HSK words: Level 5 (new)

These are the HSK words in level 5. The list includes only new words, i.e. it does not include the words which are in levels 1 to 4.

Level (all words)123456    Level (new words)123456

1āito express realisation or agreement (yes, oh, right etc.)5
2āihey, look out, why (interjection)5
3爱护àihùto cherish, treasure, take good care of5
4爱惜àixīto cherish, treasure, use sparingly5
6àndark, secret, hidden, gloomy5
7ànbank, shore, coast5
8安慰ānwèito comfort, to console, consolation5
9安装ānzhuānginstall, erect, fix, mount, installation5
10熬夜áoyèstay up late5
11bǎipendulum, move to and fro, sway, arrange, exhibit5
12傍晚bàngwǎntoward evening, at nightfall5
13办理bànlǐto handle, conduct, deal with5
14báothin, cold in manner, indifferent5
15宝贝bǎobèiprecious thing, treasured object, darling5
16保持bǎochíto keep, maintain, preserve5
17保存bǎocúnto conserve, to preserve, to keep, to save (a file etc. in a computer)5
18报到bàodàoreport for duty, check in, register5
19报道bàodàoreport, cover, coverage, story5
20报告bàogàoto make known, report, speech, lecture5
21宝贵bǎoguìvaluable, precious5
22包裹bāoguǒpackage, parcel5
23包含bāoháncontain, embody, include5
24包括bāokuòinclude, consist of, comprise5
25保留bǎoliúto reserve, hold back, reservations5
26报社bàoshènewspaper office5
27保险bǎoxiǎninsurance, to insure, safe, secure, be sure5
29把握bǎwòto grasp, seize, hold, assurance, certainty, sure (of the outcome)5
30bèito carry on one's back, to learn by heart, recite from memory5
32背景bèijǐngbackground, backdrop5
34本科běnkēundergraduate (course)5
35本领běnlǐngskill, ability, capability5
36本质běnzhìessence, nature5
37便biànordinary, plain, convenient, handy, easy, so, thus, to relieve oneself, to urinate, to defecate, then, in that case, even if, soon afterwards5
38编辑biānjíedit, compile, editor, compiler5
39辩论biànlùnargue, debate, argument5
41表达biǎodáto express, convey, voice an opinion5
42标点biāodiǎnpunctuation, a punctuation mark, to punctuate5
43表面biǎomiànsurface, outside, face, appearance5
44表明biǎomíngto make clear, to make known, to state clearly, to indicate, known5
45表情biǎoqíngexpression (facial)5
46表现biǎoxiànshow off, express, display5
47标志biāozhìindicate, mark, sign, symbol5
48彼此bǐcǐeach other, one another5
49毕竟bìjìngafter all, when all is said and done, in the end5
51避免bìmiǎnavoid, avert5
53冰激凌bīngjīlíngice cream5
54必然bìráninevitable, certain5
55必要bìyàonecessary, essential, indispensable5
56播放bōfàngto broadcast, to transmit5
60cloth, to declare, to announce, to spread, to make known5
61不安bù'ānuneasy, disturbed5
62补充bǔchōngreplenish, supplement, complement5
63不得了bùdéliǎoextremely, exceedingly, disastrous5
64不断búduànunceasing, continuous5
65不见得bújiàndénot necessarily, not likely5
66部门bùméndepartment, branch, section, division5
67不耐烦búnàifánimpatient, impatience5
69不如bùrúnot as good as, better to5
70不要紧búyàojǐndoesn't matter5
71步骤bùzhòustep, move, measure, procedure5
72不足bùzúnot enough, insufficient, inadequate5
73cǎitread, stamp on5
74财产cáichǎnproperty, possessions5
75采访cǎifǎnggather news, interview5
77采取cǎiqǔto adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action), to take5
78参考cānkǎorefer to, consult5
80参与cānyùto participate (in sth)5
81操场cāochǎngplayground, sports ground5
82操心cāoxīnto bother, worry about, take pains5
83book, booklet, measure word (for books)5
84曾经céngjīngonce, already, former, previously, ever, past tense marker (used before verb or clause)5
85测验cèyàntest, examination5
86chāto insert, stick in, interfere5
87chāito tear down, knock down5
88差距chājùdisparity, distance5
89常识chángshícommon sense, general knowledge5
90长途chángtúlong distance5
91产品chǎnpǐngoods, merchandise, product5
92产生chǎnshēngproduce, take place, engender5
93cháotowards, facing, imperial or royal court, dynasty5
94chǎoto quarrel, make a noise, noisy5
95chǎostir fry, saute5
96chāoto copy, plagiarise5
97超级chāojítranscending, high grade, super-, ultra-5
98吵架chǎojiàto quarrel, argue5
99潮湿cháoshīwet, humid, damp, moist5
101彻底chèdǐthoroughgoing, thorough5
102车库chēkùgarage, hanger5
103chènavail oneself of5
104chēngto weigh, state, name5
105承担chéngdānto undertake, assume (responsibility etc.)5
106程度chéngdùdegree, extent, level5
108成果chéngguǒgain, achievement, positive result5
109称呼chēnghucall, address, name, term of address5
110成就chéngjiùachievement, success5
111诚恳chéngkěnhonest, sincere5
112成立chénglìto establish, found5
114承认chéngrènto admit, recognise, acknowledge5
115承受chéngshòuto bear, to support, to inherit5
116成熟chéngshúmature, ripe5
117程序chéngxùprocedure, process, computer program5
118成语chéngyǔidiom, proverb, adage (Chinese set expression often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation)5
119称赞chēngzànpraise, acclaim, commend5
120成长chéngzhǎngto grow up5
121沉默chénmòsilent, uncommunicative5
122车厢chēxiāngrailway carriage, railroad car5
124吃亏chīkuīsuffer losses, be in an unfavourable situation5
125池塘chítángpool, pond5
126持续chíxùto continue, persist, last out5
127迟早chízǎosooner or later5
128尺子chǐziruler, rule5
129chōngto rinse, to collide with, to dash against, to mix with water, to develop (a film), to flush (a toilet)5
130充电器chōngdiànqìelectric charger5
131充分chōngfènample, full, abundant5
132重复chóngfùto repeat5
133充满chōngmǎnbrimming with, full of5
134宠物chǒngwùpet (in the home)5
135chòusmelly, to smell (bad)5
136chǒuugly, unsightly, bad-looking, detestable, shameful, clown, 1-3 a.m.5
139传播chuánbōto disseminate, to propagate, to spread5
140chuǎngto rush, charge, dash5
141窗帘chuāngliánwindow curtain5
142创造chuàngzàoto create, to bring about, to produce5
143传染chuánrǎnto infect, be contagious5
144传说chuánshuōpass on (a story), people say, legend, folk tale5
145传统chuántǒngtradition, traditional, convention, conventional5
147除非chúfēiunless, barring, only if5
148chuīto blow, to play (a wind instrument), brag, boast, end in failure5
149初级chūjíelementary, primary5
151处理chǔlǐto handle, deal with5
152出色chūsèexcellent, outstanding5
153出示chūshìproduce, production5
154除夕chúxīChinese New Year's Eve5
