 |
1826 | 推理 | tuīlǐ | inference, reasoning | 6 |
1827 | 推论 | tuīlùn | to deduce, infer, deduction | 6 |
1828 | 推销 | tuīxiāo | to market, sell | 6 |
1829 | 途径 | tújìng | way, approach, avenue, channel | 6 |
1830 | 涂抹 | túmǒ | to paint, smear, daub | 6 |
1831 | 吞吞吐吐 | tūntūntǔtǔ | hem and haw, procrastinate | 6 |
1832 | 妥当 | tuǒdang | proper, suitable, appropriate | 6 |
1833 | 脱离 | tuōlí | to break away from | 6 |
1834 | 唾弃 | tuòqì | spit, spurn | 6 |
1835 | 妥善 | tuǒshàn | proper, appropriate | 6 |
1836 | 妥协 | tuǒxié | compromise | 6 |
1837 | 拖延 | tuōyán | delay, put off | 6 |
1838 | 椭圆 | tuǒyuán | ellipse | 6 |
1839 | 托运 | tuōyùn | to consign (goods), to check (baggage) | 6 |
1840 | 突破 | tūpò | to break through, breakthrough | 6 |
1841 | 土壤 | tǔrǎng | soil | 6 |
1842 | 哇 | wa | sound of child's crying, Wow! | 6 |
1843 | 外表 | wàibiǎo | outward appearance | 6 |
1844 | 外行 | wàiháng | layman, amateur | 6 |
1845 | 外界 | wàijiè | outside world, external | 6 |
1846 | 歪曲 | wāiqū | distort, misrepresent, twist, contort | 6 |
1847 | 外向 | wàixiàng | extrovert, extroverted | 6 |
1848 | 瓦解 | wǎjiě | to collapse, to disintegrate, to crumble | 6 |
1849 | 挖掘 | wājué | dig, excavate | 6 |
1850 | 丸 | wán | pill, measure word (for pills) | 6 |
1851 | 完备 | wánbèi | complete, entire, perfect | 6 |
1852 | 完毕 | wánbì | to complete, finish | 6 |
1853 | 万分 | wànfēn | very much, extremely | 6 |
1854 | 往常 | wǎngcháng | as one used to do, as it used to be | 6 |
1855 | 往事 | wǎngshì | past events, former happenings | 6 |
1856 | 顽固 | wángù | obstinate, stubborn | 6 |
1857 | 妄想 | wàngxiǎng | to attempt vainly, a vain attempt | 6 |
1858 | 挽回 | wǎnhuí | to retrieve, redeem | 6 |
1859 | 挽救 | wǎnjiù | to save, rescue, remedy | 6 |
1860 | 玩弄 | wánnòng | to play with, dally with, resort to | 6 |
1861 | 顽强 | wánqiáng | tenacious, indomitable | 6 |
1862 | 惋惜 | wǎnxī | regret, feel sorry for sb | 6 |
1863 | 玩意儿 | wányìr | toy, plaything, thing, act, trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc.) | 6 |
1864 | 娃娃 | wáwa | baby, child, doll | 6 |
1865 | 喂 | wèi | to feed (sb or an animal) | 6 |
1866 | 违背 | wéibèi | to violate, run counter to | 6 |
1867 | 微不足道 | wēibùzúdào | not worth mentioning, inconsiderable | 6 |
1868 | 维持 | wéichí | to keep, to maintain, to preserve | 6 |
1869 | 唯独 | wéidú | alone, only, unique | 6 |
1870 | 威风 | wēifēng | power, impressive force | 6 |
1871 | 微观 | wēiguān | micro-, sub-atomic | 6 |
1872 | 维护 | wéihù | to safeguard, defend | 6 |
1873 | 危机 | wēijī | crisis | 6 |
1874 | 畏惧 | wèijù | fear, dread | 6 |
1875 | 蔚蓝 | wèilán | sky blue | 6 |
1876 | 威力 | wēilì | might, power | 6 |
1877 | 未免 | wèimiǎn | a bit too much, over the top (you exaggerate) | 6 |
1878 | 为难 | wéinán | cause difficulties/problems for | 6 |
1879 | 为期 | wéiqī | (to be completed) by a definite date | 6 |
1880 | 维生素 | wéishēngsù | vitamin | 6 |
1881 | 委托 | wěituō | consign, commission, delegate, devolve | 6 |
1882 | 威望 | wēiwàng | prestige | 6 |
1883 | 慰问 | wèiwèn | express sympathy for | 6 |
1884 | 威信 | wēixìn | prestige, trust | 6 |
1885 | 卫星 | wèixīng | satellite | 6 |
1886 | 委员 | wěiyuán | committee member | 6 |
1887 | 伪造 | wěizào | to forge, to fake, to counterfeit | 6 |
1888 | 温带 | wēndài | temperate zone | 6 |
1889 | 温和 | wēnhé | temperate, moderate, mild, genial | 6 |
1890 | 文凭 | wénpíng | diploma | 6 |
1891 | 问世 | wènshì | to be published, to come out | 6 |
1892 | 文物 | wénwù | cultural relic | 6 |
1893 | 文献 | wénxiàn | literature, document | 6 |
1894 | 文雅 | wényǎ | elegant, refined | 6 |
1895 | 文艺 | wényì | literature and art | 6 |
1896 | 窝 | wō | nest, lair, den, pit or hollow (on the human body), measure word (for litters or broods) | 6 |
1897 | 无比 | wúbǐ | incomparable, unsurpassed | 6 |
1898 | 务必 | wùbì | must, be sure to | 6 |
1899 | 误差 | wùchā | error | 6 |
1900 | 无偿 | wúcháng | free, no charge, at no cost | 6 |
1901 | 无耻 | wúchǐ | without any sense of shame, unembarrassed, shameless | 6 |
1902 | 舞蹈 | wǔdǎo | dance | 6 |
1903 | 无动于衷 | wúdòngyúzhōng | aloof, indifferent, unmoved | 6 |
1904 | 无非 | wúfēi | only, nothing else | 6 |
1905 | 无辜 | wúgū | innocent, innocence | 6 |
1906 | 乌黑 | wūhēi | jet black | 6 |
1907 | 误解 | wùjiě | misunderstand | 6 |
1908 | 无精打采 | wújīngdǎcǎi | listless, dispirited | 6 |
1909 | 无赖 | wúlài | rascal, rogue | 6 |
1910 | 无理取闹 | wúlǐqǔnào | make trouble without reason, deliberately awkward | 6 |
1911 | 物美价廉 | wùměijiàlián | attractive price and quality | 6 |
1912 | 污蔑 | wūmiè | smear, slander | 6 |
1913 | 无能为力 | wúnéngwéilì | incapable of action, powerless | 6 |