155出席chūxíattend, be present5
156词汇cíhuìvocabulary, list of words (e.g. for language teaching)5
157刺激cìjīstimulate, irritate, provoke, stimulus, provocation5
158此外cǐwàibesides, moreover5
159次要cìyàosecondary, less important, subordinate, minor5
160辞职cízhíto resign5
161从此cóngcǐfrom now on5
162从而cóng'érthus, thereby5
163匆忙cōngmánghurried, hasty5
164从前cóngqiánbefore, formerly, in the past5
165从事cóngshìto go for, engage in, undertake, deal with, handle, do5
167粗糙cūcāocrude, rough5
168cuīpress, urge5
169促进cùjìnto promote (an idea or cause), to advance, boost5
170存在cúnzàiexist, be5
171措施cuòshīmeasure, step (to be taken)5
172促使cùshǐto urge, impel, push, spur on5
173达到dádàoachieve, attain, reach5
174大方dàfangof good taste, generous, natural and poised5
175打工dǎgōngto work (do manual labour for a living)5
176dāifoolish, stupid, no expression, to stay5
177代表dàibiǎoto represent, on behalf of, representative5
178贷款dàikuǎna loan, to provide a loan (e.g. a bank)5
179代替dàitìinstead, to replace, to substitute5
180待遇dàiyùtreatment, compensation, pay, wage, salary5
181打交道dǎjiāodaocome into contact with, have dealings with5
182dànthin, weak, diluted5
183单纯dānchúnsimple, pure, uncomplicated5
184单调dāndiàomonotonous, dull5
185单独dāndúalone, lone, solitary5
186dǎngto resist, obstruct, block5
188当心dāngxīnto take care, look out5
189担任dānrènassume the office of, hold the post of5
190单位dānwèiunit (of measure), work unit (one's workplace)5
191耽误dānwudelay, waste time5
193单元dānyuánunit, entrance number, staircase (for residential buildings)5
194到达dàodáarrive, reach, get to5
195道德dàodémorals, ethics5
196道理dàolǐprinciple, truth, reason, argument5
197倒霉dǎoméibe unlucky, have bad luck5
198导演dǎoyǎndirector, to direct (film etc.)5
199岛屿dǎoyǔislands and islets5
200导致dǎozhìto lead to, bring about, result in, cause5
201打喷嚏dǎpēntìto sneeze5
202大厦dàshàmansion, large building5
203打听dǎtingto ask about, inquire about5
205大型dàxínglarge-scale, large5
206答应dāyingto promise, to agree, to reply, to respond5
207等待děngdàito wait for, await5
208登记dēngjìto register, check in5
209等于děngyúequal to, equivalent, amount to5
210to pass on, to hand over5
211a drop, to drip5
212电池diànchíbattery, electric cell5
213电台diàntáitransceiver, broadcasting station5
214点心diǎnxinlight refreshments, pastry, dim sum (in Cantonese cooking), dessert5
215diàoto fish (with a hook and bait)5
216地道dìdaogenuine, real, authentic, pure, up to standard5
217地理dìlǐgeography, the natural and social features of a place5
218dǐngpeak, top, most, go against, to substitute, measure word (for hats, headwear, veils)5
219地区dìqūarea, region, district5
220的确díquèindeed, really5
221敌人dírénenemy, foe5
222地毯dìtǎncarpet, rug5
223地位dìwèiposition, status5
225dònghole, cave5
227动画片dònghuàpiàncartoon, animated film5
228dòutease, provoke5
229豆腐dòufutofu, bean curd5
230duànto break, snap, cut off, sever, judge (usu negative)5
231度过dùguòspend, pass5
232duīa pile, a mass, heap, stack5
233对比duìbǐcompare, contrast, comparison5
234对待duìdàitreat, approach5
235对方duìfāngother person involved, receiving party5
236兑换duìhuànto exchange, convert (currencies)5
237对手duìshǒurival, adversary, opponent5
238对象duìxiàngobject, target, boyfriend or girlfriend5
239独立dúlìstand alone, independence5
240dùnstop, pause, measure word (for meals, beatings, tellings off etc.)5
242dūncrouch, squat5
243duǒmeasure word (for flowers, clouds)5
244躲藏duǒcángtake cover, hide out, dodge5
245多亏duōkuībe lucky to, it is fortunate that, thanks to, luckily5
246多余duōyúunnecessary, needless, uncalled for, surplus5
247独特dútèunique, distinctive, original5
248恶劣èlièvile, nasty, disgusting5
250发表fābiǎopublish, issue5
251发愁fāchóuworry, be anxious5
252发达fādádeveloped, flourishing5
254发挥fāhuīto bring out implicit or innate qualities, to express (a thought or moral), to develop (an idea), to elaborate (on a theme)5
255罚款fákuǎnpenalty, fine (monetary), to impose a fine5
256发明fāmínginvent, invention5
257fānto turn over, flip over, capsize, translate5
258反而fǎn'éron the contrary, instead5
259反复fǎnfùrepeatedly, again and again5
260fāngside, square, direction, party (to a contract, dispute etc.), measure word (for square things)5
261妨碍fáng'àihinder, hamper, obstruct, impede, make difficult5
262方案fāng'ànscheme, plan, program5
263仿佛fǎngfúto seem, as if5
264方式fāngshìway, fashion, pattern5
265繁荣fánróngflourishing, prosperous, prosperity5
266范围fànwéiscope, limits, range5
267反应fǎnyìngreact, respond, reaction, response5
268反映fǎnyìngto mirror, reflect, mirror image, reflection, to report, make known5
269反正fǎnzhènganyway, in any case5
270发票fāpiàoinvoice, receipt5
271发言fāyánspeak, make a speech5
272法院fǎyuàncourt (of law)5
273fēinot, non-, un-, insist on, simply must5
274废话fèihuànonsense, superfluous words, rubbish5
276分别fēnbiéto separate, distinguish, respectively5
277分布fēnbùbe distributed, be scattered, be dispersed5
278奋斗fèndòuto fight, struggle, strive5
279纷纷fēnfēnone after another5
280讽刺fěngcìsatirise, ridicule, mock5
282风景fēngjǐngscenery, landscape5
283疯狂fēngkuángcrazy, maniac, mad, wild, frenzied, unbridled5
284风俗fēngsúsocial custom5
285风险fēngxiǎnrisk, venture5
286分配fēnpèito assign, allocate, distribute5
287分手fēnshǒuto break up, separate5
288分析fēnxīto analyse, analysis5
289否定fǒudìngto negate, deny5
290否认fǒurènto deny5
291width, roll, measure word (for pictures, paintings etc.)5
292support with the hand, help sb up5
293辅导fǔdǎoto coach, to tutor, to give advice (in study)5
295复制fùzhìto duplicate, make a copy of, reproduce, clone5
296服装fúzhuāngdress, clothing, costume, clothes5
297gàicover, lid, top5
298改革gǎigéto reform5
299改进gǎijìnto improve, make better, improvement5
300概括gàikuòto summarise, generalise, summary5
301概念gàiniànconcept, idea, conception5
302改善gǎishànto make better, to improve5
303改正gǎizhèngcorrect, amend5
304干脆gāncuìstraightforward, clear-cut, simple, just5
306干活儿gànhuórto work, manual labour5
307感激gǎnjīto express thanks, grateful, moved to gratitude5
308赶紧gǎnjǐnhurriedly, on the double, lose no time5
309赶快gǎnkuàiat once, quickly5
310感受gǎnshòube affected by, taste, feel, experience, feeling5
311感想gǎnxiǎngimpressions, reflections5
312干燥gānzàoto dry (of weather, paint, cement etc), desiccation, dull, uninteresting, arid5
313gǎodo, cause, make, get hold of5
314告别gàobiéleave, part from, say goodbye to5
315高档gāodàngsuperior quality, high grade5
316高级gāojíhigher-grade, high-quality, advanced, high-ranking5
317隔壁gébìnext door5
318个别gèbiérespective, respectively, individual5
319gēnroot, foot, base, origin, measure word (for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings)5
320根本gēnběnroot, essence, basic, fundamental5
321个人gèrénindividual, personal, oneself5
322格外géwàiespecially, particularly, all the more5
323个性gèxìngpersonality, individuality, character5
324各自gèzìeach, respective5
325公布gōngbùmake public, promulgate, announce, publicise5
329公开gōngkāiin public, overt, open, make public5
330功能gōngnéngfunction, functionality, feature5
331公平gōngpíngfair, impartial5
332工人gōngrénworker, workman5
333恭喜gōngxǐcongratulate, congratulations5
334贡献gòngxiàncontribute, dedicate, contribution5
336公寓gōngyùapartment building, block of flats5
337公元gōngyuánthe Christian era, AD5
339构成gòuchéngto compose, constitute5
341挂号guàhàoto register (a letter, hospital appointment etc.)5
342guāiobedient, well-behaved (of a child), good, clever, shrewd, lovely5
343怪不得guàibudeno wonder, so that's why, put no blame on5
344拐弯guǎiwānturn a corner, make a turn, change direction5
345guānofficial, government5
346关闭guānbìto close, shut5
347观察guāncháto observe, to watch, to survey, to examine, observation, view, perspective5
348观点guāndiǎnviewpoint, standpoint5
349广场guǎngchǎngpublic square, plaza5
350广大guǎngdàextensive, vast, wide5
351广泛guǎngfànextensive, wide, ranging, widespread5
352光滑guānghuásmooth, sleek, glossy, slippery5
353光临guānglínWelcome!, You honour us with your presence, It is an honour to have you5
354光明guāngmínglight, bright5
357观念guānniànconcept, idea, thought, sense, ideology5
358管子guǎnzitube, pipe, drinking straw5
359古代gǔdàiancient times, olden times5
361固定gùdìngfixed, regular, predetermined, to fix, fasten, regularise5
362姑姑gūgufather's sister5
363规矩guījurule, manner, custom, decent, conforming to norms5
364规律guīlǜlaw, regular pattern, rule (e.g. of science)5
365规模guīmóscale, scope, extent5
367柜台guìtáicounter, bar5
368规则guīzérule, law, regulation, regular, orderly5
369gǔnto boil, roll5
370姑娘gūnianggirl, young woman, daughter5
371guōpan, pot5
372过分guòfènexcessive, undue, extravagant5
373过敏guòmǐnallergy, be allergic to5
374过期guòqīoutdated, beyond sell-by date5
375国庆节guóqìngjiéNational Day (October 1)5
376果然guǒránas expected, really, sure enough5
377果实guǒshífruit, gains5
379股票gǔpiàoshares, stock5
380骨头gǔtoubone, strong character5
381鼓舞gǔwǔheartening (news), boost (morale)5
382鼓掌gǔzhǎngto applaud5
383laughter, yawn5
386hǎnshout, cry out, call sb5
387行业hángyètrade, business, industry5
390好奇hàoqícurious, inquisitive5
391何必hébìwhy is it necessary to, there is no need to5
392合法héfǎlegal, lawful, legitimate, rightful5
393何况hékuànglet alone (used in rhetorical questions)5
394合理hélǐreasonable, rational5
397合同hétongcontract (in business, work etc.)5
398核心héxīnnucleus, core, kernel5
399合影héyǐnggroup photo5
400合作hézuòto cooperate, collaborate, work together, cooperation5
402后果hòuguǒconsequence, aftermath5
404pot, measure word (for bottled liquid)5
405huáto row, delimit, transfer, assign, differentiate, mark off, draw (a line), delete, stroke of a Chinese character5
406huáslippery, smooth5
407怀念huáiniàncherish the memory of, think of, miss5
408怀孕huáiyùnbecome pregnant5
410慌张huāngzhāngconfused, flustered5
411缓解huǎnjiěease, relieve (e.g. a crisis)5
412幻想huànxiǎngto fantasise, dream, fancy, fantasy, illusion5
414话题huàtísubject (of a talk or conversation), topic5
416华裔huáyìethnic Chinese, non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry5
418huīto brandish, wipe away, scatter5
419huīgrey, ash5
421恢复huīfùto resume, renew, recover, restore5
422汇率huìlǜexchange rate5
423灰心huīxīnlose heart, be disheartened, be discouraged5
424婚礼hūnlǐwedding ceremony5
425婚姻hūnyīnmarriage, wedding5
426伙伴huǒbànfellow, partner, mate, pal, friend5
427火柴huǒcháimatch (for lighting fire)5
428或许huòxǔperhaps, maybe5
429活跃huóyuèactive, vigorous5
430忽然hūránsuddenly, all of a sudden5
431忽视hūshìto ignore, overlook, neglect5
432胡说húshuōtalk nonsense, drivel5
433胡同hútòngalley, lane5
434糊涂hútumuddled, confused, bewildered5
435呼吸hūxīto breathe5
436jiàtake as a husband, marry (a man), shift (blame)5
437jiǎthe first of the ten Heavenly Stems, first5
438嘉宾jiābīnhonoured guest5
439jiǎnpick up, collect, gather5
442讲究jiǎngjiube particular about, exquisite, tasteful, elegant5
443酱油jiàngyóusoy sauce5
444讲座jiǎngzuòcourse of lectures5
445艰巨jiānjùarduous, hard, formidable5
446坚决jiānjuéfirm, resolute, determined5
447艰苦jiānkǔdifficult, hard, tough5
448建立jiànlìbuild, establish5
449简历jiǎnlìCV, resume5
450键盘jiànpánkeyboard (piano or typewriter)5
451坚强jiānqiángstrong, firm, tough5
452建设jiànshèto build, construct, construction5
454简直jiǎnzhísimply, utterly, totally, at all, virtually5
455兼职jiānzhípart-time job, second job5
456建筑jiànzhùto build, construct, architecture, building5
457jiāowater, irrigate, pour, sprinkle, cast5
458教材jiàocáiteaching materials5
459角度jiǎodùangle, perspective, point of view5
460狡猾jiǎohuásly, cunning, tricky, foxy, crafty5
461交换jiāohuànto exchange, to swap5
462交际jiāojìcommunication, social intercourse5
463教练jiàoliàncoach, instructor, drill master5
464胶水jiāoshuǐglue (water-based)5
465交往jiāowǎngassociation, contact, to affiliate with5
466教训jiàoxùna lesson, a moral, to chide sb, to lecture sb5
467假如jiǎrúif, supposing, in case, in the event that5
468假设jiǎshèsuppose that, hypothesis, conjecture5
469驾驶jiàshǐdrive, pilot, steer, navigate5
470家庭jiātíngfamily, household5
472家乡jiāxiānghometown, native place5
473价值jiàzhíworth, value5
474假装jiǎzhuāngto pretend, feign5
475夹子jiāziclamp, clip, tongs, folder, wallet5
476基本jīběnbasic, fundamental, on the whole5