1914 | 武器 | wǔqì | weapon, arms | 6 |
1915 | 无穷无尽 | wúqióngwújìn | vast, limitless, endless | 6 |
1916 | 侮辱 | wǔrǔ | insult, affront, humiliate, dishonour | 6 |
1917 | 无微不至 | wúwēibúzhì | meticulously, in every possible way | 6 |
1918 | 武侠 | wǔxiá | martial arts | 6 |
1919 | 诬陷 | wūxiàn | entrap, frame, plant false evidence | 6 |
1920 | 物业 | wùyè | property, real estate | 6 |
1921 | 无忧无虑 | wúyōuwúlǜ | carefree | 6 |
1922 | 无知 | wúzhī | ignorant, ignorance | 6 |
1923 | 武装 | wǔzhuāng | weaponry, arm forces, arm, equip | 6 |
1924 | 物资 | wùzī | goods and materials | 6 |
1925 | 溪 | xī | brook, creek, rivulet | 6 |
1926 | 霞 | xiá | rosy clouds | 6 |
1927 | 狭隘 | xiá'ài | narrow, tight, narrow-minded, lacking in experience | 6 |
1928 | 峡谷 | xiágǔ | gorge, canyon | 6 |
1929 | 嫌 | xián | to dislike, to mind, suspicion | 6 |
1930 | 弦 | xián | bow string, chord | 6 |
1931 | 现场 | xiànchǎng | the scene (of the incident), lit. actual location | 6 |
1932 | 现成 | xiànchéng | ready-made, readily available | 6 |
1933 | 宪法 | xiànfǎ | constitution (of a country) | 6 |
1934 | 巷 | xiàng | alley, lane, narrow street | 6 |
1935 | 相差 | xiāngchà | to differ, discrepancy between | 6 |
1936 | 向导 | xiàngdǎo | guide | 6 |
1937 | 相等 | xiāngděng | be equal to | 6 |
1938 | 想方设法 | xiǎngfāngshèfǎ | do everything possible, try every means | 6 |
1939 | 相辅相成 | xiāngfǔxiāngchéng | to complement one another | 6 |
1940 | 向来 | xiànglái | always, all along | 6 |
1941 | 响亮 | xiǎngliàng | loud and clear, sonorous, resonant | 6 |
1942 | 镶嵌 | xiāngqiàn | to embed, to set (e.g. a jewel in a ring) | 6 |
1943 | 相声 | xiàngshēng | comic dialogue, cross-talk | 6 |
1944 | 向往 | xiàngwǎng | to yearn for, to look forward to | 6 |
1945 | 响应 | xiǎngyìng | respond, answer | 6 |
1946 | 相应 | xiāngyìng | to correspond, answering (one another), corresponding, relevant, appropriate | 6 |
1947 | 乡镇 | xiāngzhèn | village, town | 6 |
1948 | 陷害 | xiànhài | to frame (up), make false charges against | 6 |
1949 | 闲话 | xiánhuà | idle words, gossip, tattle, digression, complaint | 6 |
1950 | 贤惠 | xiánhuì | virtuous | 6 |
1951 | 衔接 | xiánjiē | to link up, join | 6 |
1952 | 先进 | xiānjìn | advanced (technology), to advance | 6 |
1953 | 陷阱 | xiànjǐng | snare, trap | 6 |
1954 | 鲜明 | xiānmíng | vivid, distinct, distinctive | 6 |
1955 | 掀起 | xiānqǐ | to lift, raise in height, begin, set off (a campaign) | 6 |
1956 | 先前 | xiānqián | before, previously | 6 |
1957 | 馅儿 | xiànr | stuffing, filling (e.g. in dumpling) | 6 |
1958 | 陷入 | xiànrù | to sink into, to get caught up in | 6 |
1959 | 线索 | xiànsuǒ | trail, clues, thread (of a story) | 6 |
1960 | 纤维 | xiānwéi | fibre | 6 |
1961 | 嫌疑 | xiányí | suspicion | 6 |
1962 | 显著 | xiǎnzhù | notable, marked, remarkable | 6 |
1963 | 现状 | xiànzhuàng | status quo | 6 |
1964 | 削 | xiāo | pare, peel (with a knife), cut | 6 |
1965 | 消除 | xiāochú | to eliminate, remove | 6 |
1966 | 消毒 | xiāodú | to disinfect, sterilise, sanitise | 6 |
1967 | 消防 | xiāofáng | fire control, fire fighting | 6 |
1968 | 消耗 | xiāohào | to consume, deplete, consumption | 6 |
1969 | 销毁 | xiāohuǐ | destroy (by melting or burning) | 6 |
1970 | 消灭 | xiāomiè | to eliminate, annihilate, perish, wipe out | 6 |
1971 | 潇洒 | xiāosǎ | natural and unrestrained | 6 |
1972 | 肖像 | xiàoxiàng | portrait | 6 |
1973 | 小心翼翼 | xiǎoxīnyìyì | with great care | 6 |
1974 | 效益 | xiàoyì | benefit | 6 |
1975 | 下属 | xiàshǔ | subordinate, underling | 6 |
1976 | 狭窄 | xiázhǎi | narrow | 6 |
1977 | 细胞 | xìbāo | cell (biology) | 6 |
1978 | 屑 | xiè | bits, crumb | 6 |
1979 | 携带 | xiédài | to carry (on one's person) | 6 |
1980 | 协会 | xiéhuì | association, union | 6 |
1981 | 谢绝 | xièjué | to refuse politely | 6 |
1982 | 泄露 | xièlòu | to leak (information), divulge | 6 |
1983 | 泄气 | xièqì | discouraged, dejected, demoralized, to want to give up, to deflate (air from a tyre) | 6 |
1984 | 协商 | xiéshāng | to consult with, to talk things over, agreement | 6 |
1985 | 协调 | xiétiáo | to coordinate, to harmonize, negotiation | 6 |
1986 | 协议 | xiéyì | agreement, pact, protocol | 6 |
1987 | 协助 | xiézhù | lend a hand, assist, help | 6 |
1988 | 媳妇 | xífu | son's wife, daughter-in-law | 6 |
1989 | 膝盖 | xīgài | knee | 6 |
1990 | 袭击 | xíjī | an attack (esp. surprise attack), raid, to attack | 6 |
1991 | 细菌 | xìjūn | germ, bacterium | 6 |
1992 | 系列 | xìliè | series | 6 |
1993 | 熄灭 | xīmiè | to stop burning, go out (of a fire), die out, extinguished | 6 |
1994 | 新陈代谢 | xīnchéndàixiè | metabolism | 6 |
1995 | 心得 | xīndé | knowledge gained from study | 6 |
1996 | 腥 | xīng | the smell of fish | 6 |