477jièperiod, session, to arrive at (place or time), measure word (for events, meetings etc.)5
478jièswear off, warn against5
479接触jiēchùto contact, get in touch5
480接待jiēdàito receive (a visitor), to admit (allow sb to enter)5
481阶段jiēduànstage, phase5
482结构jiégòustructure, composition5
483结合jiéhéto combine, unite, integrate, link5
484接近jiējìnbe close to, near5
485借口jièkǒuto use as an excuse, on the pretext5
486结论jiélùnconclusion, verdict5
487节省jiéshěngeconomise, save5
488结实jiēshisolid, sturdy5
489结账jiézhàngto settle an account5
490戒指jièzhiring (on a finger)5
491及格jígéto pass a test or exam5
492集合jíhéto gather, assemble5
493激烈jīlièintense, fierce5
494系领带jìlǐngdàito tie a necktie5
495记录jìlùtake notes, record5
496纪录jìlùrecord, memorial5
497纪律jìlǜrule, discipline5
499寂寞jìmòlonely, lonesome, quiet, still, silent5
500进步jìnbùadvance, progress, improve, progressive5
501近代jìndàimodern times5
502经典jīngdiǎnclassics, scriptures5
503精力jīnglìenergy, vigour5
504经商jīngshāngbe in business, trade5
505精神jīngshénspirit, mind, consciousness, essence5
506经营jīngyíngmanage, run, operate, plan and organise5
507纪念jìniàncommemorate, commemoration, memento5
508紧急jǐnjíurgent, pressing5
509进口jìnkǒuto import, imported5
510尽快jǐnkuàias soon as possible5
511尽力jìnlìtry one's best, do all one can5
512尽量jǐnliàngas much as possible, to the greatest extent5
513谨慎jǐnshèncautious, prudent, circumspect, careful, mindful5
515极其jíqímost, extremely, exceedingly5
518计算jìsuànto count, to calculate, to compute5
520jiùto rescue, save, assist5
521酒吧jiǔbābar, pub5
523舅舅jiùjiumother's brother, maternal uncle5
524记忆jìyìremember, memory5
525急诊jízhěnemergency (e.g. hospital unit)5
526集中jízhōngfocus, concentrate, amass, centralised5
528具备jùbèito possess, have, be provided with5
529巨大jùdàhuge, enormous5
531决赛juésàifinal (of a competition)5
532角色juésèrole, part (in a play etc), character (in a novel etc)5
533决心juéxīnbe determined, determination5
534俱乐部jùlèbùclub (i.e. a group or organization)5
535军事jūnshìmilitary affairs5
536均匀jūnyúneven, uniform, well-distributed5
537居然jūránunexpectedly, to one's surprise, go so far as to5
538据说jùshuōit is said that, reportedly5
539具体jùtǐconcrete, specific, particular5
540桔子júziorange, tangerine5
541卡车kǎchēlorry, truck5
542开发kāifāto exploit (a resource), open up (for development), to develop5
543开放kāifàngto lift (a ban or restriction), to open to the outside world (politics), to open for public use5
544开幕式kāimùshìopening ceremony5
545开水kāishuǐboiled water, boiling water5
546kǎnchop, cut5
547看不起kànbuqǐlook down on, despise5
548看望kànwàngto call on, visit, see5
549kàoto lean on, support, against, by5
550gram, to subdue, to restrain5
551grain, measure word (for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts)5
552课程kèchéngcourse, class5
553克服kèfúto overcome (hardships etc), to conquer, to put up with, to endure5
554客观kèguānobjectivity, objective5
555可见kějiànit is thus obvious that, we can see that, it shows that5
556可靠kěkàoreliable, dependable5
557刻苦kèkǔassiduous, hardworking5
558可怕kěpàfearful, terrible, frightful, horrible5
560空闲kòngxiánleisure, idle time5
561控制kòngzhìto control, dominate, command5
562口味kǒuwèiflavour, a person's tastes or preferences (in food)5
563kuāpraise, laud, commend, overstate, exaggerate, boast5
564会计kuàijìaccountant, accountancy5
565kuānwide, broad5
566夸张kuāzhāngpraise, laud, commend, overstate, exaggerate, boast5
568扩大kuòdàenlarge, expand, extend5
569辣椒làjiāohot pepper, chilli, chilli pepper5
570láncut off, hinder5
571lànrot, rotten5
572朗读lǎngdúto read aloud5
573老百姓lǎobǎixìngordinary people, the man in the street5
575劳动láodòngwork, labour5
576劳驾láojiàexcuse me, may I trouble you5
577姥姥lǎolaomaternal grandmother, grandma5
579老实lǎoshifrank, honest5
580老鼠lǎoshǔrat, mouse5
581乐观lèguānoptimistic, hopeful5
583类型lèixíngtype, category5
584冷淡lěngdànindifference, unconcerned5
586恋爱liàn'àiin love, romantic love5
587liàngbright, shiny, light, to show, shine5
588良好liánghǎogood, favourable, well, fine5
589粮食liángshigrain, food5
590联合liánhéto combine, to join, unite, alliance5
591连忙liánmángpromptly, at once5
592连续liánxùcontinually, in succession5
593了不起liǎobuqǐgreat, extraordinary5
595离婚líhūnto divorce, be divorced5
596立即lìjíimmediately, at once5
597立刻lìkèimmediately, at once, right away5
598力量lìliàngpower, force5
602领导lǐngdǎolead, leader, leadership5
603灵活línghuóflexible, agile, nimble5
604零件língjiànpart, component5
606领域lǐngyùfield, sphere, domain, realm, area, territory5
609流传liúchuánto spread, circulate, hand down, pass down5
610浏览liúlǎnbrowse, skim through5
611流泪liúlèito cry5
612利息lìxīaccrual, interest (on a loan)5
613利益lìyìbenefit, in sb's interest5
614利用lìyònguse, utilise, exploit, make use of5
615理由lǐyóureason, grounds, justification5
617lòuto leak, divulge, leave out by mistake5
618陆地lùdìland, dry land5
619轮流lúnliúto alternate, take turns5
620论文lùnwéntreatise, paper, thesis5
621落后luòhòubackward, fall behind5
622逻辑luójilogic (loan word)5
623录取lùqǔto recruit, enrol, matriculate5
624陆续lùxùone after another, in succession5
625录音lùyīnto record (sound), sound recording5
626to scold, abuse, curse5
627麦克风màikèfēngmicrophone (loan word)5
628馒头mántousteamed bun5
629满足mǎnzúsatisfied, contented5
630毛病máobìngfault, defect, shortcoming5
631矛盾máodùncontradiction, contradictory (lit. spear-shield)5
632冒险màoxiǎntake a risk5
634魅力mèilìglamour, charm5
635眉毛méimaoeyebrow, brow5
636美术měishùfine arts, art5
638媒体méitǐmedia (esp. news media)5
639梦想mèngxiǎngto dream of, hope vainly, wishful thinking5
640面对miànduìface, confront, meet5
642面临miànlínto be faced with, be confronted with, be up against5
643苗条miáotiaoslim, slender, graceful5
644描写miáoxiěportray, depict, describe5
645蜜蜂mìfēngbee, honeybee5
647敏感mǐngǎnsensitive, susceptible5
648命令mìnglìngcommand, order5
649名牌míngpáifamous brand5
650名片míngpiànbusiness card5
651明确míngquèto clarify, clear-cut5
652名胜古迹míngshènggǔjìplace of historical interest5
653明显míngxiǎnclear, obvious, apparent5
654明星míngxīngstar, celebrity5
655命运mìngyùnfate, destiny5
656密切mìqièintimate, close, carefully, be close5
658feel with the hand, to touch, to stroke, to grope, to feel (one's pulse), imitate, copy5
659模仿mófǎngcopy, imitate5
660模糊móhublurred, indistinct, dim, vague, unclear5
661陌生mòshēngstrange, unfamiliar5
662模特mótèfashion model5
663摩托车mótuōchēmotorcycle, motorbike5
664mǒucertain, some5
665目标mùbiāotarget, goal, objective5
666目录mùlùcatalogue, table of contents, directory (on computer hard drive), list, contents5
667目前mùqiáncurrent time, at present5
668木头mùtouslow-witted, blockhead, log (of wood, timber etc.)5
669难怪nánguàiit's no wonder that, it's not surprising that5
670难免nánmiǎnhard to avoid5
671脑袋nǎodaihead, brains, mental ability5
672哪怕nǎpàeven if5
673内部nèibùinternal, inside5
674内科nèikēinternal medicine (hospital dept using drugs vs. surgery)5
675nèntender, delicate, rare, underdone, light, pale, callow5
676能干nénggànable, capable, competent5
677能源néngyuánenergy, power source5
678ńghuh (interjection)5
679niànread aloud, study, attend school5
680年代niándàia decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties), age, era, period5
682宁可nìngkěwould rather5
684nóngdense, thick5
685农村nóngcūnrural area, countryside, village5
687农业nóngyèagriculture, farming5
688女士nǚshìlady, madam5
689偶然ǒuránaccidental, fortuitous, unexpected5
690欧洲ōuzhōuEurope, European5
691pàisend, appoint, clique, faction, pi (Greek letter)5
692pāito pat, clap, racket, to take a photograph5
693盼望pànwàngto hope for, look forward to5
694赔偿péichángto compensate5
695佩服pèifuto admire5
696配合pèihématching, fitting in with, compatible with, to correspond, to fit, to conform to, to cooperate5
697培训péixùnto cultivate, train5
698培养péiyǎngto train, develop, groom (for a position)5
699pénbasin, tub, pot5
700pèngtouch, bump, meet, run into5
701measure word (for horses, mules, cloth)5
702to ascertain, to act on, to criticise, to pass on, measure word (for batches, lots, military flights)5
703drape over one's shoulder5
704piànthin piece, flake, slice, measure word (for slices, tablets, tract of land, area of water, CDs, movies, DVDs, scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc.)5
705片面piànmiànunilateral, one-sided5
706piāoto float5
707疲劳píláoexhausted, tired5
708频道píndàochannel (TV), frequency5
709píngflat, level, equal, to tie (make the same score), to draw (score), calm, peaceful5
710píngrely on, depend on, lean on5
711平安píng'ānsafe and sound5
712平常píngchánggenerally, usually, ordinary, common5
713平等píngděngequal, equality5
714平方píngfāngsquare (foot, mile, root etc.)5
715平衡pínghéngbalanced, balance, equilibrium5
716评价píngjiàto evaluate, asses, evaluation5
717平静píngjìngcalm, quiet, tranquil5
718平均píngjūnaverage, mathematical mean5
719拼音pīnyīnpinyin (Romanisation of Chinese)5
720批准pīzhǔnto ratify, approve5
721破产pòchǎnto go bankrupt, go broke5
722破坏pòhuàito ruin, destroy, destruction, damage5
723迫切pòqièpressing, urgent5
724qiànowe, lack, yawn5
725qiǎnshallow, simple, superficial, light5
726qiānsign one's name5
728qiǎngsnatch, grab, scramble, fight over5
729qiānggun, spear5
730强调qiángdiàoto emphasise, stress5
731强烈qiánglièintense, strong, violent5
732前途qiántúprospects, future outlook5
733谦虚qiānxūmodest, self-effacing, make modest remarks5
734qiáolook, see5
735巧妙qiǎomiàoclever, ingenious5
736悄悄qiāoqiāoquietly, secretly, stealthily5
737期待qīdàito expect, look forward to5
738qiēto cut, to slice5
739启发qǐfāto enlighten, to explain and arouse interest, to inspire, inspiration5
740气氛qìfēnatmosphere, ambience5
741奇迹qíjìmiracle, marvel, wonder5
742期间qījiāntime, period5
743亲爱qīn'àidear, beloved (way of starting a letter)5
745qīnggreen or blue, youth5
746青春qīngchūnyouth, youthfulness, youthful age5
747清淡qīngdànlight (of food, not greasy or strongly flavoured), insipid5
748情景qíngjǐngscene, sight5
749请求qǐngqiúrequest, ask for sth5
750青少年qīngshàoniánjuvenile, adolescent, teenager, teenage5
751轻视qīngshìlook down upon, despise, belittle, underestimate5
752情绪qíngxùmorale, feeling, mood5
753轻易qīngyìlightly and easily, lightly, easily5
755亲切qīnqiècordial, kind5
757球迷qiúmífootball fan, crazy about sports5
758企业qǐyèenterprise, business5
759汽油qìyóugasoline, petrol5
760其余qíyúthe others, the rest, the remainder5
761marry (a woman), take a wife5
763quānto confine, enclose, a fold, circle, ring, loop, measure word (for loops, orbits, laps of a race)5
764权力quánlìpower, authority, jurisdiction5
765权利quánlìpower, right, privilege5
766全面quánmiànoverall, all-round, comprehensive5
767确定quèdìngto make certain, make sure, definite, certain, fixed, to determine, OK (on computer pop-up)5
768缺乏quēfábe short of, lack5
769确认quèrènto confirm5
770qúngroup, crowd, flock, herd etc5
771去世qùshìto pass away, die5
772趋势qūshìtrend, tendency5
773取消qǔxiāoto cancel, call off5
774燃烧ránshāoburn, kindle5
775ràogo around, wind, coil (thread)5
776热爱rè'àito love ardently, adore5
777热烈rèlièwarm (welcome etc.), ardent, enthusiastic5
778忍不住rěnbuzhùcannot help, cannot resist, cannot bear5
779人才réncáitalented person5
781人类rénlèimankind, humanity, humankind5
782人民币rénmínbìRenminbi (RMB), Chinese Yuan (CNY), the name of China's currency5
783人生rénshēnghuman life5
784人事rénshìhuman affairs, ways of the world5
785人物rénwùfigure, character (in a play, novel etc.)5
786人员rényuánpersonnel, staff5
787热心rèxīnenthusiastic, ardent5
788日常rìchángdaily, everyday5
789日程rìchéngschedule, itinerary5
792日用品rìyòngpǐndaily necessaries5
793日子rìzidays, date, time, life, livelihood5
795软件ruǎnjiànsoftware (computer)5
796如何rúhéhow, what5
797如今rújīnnowadays, now5
800嗓子sǎngzithroat, larynx, voice5
801色彩sècǎicolour, hue, flavour, appeal5
803shāto kill, murder5
804shàishine on, dry in the sun, sunbathe5
806删除shānchúto delete5
808上当shàngdàngbe fooled, be taken in5
809伤害shānghàihurt, harm, damage, injure, wound5
810商品shāngpǐncommodity, goods5
811商务shāngwùcommerce, business5
812商业shāngyècommerce, trade, business5
813善良shànliángkind, virtuous5
814善于shànyúbe good at, be adept in5
815扇子shànzifan (that can create airflow through waving)5