1997 | 心甘情愿 | xīngānqíngyuàn | willingly | 6 |
1998 | 性感 | xìnggǎn | sex appeal, eroticism, sexuality, sexy | 6 |
1999 | 兴高采烈 | xìnggāocǎiliè | be in high spirits, be enraptured | 6 |
2000 | 兴隆 | xīnglóng | boom, prosper | 6 |
2001 | 性命 | xìngmìng | life | 6 |
2002 | 性能 | xìngnéng | performance, capability, property | 6 |
2003 | 刑事 | xíngshì | criminal, penal | 6 |
2004 | 形态 | xíngtài | form, shape, pattern, morphology | 6 |
2005 | 兴旺 | xīngwàng | prosperous | 6 |
2006 | 行政 | xíngzhèng | administration, administrative | 6 |
2007 | 兴致勃勃 | xìngzhìbóbó | in high spirits | 6 |
2008 | 信赖 | xìnlài | to trust, rely on | 6 |
2009 | 新郎 | xīnláng | bridegroom, groom | 6 |
2010 | 心灵 | xīnlíng | heart, soul, psyche | 6 |
2011 | 信念 | xìnniàn | belief, faith, conviction | 6 |
2012 | 新娘 | xīnniáng | bride | 6 |
2013 | 辛勤 | xīnqín | industrious, hardworking | 6 |
2014 | 薪水 | xīnshui | salary, wage | 6 |
2015 | 心态 | xīntài | mentality, way of thinking | 6 |
2016 | 心疼 | xīnténg | feel distressed, love dearly | 6 |
2017 | 欣慰 | xīnwèi | glad, gratified | 6 |
2018 | 欣欣向荣 | xīnxīnxiàngróng | flourishing, prosperous | 6 |
2019 | 心血 | xīnxuè | heart's blood, meticulous care | 6 |
2020 | 心眼儿 | xīnyǎn'er | mind, idea | 6 |
2021 | 信仰 | xìnyǎng | believe in, faith (religious) | 6 |
2022 | 新颖 | xīnyǐng | original, novel | 6 |
2023 | 信誉 | xìnyù | prestige, distinction, reputation, trust | 6 |
2024 | 凶恶 | xiōng'è | fierce, ferocious, fiendish, vicious | 6 |
2025 | 雄厚 | xiónghòu | strong and solid, robust | 6 |
2026 | 胸怀 | xiōnghuái | mind, heart | 6 |
2027 | 凶手 | xiōngshǒu | murderer, assassin | 6 |
2028 | 胸膛 | xiōngtáng | chest, thorax | 6 |
2029 | 雄伟 | xióngwěi | grand, magnificent | 6 |
2030 | 汹涌 | xiōngyǒng | surge, turbulent | 6 |
2031 | 昔日 | xīrì | formerly, in olden days | 6 |
2032 | 牺牲 | xīshēng | to sacrifice oneself, lay down one's life | 6 |
2033 | 习俗 | xísú | custom, tradition | 6 |
2034 | 绣 | xiù | to embroider | 6 |
2035 | 羞耻 | xiūchǐ | ashamed | 6 |
2036 | 修复 | xiūfù | to repair, restore | 6 |
2037 | 修建 | xiūjiàn | to build, construct, erect | 6 |
2038 | 嗅觉 | xiùjué | sense of smell | 6 |
2039 | 修养 | xiūyǎng | training, good manners | 6 |
2040 | 喜闻乐见 | xǐwénlèjiàn | a delight to see, an attractive spectacle | 6 |
2041 | 夕阳 | xīyáng | the setting sun | 6 |
2042 | 喜悦 | xǐyuè | joyful, joyous, delighted, cheerful | 6 |
2043 | 细致 | xìzhì | attentive to detail, rich in detail | 6 |
2044 | 选拔 | xuǎnbá | choose, select | 6 |
2045 | 悬挂 | xuánguà | to hang, suspend, suspension | 6 |
2046 | 喧哗 | xuānhuá | hue and cry, uproar | 6 |
2047 | 选举 | xuǎnjǔ | elect, election | 6 |
2048 | 旋律 | xuánlǜ | rhythm, tune | 6 |
2049 | 悬念 | xuánniàn | suspense (in a movie, play etc.), concern for sb's welfare | 6 |
2050 | 宣誓 | xuānshì | to swear an oath (of office) | 6 |
2051 | 选手 | xuǎnshǒu | athlete, contestant, player | 6 |
2052 | 悬殊 | xuánshū | wide gap, disparity | 6 |
2053 | 宣扬 | xuānyáng | to proclaim, make public | 6 |
2054 | 炫耀 | xuànyào | to show off (one's talent) | 6 |
2055 | 悬崖峭壁 | xuányáqiàobì | cliff | 6 |
2056 | 旋转 | xuánzhuǎn | to gyrate, rotate, spin, revolve, turn, whirl | 6 |
2057 | 削弱 | xuēruò | weaken, cripple | 6 |
2058 | 雪上加霜 | xuěshàngjiāshuāng | to make a bad situation worse | 6 |
2059 | 学说 | xuéshuō | doctrine, theory | 6 |
2060 | 学位 | xuéwèi | academic degree (BSc, MSc etc.) | 6 |
2061 | 血压 | xuèyā | blood pressure | 6 |
2062 | 虚假 | xūjiǎ | false, phony, pretence | 6 |
2063 | 酗酒 | xùjiǔ | heavy drinking, to get drunk | 6 |
2064 | 许可 | xǔkě | admit, allow | 6 |
2065 | 畜牧 | xùmù | to raise animals | 6 |
2066 | 循环 | xúnhuán | circle, cycle, circulate | 6 |
2067 | 巡逻 | xúnluó | to patrol (police, army, navy) | 6 |
2068 | 寻觅 | xúnmì | to seek, look for | 6 |
2069 | 熏陶 | xūntáo | to train, nurture | 6 |
2070 | 循序渐进 | xúnxùjiànjìn | in sequence, step by step, to make steady progress incrementally | 6 |
2071 | 需求 | xūqiú | requirement, demand (economics) | 6 |
2072 | 虚荣 | xūróng | vanity | 6 |
2073 | 虚伪 | xūwěi | false, hypocritical | 6 |
2074 | 序言 | xùyán | prologue | 6 |
2075 | 须知 | xūzhī | prerequisites, rules that must be known before starting sth | 6 |
2076 | 亚军 | yàjūn | second place (in a contest), runner-up | 6 |
2077 | 演变 | yǎnbiàn | to evolve | 6 |
2078 | 掩盖 | yǎngài | cover up, conceal, hide, cloak | 6 |
2079 | 样品 | yàngpǐn | sample | 6 |
2080 | 氧气 | yǎngqì | oxygen | 6 |
2081 | 眼光 | yǎnguāng | eye, vision, foresight, insight | 6 |
2082 | 沿海 | yánhǎi | coastal | 6 |
2083 | 严寒 | yánhán | freezing, bitter cold, severe winter | 6 |
2084 | 掩护 | yǎnhù | to shield, cover, screen | 6 |