816沙滩shātānsand bar, beach5
818设备shèbèiequipment, facilities5
819舍不得shěbudehate to part with/spend/use, begrudge5
820设计shèjìplan, design, to design, to plan5
821射击shèjīto shoot, to fire (a gun)5
823身材shēncáistature, build (height and weight), figure5
824身份shēnfènidentity, status5
825shēngto raise, promote, metric litre5
826生产shēngchǎnchildbirth, to produce, manufacture, production5
827声调shēngdiàotone, the tone of Chinese character5
828生动shēngdòngvivid, lively5
829胜利shènglìvictory, triumph5
830省略shěnglüèomit, omission5
831生长shēngzhǎngto grow, grow up5
832绳子shéngzistring, rope5
833神话shénhuàmythology, myth, fairy tale5
834深刻shēnkèdeep, profound5
835神秘shénmìmysterious, mystical5
836设施shèshīfacilities, installation, establishment5
837摄影shèyǐngto take a photo, shoot (a film)5
839士兵shìbīngsoldier, private, enlisted man5
840时差shíchātime difference, jet lag5
841市场shìchǎngmarket place, market5
842时代shídàitimes, age, era, epoch5
843似的shìdeseem as if5
844实话shíhuàtruthful words, truth5
845实践shíjiànto practice, to put into practice, to fulfil5
846使劲儿shǐjìnrkeep at it, give everything one has5
847试卷shìjuànexamination paper5
849时髦shímáoin fashion5
850失眠shīmiánto be unable to sleep, suffer from insomnia5
851时期shíqīperiod (in time or history)5
852失去shīqùto lose5
853湿润shīrùnmoist, damp, humid5
854时尚shíshàngfashion, style, vogue5
858事物shìwùthing, object5
859实习shíxípractice, praxis, exercise and learn in the real world5
860实现shíxiànrealise, achieve, bring about5
861事先shìxiānin advance, beforehand5
862实验shíyànexperiment, test5
863失业shīyèlose one's job, unemployment5
864实用shíyòngpractical, pragmatic, applied (science)5
865始终shǐzhōngfrom beginning to end5
867手工shǒugōnghandwork, manual5
868收获shōuhuògain, harvest5
869收据shōujùreceipt, voucher5
870寿命shòumìnglife span, life expectancy5
871受伤shòushāngto sustain injuries, wounded (in an accident etc), harmed5
872手术shǒushùoperation, surgical operation5
876shǔnumber, figure, plan, to count, calculate, several, frequently, repeatedly5
877shuǎifling, throw5
878摔倒shuāidǎotrip, fall, stumble5
879双方shuāngfāngboth sides, the two parties5
880鼠标shǔbiāomouse (computing)5
881蔬菜shūcàivegetable, greens5
882shuìtax, duty, tariff5
885熟练shúliànskilled, practiced, proficient5
886数码shùmǎnumber, numeral5
887说不定shuōbudìngcannot say for sure, maybe, perhaps5
888说服shuōfúpersuade, convince5
889输入shūrùto import, input5
890舒适shūshìcomfortable, cosy, snug5
891属于shǔyúbelong to, be a part of5
893tear up5
895丝毫sīháovery little, of the slightest amount or degree5
896似乎sìhūit seems, as if, seemingly5
897思考sīkǎoto think over, ponder over, reflect upon, consider5
898私人sīrénprivate, personal5
899思想sīxiǎngthought, thinking, idea, ideology5
900搜索sōusuǒto search, look for sth, look sth up, internet search5
901suìto break down, broken, fragmentary5
902随身suíshēnto carry on one's person, to take with one5
903随时suíshíat any time, at all time5
904随手suíshǒuwithout extra trouble5
905损失sǔnshīto lose, damage, loss5
906suǒplace, measure word (for houses, small buildings, institutions etc.)5
907suǒto lock up, to lock5
908缩短suōduǎnshorten, curtail, cut short5
909宿舍sùshèhostel, living quarters, dormitory5
910台阶táijiēflight of steps (leading up to a house), step (over obstacle), bench, way out of an embarrassing situation5
911太极拳tàijíquánTaiji (shadow boxing)5
912太太tàitaiwife, Mrs.5
913tàngscald, burn, iron, perm5
914谈判tánpànto negotiate5
915坦率tǎnshuàiopen, frank, candid5
916táoto escape, flee5
918tàocover with, encase, measure word (for sets, collections)5
919逃避táobìevade, shirk5
920讨价还价tǎojiàhuánjiàto haggle over price5
922疼爱téngàito love dearly5
923特色tèsècharacteristic, distinguishing feature or quality5
924特殊tèshūspecial, peculiar, exceptional5
925特征tèzhēngdistinctive sign, characteristic, feature, trait5
926天空tiānkōngsky, heavens5
927天真tiānzhēnnaïve, innocent5
928调皮tiáopíplayful, naughty, mischievous, disobedient (e.g. child)5
930调整tiáozhěngto adjust, regulate, revise5
931提倡tíchàngto advocate, promote5
933体会tǐhuìrealise, know (through learning or experience)5
934题目tímùtitle, subject5
935体贴tǐtiēshow consideration for5
936提问tíwènto question, raise a question (in a class or meeting)5
937体现tǐxiànembody, incarnate5
938体验tǐyànto experience for oneself5
939通常tōngchángusual, general, normal5
940痛苦tòngkǔpainful, suffering5
941痛快tòngkuàivery happy, delighted5
942统一tǒngyīunify, unite, unified5
944透明tòumíngtransparent, lucid5
945投入tóurùput into, throw into, invest, investment5
946投资tóuzīinvestment, to invest5
947to vomit, throw up5
948tuánregiment, round, circular, group, society5
949突出tūchūoutstanding, stand out5
950土地tǔdìland, soil, territory5
952退tuìreturn, give back, withdraw, fade5
953退步tuìbùto regress, fall behind, retrogression5
954推辞tuīcíto decline, refuse, turn down (an offer)5
955推广tuīguǎngpopularise, spread5
957退休tuìxiūretire (from work)5
958兔子tùzihare, rabbit5
959wāiaskew, crooked, awry5
960外公wàigōngmaternal grandfather5
961外交wàijiāodiplomacy, foreign affairs5
962往返wǎngfǎnto and from, out and home5
963网络wǎngluònetwork (computing, telecommunications, transport etc.), internet5
967完善wánshànperfect, to make perfect, to improve5
968万一wànyīone in a thousand, eventuality, in case5
969完整wánzhěngcomplete, intact5
972未必wèibìnot necessarily, may not, perhaps not5
973伟大wěidàgreat, mighty5
974违反wéifǎnto violate (a law)5
975危害wēihàiendanger, jeopardise, harm5
976围巾wéijīnscarf, muffler, shawl5
979委屈wěiquto feel wronged, to nurse a grievance, to cause sb to feel wronged5
980围绕wéiràoround, surround, revolve around5
982威胁wēixiéto threaten, menace5
983维修wéixiūto mend, repair, maintenance5
984唯一wéiyīonly, sole5
985位于wèiyúlie on, be located in, be situated in5
986位置wèizhìplace, position, seat5
987wénto hear, smell, news5
988wěnlips, kiss, touch or caress with one's lips5
989稳定wěndìngstable, steady5
990问候wènhòuto give one's respects, to send a greeting5
992文具wénjùstationery, item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc.)5
993文明wénmíngcivilisation, civilised5
995温柔wēnróusoft, mild, gentle5
999握手wòshǒuto shake hands5