2085 | 烟花爆竹 | yānhuābàozhú | fireworks and crackers | 6 |
2086 | 严禁 | yánjìn | forbid, prohibit | 6 |
2087 | 严峻 | yánjùn | stern, serious, harsh | 6 |
2088 | 严厉 | yánlì | stern, severe, harsh, austere, stringent | 6 |
2089 | 言论 | yánlùn | speech, expression of opinion, public opinion | 6 |
2090 | 严密 | yánmì | close, tight, strict | 6 |
2091 | 淹没 | yānmò | to submerge, overwhelm | 6 |
2092 | 延期 | yánqī | to put off, delay, defer | 6 |
2093 | 炎热 | yánrè | blistering hot (weather) | 6 |
2094 | 眼色 | yǎnsè | meaningful glance, to signal with one's eyes | 6 |
2095 | 延伸 | yánshēn | extend, stretch | 6 |
2096 | 眼神 | yǎnshén | expression in one's eyes | 6 |
2097 | 岩石 | yánshí | rock | 6 |
2098 | 掩饰 | yǎnshì | cover up, conceal | 6 |
2099 | 验收 | yànshōu | to check on receipt, an inventory of received goods, to verify and accept (a delivery) | 6 |
2100 | 厌恶 | yànwù | to loathe, hate, detest | 6 |
2101 | 演习 | yǎnxí | rehearse | 6 |
2102 | 延续 | yánxù | to continue, go on, last | 6 |
2103 | 演绎 | yǎnyì | deduce, infer | 6 |
2104 | 验证 | yànzhèng | to inspect and verify, experimental verification | 6 |
2105 | 演奏 | yǎnzòu | perform (music) | 6 |
2106 | 摇摆 | yáobǎi | sway, swing, rock, wigwag, vacillate | 6 |
2107 | 要点 | yàodiǎn | main point, essential, gist, strongpoint | 6 |
2108 | 摇滚 | yáogǔn | rock 'n' roll, rock | 6 |
2109 | 遥控 | yáokòng | remote control | 6 |
2110 | 要命 | yàomìng | very, extremely | 6 |
2111 | 要素 | yàosù | factor, element | 6 |
2112 | 谣言 | yáoyán | rumour | 6 |
2113 | 耀眼 | yàoyǎn | dazzling | 6 |
2114 | 遥远 | yáoyuǎn | distant, remote | 6 |
2115 | 压迫 | yāpò | oppress, repress, stress (physics) | 6 |
2116 | 鸦雀无声 | yāquèwúshēng | complete silence | 6 |
2117 | 压岁钱 | yāsuìqián | lucky money (given as Chinese New Year present) | 6 |
2118 | 压缩 | yāsuō | suppress, stifle, inhibit, keep down | 6 |
2119 | 压抑 | yāyì | to repress (emotions), oppressive | 6 |
2120 | 压榨 | yāzhà | to squeeze, press, extract (juice, oil etc.) | 6 |
2121 | 压制 | yāzhì | to suppress, to inhibit, to stifle | 6 |
2122 | 野蛮 | yěmán | barbarous, uncivilised | 6 |
2123 | 液体 | yètǐ | liquid | 6 |
2124 | 野心 | yěxīn | ambition, wild schemes, careerism | 6 |
2125 | 亦 | yì | too, also | 6 |
2126 | 翼 | yì | wing | 6 |
2127 | 以便 | yǐbiàn | so as to make it convenient to, so that, in order to | 6 |
2128 | 遗产 | yíchǎn | heritage, legacy, inheritance | 6 |
2129 | 异常 | yìcháng | unusual, abnormal | 6 |
2130 | 遗传 | yíchuán | heredity, inheritance, to transmit | 6 |
2131 | 一度 | yídù | once, one time | 6 |
2132 | 一帆风顺 | yìfānfēngshùn | plain sailing | 6 |
2133 | 一贯 | yíguàn | consistent, constant | 6 |
2134 | 疑惑 | yíhuò | doubt, disbelieve | 6 |
2135 | 依旧 | yījiù | as before, still like before | 6 |
2136 | 依据 | yījù | be in line with, base sth on, basis, grounds | 6 |
2137 | 一举两得 | yìjǔliǎngdé | kill two birds with one stone | 6 |
2138 | 依靠 | yīkào | rely on, depend on, backing, support | 6 |
2139 | 依赖 | yīlài | depend on, rely on | 6 |
2140 | 毅力 | yìlì | perseverance, willpower | 6 |
2141 | 意料 | yìliào | to anticipate, expect | 6 |
2142 | 遗留 | yíliú | leave behind, bequeath, hand down (to next generation) | 6 |
2143 | 一流 | yīliú | top quality, the best | 6 |
2144 | 以免 | yǐmiǎn | in order to avoid, so as not to | 6 |
2145 | 一目了然 | yímùliǎorán | obvious at a glance | 6 |
2146 | 隐蔽 | yǐnbì | to conceal, hide, covert, under cover | 6 |
2147 | 引导 | yǐndǎo | to lead, guide, show, direct | 6 |
2148 | 应酬 | yìngchou | social niceties, social interaction, a dinner party | 6 |
2149 | 婴儿 | yīng'ér | baby, infant | 6 |
2150 | 盈利 | yínglì | profit, gain | 6 |
2151 | 迎面 | yíngmiàn | directly, head-on (collision), in one's face (of wind) | 6 |
2152 | 英明 | yīngmíng | brilliant, wise | 6 |
2153 | 应邀 | yìngyāo | on invitation, at sb's invitation | 6 |
2154 | 英勇 | yīngyǒng | heroic, valiant, brave, gallant | 6 |
2155 | 隐患 | yǐnhuàn | hidden danger | 6 |
2156 | 隐瞒 | yǐnmán | to conceal, hide, cover up the truth | 6 |
2157 | 阴谋 | yīnmóu | plot, conspiracy, machination | 6 |
2158 | 引擎 | yǐnqíng | engine | 6 |
2159 | 饮食 | yǐnshí | food and drink | 6 |
2160 | 隐私 | yǐnsī | secrets | 6 |
2161 | 音响 | yīnxiǎng | speakers, sound, acoustics | 6 |
2162 | 引用 | yǐnyòng | to quote, cite, recommend, appoint | 6 |
2163 | 隐约 | yǐnyuē | indistinct, faint (to the eye or ear) | 6 |
2164 | 仪器 | yíqì | instrument, apparatus | 6 |
2165 | 毅然 | yìrán | resolutely | 6 |
2166 | 一如既往 | yìrújìwǎng | run true to form | 6 |
2167 | 衣裳 | yīshang | clothes | 6 |
2168 | 仪式 | yíshì | ceremony, ritual, rite, function | 6 |
2169 | 遗失 | yíshī | to lose, lost | 6 |
2170 | 意识 | yìshí | consciousness, be conscious of | 6 |
2171 | 一丝不苟 | yìsībùgǒu | meticulous, meticulously | 6 |
2172 | 意图 | yìtú | intent, intention, intend, schematic diagram | 6 |
2173 | 依托 | yītuō | rely on, depend on | 6 |
2174 | 以往 | yǐwǎng | in the past | 6 |
2175 | 意味着 | yìwèizhe | signify, mean, imply | 6 |
2176 | 一向 | yíxiàng | aside, on one side, by | 6 |
2177 | 意向 | yìxiàng | disposition, will, intent | 6 |
2178 | 意志 | yìzhì | will, volition | 6 |
2179 | 以至 | yǐzhì | up to, down to, so... that... | 6 |
2180 | 以致 | yǐzhì | so that, as a result, consequently | 6 |
2181 | 永恒 | yǒnghéng | forever, eternal | 6 |
2182 | 用户 | yònghù | user, consumer | 6 |
2183 | 拥护 | yōnghù | support, uphold | 6 |
2184 | 庸俗 | yōngsú | tacky, filthy, vulgar | 6 |
2185 | 涌现 | yǒngxiàn | come to the fore | 6 |
2186 | 拥有 | yōngyǒu | hold, possess of | 6 |
2187 | 勇于 | yǒngyú | have the courage to | 6 |
2188 | 踊跃 | yǒngyuè | vying with one another, enthusiastic, eager | 6 |
2189 | 诱惑 | yòuhuò | tempt, lure | 6 |
2190 | 油腻 | yóunì | grease, fat, fatty food | 6 |
2191 | 油漆 | yóuqī | oil paint | 6 |
2192 | 犹如 | yóurú | just as, like | 6 |
2193 | 优胜劣汰 | yōushèngliètài | survival of the fittest | 6 |
2194 | 有条不紊 | yǒutiáobùwěn | systematic, methodical, methodically | 6 |
2195 | 优先 | yōuxiān | priority | 6 |
2196 | 优异 | yōuyì | exceptional, outstandingly good | 6 |
2197 | 忧郁 | yōuyù | sad, melancholy, depressed | 6 |
2198 | 优越 | yōuyuè | superior, advantageous | 6 |
2199 | 幼稚 | yòuzhì | childish, puerile, immature, naive | 6 |
2200 | 玉 | yù | jade | 6 |
2201 | 愈 | yù | to recover, heal, the more… the more | 6 |
2202 | 熨 | yù | reconciled, smooth, an iron, to iron | 6 |
2203 | 原告 | yuángào | complainant, plaintiff, accuser | 6 |
2204 | 缘故 | yuángù | reason, cause | 6 |
2205 | 原理 | yuánlǐ | principle, theory | 6 |
2206 | 园林 | yuánlín | park, gardens, landscape garden | 6 |
2207 | 圆满 | yuánmǎn | perfect, satisfactory | 6 |
2208 | 源泉 | yuánquán | headspring, source | 6 |
2209 | 原始 | yuánshǐ | original, firsthand, primeval, primitive | 6 |
2210 | 元首 | yuánshǒu | head of state | 6 |
2211 | 元素 | yuánsù | element, element of a set, chemical element | 6 |
2212 | 冤枉 | yuānwang | treat unjustly, wrong, not worthwhile | 6 |
2213 | 原先 | yuánxiān | former, original | 6 |
2214 | 元宵节 | yuánxiāojié | Lantern Festival (final event of Spring Festival) | 6 |
2215 | 愚蠢 | yúchǔn | foolish, stupid, silly, unintelligent, dumb | 6 |
2216 | 岳母 | yuèmǔ | mother-in-law | 6 |
2217 | 乐谱 | yuèpǔ | sheet music | 6 |
2218 | 约束 | yuēshù | to restrict, to limit to, to constrain, restriction, constraint | 6 |
2219 | 预料 | yùliào | anticipate, expect, predict | 6 |
2220 | 舆论 | yúlùn | consensus, public opinion | 6 |
2221 | 愚昧 | yúmèi | ignorant, uneducated | 6 |
2222 | 渔民 | yúmín | fisherman, fisher folk | 6 |
2223 | 蕴藏 | yùncáng | to hold in store, contain (untapped reserves etc.) | 6 |
2224 | 酝酿 | yùnniàng | to ferment (alcohol), to brew | 6 |
2225 | 运算 | yùnsuàn | calculation, mathematical operation | 6 |
2226 | 运行 | yùnxíng | to be in motion, move, run | 6 |
2227 | 孕育 | yùnyù | to be pregnant, produce offspring, nurture | 6 |
2228 | 预期 | yùqī | expect, anticipate | 6 |
2229 | 与日俱增 | yǔrìjùzēng | to increase steadily, to grow with each passing day | 6 |
2230 | 羽绒服 | yǔróngfú | down jacket | 6 |
2231 | 预算 | yùsuàn | budget | 6 |
2232 | 欲望 | yùwàng | desire, longing, appetite, craving | 6 |
2233 | 预先 | yùxiān | in advance, beforehand | 6 |
2234 | 寓言 | yùyán | fable, allegory, parable | 6 |
2235 | 预言 | yùyán | to predict, prophecy | 6 |
2236 | 预兆 | yùzhào | omen, prognosis (medicine) | 6 |
2237 | 宇宙 | yǔzhòu | universe, cosmos | 6 |
2238 | 砸 | zá | pound, break, smash, fail | 6 |
2239 | 咋 | zǎ | why, how (dialect) | 6 |
2240 | 宰 | zǎi | to butcher, slaughter livestock | 6 |
2241 | 再接再厉 | zàijiēzàilì | to continue the struggle, to persist, unremitting efforts | 6 |
2242 | 灾难 | zāinàn | calamity, disaster, suffering | 6 |
2243 | 栽培 | zāipéi | grow, cultivate | 6 |
2244 | 在意 | zàiyì | care about | 6 |
2245 | 杂技 | zájì | acrobatics | 6 |
2246 | 杂交 | zájiāo | to create a hybrid | 6 |
2247 | 攒 | zǎn | accumulate, hoard, save money | 6 |
2248 | 暂且 | zànqiě | for now, for the time being, temporarily | 6 |
2249 | 赞叹 | zàntàn | highly praise | 6 |
2250 | 赞助 | zànzhù | support, sponsor | 6 |
2251 | 遭受 | zāoshòu | to suffer, to sustain (loss, misfortune) | 6 |
2252 | 糟蹋 | zāotà | waste, ruin, spoil | 6 |
2253 | 造型 | zàoxíng | model, mould | 6 |
2254 | 遭殃 | zāoyāng | to suffer a calamity | 6 |
2255 | 噪音 | zàoyīn | noise, static | 6 |
2256 | 遭遇 | zāoyù | meet with (sth unfortunate), encounter | 6 |