1000fog, mist5
1003无奈wúnàihave no alternative (abbr. for无可奈何 wúkěnàihé)5
1004无数wúshùinnumerable, countless5
1005武术wǔshùmilitary skill or technique (in former times), martial arts (also called 功夫 gōngfu)5
1006无所谓wúsuǒwèibe indifferent, not care, cannot be called5
1007物质wùzhìmatter, substance, material5
1009department (in a university), to tie5
1010xiàto frighten, scare5
1011xiābecome blind, groundlessly, to no purpose, aimlessly5
1012夏令营xiàlìngyíngsummer camp5
1014现代xiàndàimodern times, the contemporary age5
1015显得xiǎndelook, seem, appear5
1016xiàngitem, thing, back of neck5
1018相处xiāngchǔget along with each other5
1019相当xiāngdāngequivalent to, appropriate, considerably, to a certain extent, fairly5
1020相对xiāngduìface each other, be opposite, relative5
1021相关xiāngguāncorrelate, correlation5
1023项目xiàngmùitem, project5
1024想念xiǎngniànto remember with longing, miss5
1025象棋xiàngqíChinese chess5
1026享受xiǎngshòuenjoy, enjoyment5
1027相似xiāngsìsimilar, alike5
1028想象xiǎngxiàngto imagine, to fancy5
1029象征xiàngzhēngto symbolise, signify, symbol, token5
1030显然xiǎnránobvious, obviously5
1031现实xiànshíreality, actuality5
1032显示xiǎnshìto show, to illustrate, to display, to demonstrate5
1033现象xiànxiàngappearance, phenomenon5
1034鲜艳xiānyànbrightly coloured5
1035限制xiànzhìto confine, restrict, limit, restriction5
1036消费xiāofèito consume, consumption, expense5
1037消化xiāohuàdigest, digestion5
1038消极xiāojínegative, passive, inactive5
1041小气xiǎoqimean, stingy, penny-pinching5
1042消失xiāoshīto disappear, vanish5
1044孝顺xiàoshunfilial piety, be obedient to one's parents5
1045下载xiàzàito download (also pronounced xiàzài)5
1046xiétilted, slanting5
1047xiēto rest5
1048写作xiězuòwriting, written works5
1049细节xìjiédetail, specific5
1050戏剧xìjùdrama, play, theatre5
1051形成xíngchéngto take shape, form5
1052行动xíngdòngto move, act, action5
1053幸亏xìngkuīluckily, fortunately5
1055形容xíngróngto describe, description, appearance, look5
1056形势xíngshìsituation, circumstances5
1057形式xíngshìform, shape, situation, circumstance5
1058行为xíngwéiact, action, behaviour, conduct5
1059形象xíngxiàngimage, form, figure, visualization5
1060幸运xìngyùnfortunate, lucky, fortune, luck5
1061性质xìngzhìquality, nature, character5
1062形状xíngzhuàngshape, figure, form5
1064心理xīnlǐpsychology, mentality, thought, psychological5
1065信任xìnrènto trust, confide in, depend on, have faith in5
1066欣赏xīnshǎngappreciate, enjoy, admire, like5
1068xiōngchest, bosom, heart, mind, thorax5
1069兄弟xiōngdìolder and younger brothers5
1070吸取xīqǔto absorb, to draw (a lesson, insight etc), to assimilate5
1071吸收xīshōuto absorb, to assimilate, to ingest5
1073修改xiūgǎito revise, modify, revision, modification5
1075宣布xuānbùto declare, announce5
1076宣传xuānchuánto publicise, propaganda5
1077xuèblood (also pronounced xiě or xuě) 5
1078学历xuélìeducational background5
1079学术xuéshùsystematic learning, science5
1080学问xuéwenlearning, knowledge, scholarship5
1081训练xùnliànto train, drill, training5
1082迅速xùnsùrapid, speedy, quick5
1083询问xúnwènask about, inquire about, solicit opinions5
1084寻找xúnzhǎolook for, seek5
1085叙述xùshùnarrate, relate, recount5
1086虚心xūxīnmodest, open-minded5
1088押金yājīndeposit, guarantee5
1089延长yánchángto lengthen, prolong, extend5
1091样式yàngshìstyle, mode, manner5
1093宴会yànhuìbanquet, feast, dinner party5
1094演讲yǎnjiǎnggive a lecture, make a speech5
1095严肃yánsùserious, solemn5
1096yáosway, shake5
1097yǎoto bite, to nip5
1099要不yàobùotherwise, or else, or5
1100night, evening5
1101业务yèwùbusiness, professional work5
1102业余yèyúamateur, not professional5
1103亿a hundred million5
1104the second of the ten Heavenly Stems, second (in order)5
1105一辈子yíbèizilifetime, for a lifetime5
1106一旦yídànonce, in case, in one day5
1107移动yídòngmobile, movement, to move, shift5
1108遗憾yíhànpity, regret5
1109以及yǐjías well as, along with, and5
1110以来yǐláisince (a previous event)5
1111一律yílǜwithout exception, same, uniformly5
1112议论yìlùnto discuss, comment on5
1113移民yímínto immigrate, to migrate, emigrant, immigrant5
1114yínsilver, silver-coloured, relating to money or currency5
1115因而yīn'érthus, as a result5
1116yìnghard, stiff, strong, firm5
1117应付yìngfudeal with, cope with, make do with5
1119迎接yíngjiēto welcome, greet, receive5
1122营养yíngyǎngnutrition, nourishment5
1123营业yíngyèto do business, to trade5
1124应用yìngyòngto use, apply, application, applicable5
1127因素yīnsùfactor, element5
1128依然yīránas before, still5
1129意外yìwàiaccidental, unexpected, accident5
1130疑问yíwèndoubt, query, question5
1131义务yìwùduty, obligation, moral responsibility5
1132意义yìyìmeaning, sense, significance5
1133一再yízàirepeatedly, again and again5
1134一致yízhìunanimous, consistent, identical (views or opinions)5
1135拥抱yōngbàoembrace, hug5
1136用功yònggōnghardworking, diligent5
1137拥挤yōngjǐpush, squeeze, press, shove5
1139用途yòngtúuse, purpose, application5
1140幼儿园yòu'éryuánkindergarten, nursery school5
1141优惠yōuhuìpreferential, favourable5
1142悠久yōujiǔlong, age-old, longstanding5
1143游览yóulǎnvisit, tour, go sightseeing5
1144有利yǒulìadvantageous, beneficial5
1145优美yōuměifine, graceful5
1146优势yōushìsuperiority, dominance, advantage5
1147犹豫yóuyùbe unsure, hesitate5
1148油炸yóuzhádeep-fry, deep-fried5
1149yuánround, circular, circle5
1150元旦yuándànNew Year's Day5
1151员工yuángōngemployee, staff5
1152原料yuánliàoraw material5
1153愿望yuànwàngdesire, wish, aspiration5
1154原则yuánzéprinciple, doctrine5
1155预报yùbàoto predict, forecast, prediction5
1156预订yùdìngto book ahead, place an order5
1157乐器yuèqìmusical instrument5
1158预防yùfángprevent, take precautions against5
1159娱乐yúlèto entertain, amuse, entertainment, hobby5
1160玉米yùmǐmaize, corn5
1161yūnswoon, faint, pass out, lose consciousness5
1162运气yùnqiluck (good or bad)5
1163运输yùnshūtransport, haulage, transit5
1164运用yùnyòngto utilise, apply5
1165与其yǔqírather than, better than (usage: 与其… 不如… rather than..., better to...)5
1166语气yǔqìtone, manner of speaking, mood5
1167灾害zāihàicalamity, disaster5
1168在乎zàihucare about5
1169再三zàisānagain and again, over and over again5