2257 | 责怪 | zéguài | blame | 6 |
2258 | 贼 | zéi | thief | 6 |
2259 | 赠送 | zèngsòng | give as a present | 6 |
2260 | 增添 | zēngtiān | to add to, increase | 6 |
2261 | 眨 | zhǎ | wink, blink | 6 |
2262 | 扎 | zhā | prick, push a needle into | 6 |
2263 | 渣 | zhā | residue, dregs, sediment, broken bits, crumb, dross | 6 |
2264 | 债券 | zhàiquàn | bond, debenture | 6 |
2265 | 摘要 | zhāiyào | summary, brief | 6 |
2266 | 斩钉截铁 | zhǎndīngjiétiě | resolute and decisive (lit. chop the nail and slice the iron) | 6 |
2267 | 战斗 | zhàndòu | to fight, to battle | 6 |
2268 | 障碍 | zhàng'ài | barrier, obstacle, hinder, block, obstruct | 6 |
2269 | 章程 | zhāngchéng | statute, rule, regulations | 6 |
2270 | 帐篷 | zhàngpeng | tent | 6 |
2271 | 沾光 | zhānguāng | to bask in the light, to benefit from association with sb or sth, reflected glory | 6 |
2272 | 占据 | zhànjù | to occupy, take up, inhabit | 6 |
2273 | 占领 | zhànlǐng | to occupy (a territory), to hold | 6 |
2274 | 战略 | zhànluè | strategy | 6 |
2275 | 展示 | zhǎnshì | to reveal, to display, to show, to exhibit sth | 6 |
2276 | 战术 | zhànshù | tactics (military), manoeuvre | 6 |
2277 | 展望 | zhǎnwàng | outlook, prospect, to look ahead, to look forward to | 6 |
2278 | 展现 | zhǎnxiàn | express, show | 6 |
2279 | 崭新 | zhǎnxīn | brand new | 6 |
2280 | 瞻仰 | zhānyǎng | to admire, revere | 6 |
2281 | 战役 | zhànyì | military campaign | 6 |
2282 | 招标 | zhāobiāo | call for tender, invite public bidding | 6 |
2283 | 着迷 | zháomí | be fascinated | 6 |
2284 | 朝气蓬勃 | zhāoqìpéngbó | full of youthful spirit, vigour | 6 |
2285 | 招收 | zhāoshōu | to hire, to recruit | 6 |
2286 | 照样 | zhàoyàng | as before, in the same old way | 6 |
2287 | 照耀 | zhàoyào | shine, illuminate, radiate, blaze | 6 |
2288 | 沼泽 | zhǎozé | swamp, marsh, wetlands | 6 |
2289 | 诈骗 | zhàpiàn | defraud, swindle | 6 |
2290 | 扎实 | zhāshi | sturdy, strong, robust, sound, firm | 6 |
2291 | 折 | zhé | to break, bend, fold | 6 |
2292 | 遮挡 | zhēdǎng | keep out, shelter from | 6 |
2293 | 折磨 | zhémó | torment, persecute, harass | 6 |
2294 | 阵地 | zhèndì | battlefront, front, ground, position | 6 |
2295 | 镇定 | zhèndìng | calm, unperturbed, cool | 6 |
2296 | 振奋 | zhènfèn | to raise one's spirits, hearten | 6 |
2297 | 政策 | zhèngcè | policy | 6 |
2298 | 正当 | zhèngdāng | just when, just as, just the time for | 6 |
2299 | 争端 | zhēngduān | dispute, controversy, conflict | 6 |
2300 | 整顿 | zhěngdùn | to restructure, consolidate, reorganise | 6 |
2301 | 争夺 | zhēngduó | to fight over, contest, vie over | 6 |
2302 | 蒸发 | zhēngfā | to evaporate, evaporation | 6 |
2303 | 正负 | zhèngfù | positive and negative | 6 |
2304 | 征服 | zhēngfú | to conquer, subjugate, subdue | 6 |
2305 | 正规 | zhèngguī | regular, according to standards | 6 |
2306 | 正经 | zhèngjing | decent, respectable, formal, serious | 6 |
2307 | 正气 | zhèngqì | healthy environment, healthy atmosphere, righteousness, vital energy (in Chinese medicine) | 6 |
2308 | 争气 | zhēngqì | to work hard for sth | 6 |
2309 | 政权 | zhèngquán | political power, regime | 6 |
2310 | 证实 | zhèngshí | to confirm (sth to be true), to verify | 6 |
2311 | 征收 | zhēngshōu | to levy (a fine), to impose (a tariff) | 6 |
2312 | 证书 | zhèngshū | certificate, credentials | 6 |
2313 | 珍贵 | zhēnguì | valuable, precious | 6 |
2314 | 争先恐后 | zhēngxiānkǒnghòu | strive to be the first, vie with each other | 6 |
2315 | 正义 | zhèngyì | righteousness, justice, just, righteous | 6 |
2316 | 争议 | zhēngyì | controversy, dispute | 6 |
2317 | 正月 | zhēngyuè | the first month of the lunar year | 6 |
2318 | 挣扎 | zhēngzhá | struggle, battle, flounder | 6 |
2319 | 郑重 | zhèngzhòng | serious, solemn | 6 |
2320 | 症状 | zhèngzhuàng | symptom | 6 |
2321 | 正宗 | zhèngzōng | genuine, authentic, real | 6 |
2322 | 震撼 | zhènhàn | convulse, shock (wave) | 6 |
2323 | 镇静 | zhènjìng | calm, cool, composed, poised, unruffled | 6 |
2324 | 震惊 | zhènjīng | astound | 6 |
2325 | 真理 | zhēnlǐ | truth | 6 |
2326 | 阵容 | zhènróng | line-up (of sports team etc.), troop arrangement | 6 |
2327 | 侦探 | zhēntàn | detective | 6 |
2328 | 枕头 | zhěntou | pillow | 6 |
2329 | 珍稀 | zhēnxī | rare, precious | 6 |
2330 | 真相 | zhēnxiàng | fact, truth | 6 |
2331 | 振兴 | zhènxīng | vitalise, develop, promote | 6 |
2332 | 真挚 | zhēnzhì | sincere, sincerity | 6 |
2333 | 珍珠 | zhēnzhū | pearl, genuine pearl | 6 |
2334 | 斟酌 | zhēnzhuó | consider, deliberate, think carefully | 6 |
2335 | 折腾 | zhēteng | to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly), to repeat sth over and over again | 6 |
2336 | 枝 | zhī | branch, twig, measure word (for guns, pens, flowers etc.) | 6 |
2337 | 治安 | zhì'ān | law and order, public security | 6 |
2338 | 值班 | zhíbān | on duty | 6 |
2339 | 指标 | zhǐbiāo | norm, index, target | 6 |
2340 | 直播 | zhíbō | live broadcast | 6 |
2341 | 制裁 | zhìcái | to punish, punishment, sanctions (incl. economic) | 6 |
2342 | 支撑 | zhīchēng | to prop up, support, crutch | 6 |
2343 | 支出 | zhīchū | to spend, pay out, expense | 6 |
2344 | 致辞 | zhìcí | oration, to address (an audience) | 6 |
2345 | 指定 | zhǐdìng | appoint, designate | 6 |
2346 | 脂肪 | zhīfáng | fat, grease | 6 |
2347 | 制服 | zhìfú | to subdue, to check, to bring under control, uniform (army, party, school etc.) | 6 |
2348 | 之际 | zhījì | when | 6 |
2349 | 指甲 | zhǐjia | fingernail | 6 |
2350 | 直径 | zhíjìng | diameter | 6 |
2351 | 知觉 | zhījué | feeling, consciousness | 6 |
2352 | 致力 | zhìlì | devote one's efforts to, dedication | 6 |
2353 | 智力 | zhìlì | intellect, intelligence | 6 |
2354 | 治理 | zhìlǐ | to govern, administer, manage, control | 6 |
2355 | 指令 | zhǐlìng | order, instruction | 6 |
2356 | 滞留 | zhìliú | detain, retention | 6 |
2357 | 支流 | zhīliú | tributary (of a river) | 6 |
2358 | 殖民地 | zhímíndì | colony | 6 |
2359 | 指南针 | zhǐnánzhēn | compass | 6 |
2360 | 职能 | zhínéng | function, role | 6 |
2361 | 智能 | zhìnéng | intelligent, able, smart (phone, system, bomb etc.) | 6 |
2362 | 支配 | zhīpèi | control, dominate, arrange | 6 |
2363 | 志气 | zhìqì | ambition, resolve, backbone, drive, spirit | 6 |
2364 | 智商 | zhìshāng | IQ | 6 |
2365 | 致使 | zhìshǐ | to cause, to result in | 6 |
2366 | 指示 | zhǐshì | to point out, to indicate, to instruct, directives, instructions | 6 |
2367 | 指望 | zhǐwàng | to hope for sth, to count on, hope | 6 |
2368 | 职位 | zhíwèi | position, post, office | 6 |
2369 | 职务 | zhíwù | post, position, job, duties | 6 |
2370 | 执行 | zhíxíng | to implement, carry out, execute, run | 6 |
2371 | 支援 | zhīyuán | support, aid, assist, assistance, help | 6 |
2372 | 制约 | zhìyuē | restrict | 6 |
2373 | 指责 | zhǐzé | to criticise, find fault with | 6 |
2374 | 执着 | zhízhe | attached to, stubborn | 6 |
2375 | 制止 | zhìzhǐ | to prevent, stop, curb, restrain, check, deter | 6 |
2376 | 支柱 | zhīzhù | mainstay, backbone | 6 |
2377 | 侄子 | zhízi | nephew | 6 |
2378 | 知足常乐 | zhīzúchánglè | feel contented, satisfied | 6 |
2379 | 忠诚 | zhōngchéng | loyal, true, staunch, faithful | 6 |
2380 | 终点 | zhōngdiǎn | the end, end point, finishing line (in a race), destination, terminus | 6 |
2381 | 中断 | zhōngduàn | interrupt, suspend, break off, discontinue | 6 |
2382 | 终究 | zhōngjiū | in the end, after all | 6 |
2383 | 中立 | zhōnglì | neutral, neutrality | 6 |
2384 | 肿瘤 | zhǒngliú | tumour | 6 |
2385 | 终身 | zhōngshēn | lifelong, all one's life | 6 |
2386 | 忠实 | zhōngshí | faithful and trustworthy, truthful | 6 |
2387 | 众所周知 | zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī | as everyone knows, it is common knowledge that | 6 |
2388 | 重心 | zhòngxīn | centre of gravity | 6 |
2389 | 衷心 | zhōngxīn | wholehearted, heartfelt, hearty, cordial | 6 |
2390 | 中央 | zhōngyāng | centre, central, central authorities | 6 |
2391 | 种植 | zhòngzhí | plant, grow, crop, put in | 6 |
2392 | 终止 | zhōngzhǐ | to stop, terminate (law) | 6 |
2393 | 种子 | zhǒngzi | seed | 6 |
2394 | 种族 | zhǒngzú | race, ethnicity | 6 |
2395 | 州 | zhōu | state (e.g. of US), administrative division | 6 |
2396 | 舟 | zhōu | boat | 6 |
2397 | 粥 | zhōu | porridge (made from rice), congee, gruel | 6 |
2398 | 周边 | zhōubiān | rim, periphery | 6 |
2399 | 周密 | zhōumì | thorough, careful | 6 |
2400 | 周年 | zhōunián | anniversary | 6 |
2401 | 周期 | zhōuqī | period, cycle | 6 |
2402 | 皱纹 | zhòuwén | wrinkle, furrow, rumple, crumple, pucker | 6 |
2403 | 昼夜 | zhòuyè | day and night | 6 |
2404 | 周折 | zhōuzhé | twists and turns, setbacks | 6 |
2405 | 周转 | zhōuzhuǎn | turnover (in cash or personnel) | 6 |
2406 | 拄 | zhǔ | lean on a stick | 6 |
2407 | 株 | zhū | tree trunk, measure word (for plants) | 6 |
2408 | 拽 | zhuài | drag, haul | 6 |
2409 | 砖 | zhuān | brick, sth shaped like a brick | 6 |
2410 | 专长 | zhuāncháng | specialty, special knowledge or ability | 6 |
2411 | 专程 | zhuānchéng | special trip | 6 |
2412 | 转达 | zhuǎndá | to pass on, convey, communicate | 6 |
2413 | 幢 | zhuàng | tent, measure word (for houses) | 6 |
2414 | 装备 | zhuāngbèi | equipment, to equip, to outfit | 6 |
2415 | 壮观 | zhuàngguān | spectacular, magnificent sight | 6 |
2416 | 庄稼 | zhuāngjia | crops | 6 |
2417 | 壮丽 | zhuànglì | majestic, splendid, magnificent | 6 |
2418 | 壮烈 | zhuàngliè | brave, heroic | 6 |
2419 | 装卸 | zhuāngxiè | to load and unload | 6 |