1170在于zàiyúlie in, consist in, depend on, rest with5
1171赞成zànchéngagree with, approve of, favour5
1172赞美zànměito admire, applause, praise, eulogize5
1173造成zàochéngbring about, cause, create5
1174糟糕zāogāotoo bad, how terrible, what bad luck, terrible, bad5
1175then, in that case (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause), standard, norm5
1176责备zébèito blame, to criticize sb5
1177zhǎinarrow, petty-minded5
1178zhāito pick (flowers, fruit), to pluck5
1179zhànoccupy, seize, take, constitute5
1180zhǎnggo up, rise (of prices, rivers)5
1181长辈zhǎngbèielder generation5
1182账户zhànghùbank account5
1183掌握zhǎngwòto grasp, master, know well, to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny)5
1184展开zhǎnkāito spread out, unfold, open up5
1185展览zhǎnlǎnto put on display, exhibit, show5
1186粘贴zhāntiēto plaster, stick, paste5
1187战争zhànzhēngwar, conflict5
1188照常zhàochángas usual (business etc.)5
1189招待zhāodàireceive, entertain (guests)5
1190召开zhàokāito convene (a conference or meeting), to convoke, to call together5
1191着凉zháoliángto catch a cold5
1192着火zhehuǒbe on fire5
1193zhènshort period of time, measure word (for events or state of a short duration)5
1194振动zhèndòngto vibrate, vibration5
1195诊断zhěnduàndiagnose, diagnosis5
1196针对zhēnduìbe aimed at, be directed against5
1197zhèngupright, centrally located, exactly (of time or figure), correct5
1198zhèngstruggle to get free, try to break loose, earn, make5
1199zhēngopen (the eyes)5
1201整个zhěnggèwhole, entire5
1202证件zhèngjiànpaperwork, credentials5
1203证据zhèngjùevidence, proof, testimony5
1204争论zhēnglùnto argue, debate, argument, contention5
1205整齐zhěngqíin good order, neat, tidy5
1206征求zhēngqiúto ask for, seek, solicit5
1207争取zhēngqǔto fight for, to strive for, to win over5
1208整体zhěngtǐoverall, whole, as a whole (situation, construction, team etc.), macrocosm5
1209政治zhèngzhìpolitics, political5
1210真实zhēnshítrue, real, authentic5
1211珍惜zhēnxītreasure, value, cherish5
1213zhístraight, frank, straightforward, vertical, vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters5
1214zhīto support, sustain, erect, raise, branch, division, draw money, measure word (for rod-like things e.g. pens, pencils, guns, for army divisions, songs, power of light bulb)5
1215指导zhǐdǎoto guide, to give directions, to direct, to coach, guidance, tuition5
1216制定zhìdìngto establish, lay down, stipulate5
1217制度zhìdùsystem (e.g. political, administrative etc.), institution5
1218智慧zhìhuìwisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intelligent5
1219指挥zhǐhuīto conduct, to command, to direct, conductor (of an orchestra)5
1220至今zhìjīnup to now, to this day, so far5
1221治疗zhìliáoto treat, to cure, medical treatment, cure5
1222支票zhīpiàocheque, check (bank)5
1223秩序zhìxùorder, orderly state5
1224至于zhìyúas for, as to, to such an extent, to go so far as to5
1225志愿者zhìyuànzhěvolunteer, applicant5
1226制造zhìzàoto manufacture, to make5
1227执照zhízhàolicence, permit5
1228制作zhìzuòproduce, make, build, construct5
1229重大zhòngdàgreat, important, major, significant5
1230中介zhōngjièagent, intermediary5
1231种类zhǒnglèikind, type, sort, variety5
1233中心zhōngxīncentre, heart5
1234中旬zhōngxúnperiod of the second ten days of a month5
1235shǒuhead, first, leader, measure word (for songs)5
1236周到zhōudàothoughtful, considerate5
1237zhǔcook, boil5
1238zhūpig, hog, swine5
1239zhuāseize, grab, catch, scratch, stress5
1240抓紧zhuājǐnfirmly grasp, pay close attention to5
1241转变zhuǎnbiànchange, transform5
1242zhuàngcollide, bump against, run into5
1243zhuāngto act, pretend, load, assemble, fit5
1244转告zhuǎngàoto pass on, to communicate, to transmit5
1245状况zhuàngkuàngstate of affairs, condition5
1246装饰zhuāngshìdecorate, adorn, ornament, accessory5
1247状态zhuàngtàistate, condition5
1248装修zhuāngxiūfix, install5
1249专家zhuānjiāexpert, specialist5
1250专心zhuānxīnbe absorbed, attentive, concentrating5
1251逐步zhúbùstep by step, gradually5
1252注册zhùcèenrol, register5
1253主持zhǔchíto take charge of, manage, direct, preside over, uphold, to stand for (e.g. justice), host (a TV or radio program etc.)5
1254主动zhǔdòngto take the initiative, to do sth of one's own accord, active5
1255祝福zhùfúbless, benediction5
1256主观zhǔguānsubject, subjective thinking, subjective5
1257zhuīrun after, pursue, trace, go after5
1258追求zhuīqiúto pursue, seek, woo, run after (a woman)5
1259逐渐zhújiàngradually, by degrees5
1260主人zhǔrénmaster, host, owner5
1261主任zhǔrèndirector, head, chief5
1262主题zhǔtítheme, subject, topic5
1263主席zhǔxíchairperson, premier, chairman5
1264主张zhǔzhāngto advocate, idea, view, proposition5
1267自从zìcóngsince (a time), ever since5
1270自豪zìháoto be proud of sth (in a good way), feel a sense of pride5
1271资金zījīnfunds, money for business use, capital5
1272自觉zìjuébe aware of, conscious, conscientious5
1273资料zīliàomaterial, resources, data, information5
1274字幕zìmùcaption, subtitle5
1275字母zìmǔletter (of the alphabet)5
1276姿势zīshìposture, gesture, pose, carriage5
1277自私zìsīselfish, self-centred, self-concerned5
1278咨询zīxúnrefer, consult5
1279自由zìyóufreedom, liberty, free, unrestrained5
1280自愿zìyuànvolunteer, be willing to5
1281资源zīyuánnatural resource (e.g. water or minerals), resource (e.g. manpower or tourism)5
1282总裁zǒngcáichairman, president5
1283总共zǒnggòngaltogether, in all, in the aggregate, in total5
1284综合zōnghéto synthesise, integrate5
1285总理zǒnglǐpremier, prime minister5
1286总算zǒngsuànat long last, finally, in the end, on the whole5
1287总统zǒngtǒngpresident (of a country)5
1288总之zǒngzhīin short, in brief, in a nutshell, to sum up5
1289to form, to organise, group, team5
1290组成zǔchéngform, compose, constitute, make5
1291组合zǔhéto assemble5
1292zuìbecome drunk, be tipsy5
1293最初zuìchūfirst, initial5
1294尊敬zūnjìngrespect, esteem5
1295遵守zūnshǒuto comply with, abide by, respect (an agreement)5
1296作品zuòpǐnworks (of literature and art)5
1297作为zuòwéiregard as, take for, as5
1298作文zuòwénwrite a composition, composition5
1299阻止zǔzhǐto prevent, block, stop5
1300组织zǔzhīto organise, organisation5