2420 | 庄严 | zhuāngyán | solemn, dignified | 6 |
2421 | 庄重 | zhuāngzhòng | grave, solemn, dignified | 6 |
2422 | 传记 | zhuànjì | biography | 6 |
2423 | 专利 | zhuānlì | patent | 6 |
2424 | 转让 | zhuǎnràng | transfer (technology, goods etc) | 6 |
2425 | 专题 | zhuāntí | special topic | 6 |
2426 | 转移 | zhuǎnyí | to shift, to divert or distract (attention etc) | 6 |
2427 | 转折 | zhuǎnzhé | shift in the trend of events, plot shift in a book, twists and turns | 6 |
2428 | 主办 | zhǔbàn | to organize, to host (a conference or sports event) | 6 |
2429 | 主导 | zhǔdǎo | to lead, manage | 6 |
2430 | 嘱咐 | zhǔfù | enjoin, exhort, advise, urge, tell | 6 |
2431 | 主管 | zhǔguǎn | in charge of | 6 |
2432 | 坠 | zhuì | fall | 6 |
2433 | 追悼 | zhuīdào | mourning, memorial service | 6 |
2434 | 追究 | zhuījiū | to investigate, find out | 6 |
2435 | 助理 | zhùlǐ | assistant | 6 |
2436 | 主流 | zhǔliú | main stream (of a river), the essential point, main viewpoint of a matter | 6 |
2437 | 逐年 | zhúnián | year after year, with each passing year, over the years | 6 |
2438 | 准则 | zhǔnzé | norm, standard, criterion | 6 |
2439 | 琢磨 | zhuómó | consider, ponder, polish (jade) | 6 |
2440 | 着手 | zhuóshǒu | put one's hand to, set about, begin, start | 6 |
2441 | 着想 | zhuóxiǎng | to give thought (to others), to consider (other people's needs) | 6 |
2442 | 卓越 | zhuóyuè | distinction, excellence, outstanding | 6 |
2443 | 着重 | zhuózhòng | emphasise, stress, highlight | 6 |
2444 | 主权 | zhǔquán | sovereign rights, sovereignty | 6 |
2445 | 注射 | zhùshè | inject, shoot | 6 |
2446 | 注视 | zhùshì | look attentively at, gaze at, stare at | 6 |
2447 | 注释 | zhùshì | note, annotation | 6 |
2448 | 助手 | zhùshǒu | assistant, helper, aide | 6 |
2449 | 诸位 | zhūwèi | everyone, Ladies and Gentlemen | 6 |
2450 | 主义 | zhǔyì | doctrine, -ism | 6 |
2451 | 铸造 | zhùzào | to cast (pour metal into a mould) | 6 |
2452 | 驻扎 | zhùzhā | to station, to garrison (troops) | 6 |
2453 | 住宅 | zhùzhái | residence, residential building, dwelling | 6 |
2454 | 注重 | zhùzhòng | pay attention to | 6 |
2455 | 著作 | zhùzuò | work, book, writing | 6 |
2456 | 自卑 | zìbēi | inferiority, feel inferior | 6 |
2457 | 资本 | zīběn | capital, asset | 6 |
2458 | 资产 | zīchǎn | capital, asset | 6 |
2459 | 子弹 | zǐdàn | bullet, cartridge | 6 |
2460 | 自发 | zìfā | spontaneous | 6 |
2461 | 自力更生 | zìlìgēngshēng | regeneration through one's own effort (idiom), self-reliance | 6 |
2462 | 自满 | zìmǎn | self-satisfied, complacent, self-contented, conceited | 6 |
2463 | 滋润 | zīrùn | moisten | 6 |
2464 | 资深 | zīshēn | senior (in terms of depth of accumulated experience), deeply qualified | 6 |
2465 | 姿态 | zītài | carriage, bearing, attitude, gesture | 6 |
2466 | 滋味 | zīwèi | taste, flavour | 6 |
2467 | 自主 | zìzhǔ | decide for oneself, act on one's own | 6 |
2468 | 资助 | zīzhù | to subsidize, to provide financial aid, subsidy | 6 |
2469 | 总而言之 | zǒngéryánzhī | in short, in brief, in a nutshell | 6 |
2470 | 总和 | zǒnghé | summation | 6 |
2471 | 纵横 | zònghéng | warp and weft in weaving (lit.), vertical and horizontal, length and breadth, able to move unhindered, abbr. for 合纵连横 (he2 zong4 lian2 heng2) School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC) | 6 |
2472 | 踪迹 | zōngjì | trail, trace, tracks, footprints | 6 |
2473 | 宗教 | zōngjiào | religion | 6 |
2474 | 棕色 | zōngsè | brown | 6 |
2475 | 宗旨 | zōngzhǐ | objective, aim, goal, tenet | 6 |
2476 | 揍 | zòu | beat up, break to pieces | 6 |
2477 | 走廊 | zǒuláng | corridor, passage, passageway | 6 |
2478 | 走漏 | zǒulòu | to leak (of information, liquid etc), to divulge | 6 |
2479 | 走私 | zǒusī | to smuggle | 6 |
2480 | 阻碍 | zǔ'ài | impede, hinder, block, obstacle, hindrance | 6 |
2481 | 钻石 | zuànshí | diamond | 6 |
2482 | 钻研 | zuānyán | study in depth, dig into | 6 |
2483 | 祖父 | zǔfù | paternal grandfather | 6 |
2484 | 祖国 | zǔguó | motherland, fatherland, homeland | 6 |
2485 | 嘴唇 | zuǐchún | lip | 6 |
2486 | 罪犯 | zuìfàn | criminal | 6 |
2487 | 阻拦 | zǔlán | to stop, obstruct | 6 |
2488 | 租赁 | zūlìn | lease, tenancy | 6 |
2489 | 阻挠 | zǔnáo | obstruct, stand in the way | 6 |
2490 | 遵循 | zūnxún | follow, keep to | 6 |
2491 | 尊严 | zūnyán | dignity | 6 |
2492 | 作弊 | zuòbì | cheat (on an exam), plagiarise | 6 |
2493 | 作废 | zuòfèi | to cancel, cancellation | 6 |
2494 | 作风 | zuòfēng | style, way, attitude, behaviour, conduct | 6 |
2495 | 作息 | zuòxī | work and rest | 6 |
2496 | 座右铭 | zuòyòumíng | motto | 6 |
2497 | 做主 | zuòzhǔ | to decide, take responsibility for | 6 |
2498 | 祖先 | zǔxiān | ancestor, forebears | 6 |
2499 | 足以 | zúyǐ | enough | 6 |
2500 | 啰唆 | luōsuo | to grumble, nag | 6 |